Welcome to Saint John School

Office Hours:  Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 3:15 PM

Tues. & Wed., Oct. 15 & 16, 2024 -

Early Release Days



Welcome to the St John School Website.  Catholic schools stand out from other educational institutions and the St John School is no exception.  We serve grades PreK3-Grade 8.  All of our students are taught about the Catholic faith – not just the basics of Christianity, but how to have a relationship with God.  St John students are held to the highest of standards, each child is inspired to reach his or her potential.  Lastly, our students learn the importance of service, the giving of one’s time and effort to help others.

As the Principal of the St John School, I promise that your child will be in a safe, faith based learning environment that emphasizes Gospel values. Our amazing faculty and staff are dedicated to each child's academic success and spiritual growth.

I encourage you to call to schedule a tour of our school and to see firsthand our faith filled learning milieu. I look forward to hearing from you!

God Bless You
Mother Elaine, SCMC, Principal


Mission Statement

The mission of St. John Catholic School is to provide an opportunity for students, parents, and staff to foster a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.  Infused with our faith, we strive to provide challenging academic programs in which dedicated, professional educators and families work together in a safe environment to inspire individual growth, self-discipline, confidence and Christian service.


Our shared efforts are directed toward creating an environment rich in opportunities to prepare our students spiritually, intellectually, socially, and emotionally for the future.

We are proud that both parents and students consider our school a great place to learn and we partner together in the words of our motto, to "educate the whole child."  We invite you to be part of our school community where Jesus is the core.

From the Principal          October 9, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·    Uniform Policy – Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Formal uniform is now the only uniform to be worn for Grades 1 - 8:

Boys - pants, button down shirt and tie. 

Girls - Blouse with jumper or skirt.


See our 2024-25 Parent and Student Handbook for details.


·   No School - Columbus Day – Monday, October 14, 2024


·   Early Release Days – Tuesday, October 15 & Wednesday, October 16   1 PM

    Please remember to send in your Home to Office Communication that morning if your child is in need of After Care.


·   Parent Teacher Conferences – Tuesday, October 15 & Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Schedule your appointment directly with your child’s teacher.


·   Morning Drop-Off Location Change – Friday, October 18, 2024

    8:20 – 8:45 AM Side Cafeteria Doors are being used for entrance into the school.  There is an exhibit in the gymnasium and we are not using the back gym doors.


·  Vatican Eucharistic Miracles of the World Exhibit  - Friday, October 18  

         Saint John School is hosting the Vatican Eucharistic Miracles of the World Exhibit which includes posters depicting more than 125 Eucharistic miracles from various countries around the world and more than 25 posters of holy men and women whose lives were significantly impacted by the Eucharist.


Saint John School students in Grades 5-8 are attending a presentation by Deacon Ben LoCasto on Friday morning followed by a visit to the exhibit during the school day. Saint Pio Faith Formation classes are attending the exhibit on Saturday morning and again Sunday evening.  This exhibit is open to the public on Saturday, October 19 from 2-6 PM and Sunday from 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM. Parents and families are welcome to come during the public times and see the ways Jesus has removed doubts and proven His presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament. 


·    Pearls & Plaid Shop for a Cause - Saturday, October 19, 10 AM - 5 PM

   Pearls & Plaid, owned by Caroline Olson, a Saint John School parent, is donating 20% of all school sales on October 19 to our PTO.  Be sure to mention “Saint John School” when you checkout!

·   No Go Tell - Monday, October 21, 2024

   The Diocese of Norwich No Go Tell program is being presented to our students.  Our Safe Environment Office has released videos adapted from lesson plans from our No Go Tell Curriculum. Each grade level (Kindergarten - 8th Grade), will see a video which is age-appropriate, developmentally appropriate, and consistent with the moral teachings of the Catholic Church. These videos based on our prior lessons are designed to promote respect for the dignity of the human person and the development of a moral conscience.


·   Focus Group with Parents of Kindergarten – 8th Grade Students – Wednesday, October 23, 2024  6:00 – 7:00 PM

Your SJS School Board continues to work on a strategic plan. The plan has several components, each focusing on maintaining school operations, ensuring sound academic programs and building a thriving SJS community (Parents, Students, Faculty, and Parishioners).


We are seeking your feedback on the current strengths and opportunities of our school. The Board invites you to share your thoughts with us on October 23rd from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. The meeting will be held in the SJS school auditorium.


Babysitting will be provided. We look forward to your participation.


·    Trunk or Treat – Friday, October 25, 2024

    We are looking for volunteers to decorate their trunks or back of their trucks for our students to visit for “Trunk or Treating”.  Our goal is to have a total of 40 vehicles.  See the email sent yesterday with the link to volunteer.


·    Dress Down / Dress Up Days in honor of Mrs. Kusmierski

o   October 31, 2024 - $3 Orange/Black Dress Down Day

o   November 11, 2024 - $3 Red/White/Blue Dress Up Day

o   November 26, 2024 - $3 Dress Down Day 


·    First Friday Mass – November 1, 2024   9:15 AM at St. John Church

   Parents and grandparents are welcome to join our students and staff at morning Mass at Saint John Church.


·    Grandparent’s Day – November 1, 2024 

             9:15 AM – Morning Mass

             10:00 AM – Refreshments

             10:30 – 11:30 AM – Class Tour and Activities


An email is being sent with the registration form for Grandparent’s Day.  Please RSVP by Thursday, October 24, 2024.


·   Early Release Day – Friday, November 1, 2024   1 PM

   Please remember to send in your Home to Office Communication that morning if your child is in need of After Care.


·     Veteran’s Day Assembly – Monday, November 11, 2024  9:30 AM

Saint John School takes this day to honor the Veteran’s in our families with a special Assembly.


·     PTO Meeting – Thursday, November 21  5 PM

Please note the change in the meeting date due to the Thanksgiving holiday.


·   Luxury Raffle Update – We are approaching 2,000 tickets sold.  Thank you to everyone who has helped in this effort.  There are a limited amount of tickets available and still time to help.  Remember each ticket sold on behalf of your child goes towards your PTO Assessment Fees.


·    InchBug Labels Fundraiser – now through June 30th.

This PTO Fundraiser through InchBug Labels has personalized name labels and tags for all your child's school items through InchBug so nothing gets lost at school again!  Place your order online either by using:


School Shopping Link: https://bit.ly/4fYpFEH



Orders are shipped right to your home! Share the link with your friends and family!  SJS earns 20% back on every purchase made!  


·    Charleston Wrap Fundraiser – October 21 – November 11

Our very important fundraiser kicks off soon!  Look out for our Charleston Wrap fundraising info coming soon and get ready to check off your holiday gift list!  You're going to LOVE what you see, and your support helps us reach our fundraising goal! 



·    Pop Tabs – Collection through Dec. 10 for the Ronald McDonald House.

Collect pop tabs from beverage cans as well as pet food, vegetables and fruit qualify.  Encourage students to ask relatives, neighbors, clubs or teams to help with the collection. Tomorrow is our next weigh-in.


Last week’s results:

3rd Place:   Kindergarten

2nd Place:  6th Grade

1st Place:   2nd Grade


The total for the weigh-in was 8.8 lbs.  Our total after 3 weeks is 29.6 lbs.


·   Recyclable Cans & Bottles

   Sister Gabriel is collecting clean recyclable cans and bottles.  Please drop off any donations in the main office.  Don’t forget to remove the tabs from cans for your child’s classroom collection prior to donating.


·   Lunch Orders for November - Due by October 25, 2024 

November lunch orders are being accepted.  Payment (cash, check, money order and credit card) is due when the order is submitted.  Credit Card payments are accepted in person during school hours.


·    School Assessment & Volunteer Hours –

The following are the current 2024-25 Service Hours and Assessment Requirements for Saint John School families (these are per family and not per student):


Grades Kindergarten through Grade 8:  30 service hours / $400.00 assessment

Pre-Kindergarten:  15 service hours / $250.00 assessment


Get started today to complete your requirements for your volunteer hours and assessment for 2024-25.  Visit our Luxury Raffle volunteer page for a list of volunteer opportunities.


Questions:  Contact Ann Bassolino at luxuryraffle@saintjohnschoolos.org regarding our Luxury Raffle Volunteer possibilities.


·    Volunteers needed for Morning Care

   Do you have time available from 8 – 8:45 AM a few days a week?  We are looking for a few volunteers (time can be added towards assessment requirements), to assist with monitoring the door as children are dropped off for school at Saint John School. Volunteers need to be Safe Environment trained.  Contact the office if interested and/or in need of Safe Environment training. 


·    Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon.  Deacon Brian continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.  God willing, Deacon Brian will be ordained a priest in 2025.


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (see link).     


Pray With Mother

Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

On-line – InchBug Labels

October 4, 2024 – First Friday Mass

October 14, 2024 – Columbus Day, No School

October 15, 2024 – Return to Formal Uniforms

October 15 & 16, 2024 – Early Dismissal

October 15 & 16, 2024 – Parent/Teacher Conferences

October 18, 2024 – Vatican Eucharistic Miracle Exhibit

October 19, 2024 – Pearls and Plaid Shop for a Cause

October 25, 2024 – Trunk or Treat

October 31, 2024 – Orange/Black Dress Down Day

November 1, 2024 – First Friday Mass

November 1, 2024 – Grandparent’s Day

November 1, 2024 – Early Dismissal

November 11, 2024 – Veteran’s Day Celebration

November 11, 2024 – Red/White/Blue Dress Up Day

November 21, 2024 – School Picture Retakes

November 21, 2024 – PTO Meeting

November 26, 2024 – Dress Down Day


 Parent Teacher Organization 


  E-mail:  pto@saintjohnschoolos.org