Welcome to Saint John School

   Office Hours:  Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 3:15 PM 

OPEN HOUSE:  Sunday, March 23, 2025   10 AM - 1:30 PM

No School - Monday, March 24, 2025 (Teacher's Professional Development Day)



Welcome to the St John School Website.  Catholic schools stand out from other educational institutions and the St John School is no exception.  We serve grades PreK3-Grade 8.  All of our students are taught about the Catholic faith – not just the basics of Christianity, but how to have a relationship with God.  St John students are held to the highest of standards, each child is inspired to reach his or her potential.  Lastly, our students learn the importance of service, the giving of one’s time and effort to help others.

As the Principal of the St John School, I promise that your child will be in a safe, faith based learning environment that emphasizes Gospel values. Our amazing faculty and staff are dedicated to each child's academic success and spiritual growth.

I encourage you to call to schedule a tour of our school and to see firsthand our faith filled learning milieu. I look forward to hearing from you!

God Bless You
Mother Elaine, SCMC, Principal


Mission Statement

The mission of St. John Catholic School is to provide an opportunity for students, parents, and staff to foster a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.  Infused with our faith, we strive to provide challenging academic programs in which dedicated, professional educators and families work together in a safe environment to inspire individual growth, self-discipline, confidence and Christian service.


Our shared efforts are directed toward creating an environment rich in opportunities to prepare our students spiritually, intellectually, socially, and emotionally for the future.

We are proud that both parents and students consider our school a great place to learn and we partner together in the words of our motto, to "educate the whole child."  We invite you to be part of our school community where Jesus is the core.

From the Principal     March 19, 2025

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·       Open House – Sunday, March 23  10 AM – 12 PM

Share with your friends, relatives and neighbors why you choose Saint John School as your school of choice for your child(ren).  Invite them to tour Saint John School to see what we have to offer.  Register here.


·       After-School Enrichment Programs – Registration Deadline Friday, March 28


Spring programs begin in just a few weeks.  There’s something for everyone in PreK through 8th Grade.  Offerings include:  Irish Step Dance (K - 5th), Soccer Club (Ages 3 - 8 with registration through Soccer Shots), Challenge Island (K – 5th), Sewing Club (2nd – 8th), Cookie Decorating (PreK & K-8th) and Easter Egg Hunt (PreK – 8th).  


·       Lenten Alms Giving – Mondays of Lent

In the spirit of alms-giving, SJS is collecting food for the Sisters of Charity Food Pantry in Baltic.  Sister Celeste who was here at the Convent with Mother Elaine and Sister Gabriel is in charge of the Food Pantry.  Sister Celeste was so appreciative of the food that was delivered yesterday.  The Food Pantry serves 200 families weekly on Thursdays.


Our remaining food donation dates: March 25 (Tues), 31 and April 7


Grades are asked to bring in the following:

Pre-K 3 & 4:     Rice, Beans, Canned Sauce

K, 1 & 2:          Canned Tuna, Canned Chicken

3, 4, 5:             Peanut Butter, Jelly

6, 7, 8:             Cereal, Coffee


·       Re-Registration for 2025-26 School Year – Only 12 days to take advantage of the $75 re-registration fee by returning your form with payment by Monday, March 31.  If you need a form sent home, please contact the office.


·       FACTS Grant & Aid - applications are being accepted for the 2025-26 school year.  Use this link for FACTS to apply.  Be sure to supply all the required documentation.


·       The Feast of Life Stories from the Gospel of Luke – Drama Club Production

Tickets now on Sale at Saint John School Office or sold at the Door



The Feast of Life reminds us of the fourteen banquets mentioned in Luke's Gospel and invites us once again to hear and experience the stories of Jesus. In this musical by Marty Haugen, a diverse group of adults and children gather around a banquet table to retell the parables in Luke's Gospel. The group tells and sings of "The Good Samaritan", "The Prodigal Son", "The Journey to Emmaus", and other parables, as well as the birth and the Passion of Jesus.


As we enter into the liturgical season of lent and begin to prepare ourselves for Easter, let our production of The Feast of Life Stories from the Gospel of Luke bring you into a deeper personal connection with our Lord.  Mark your calendar and look for ticket sales in the next few weeks. 


·       Living Stations of the Cross – Friday, April 11   9:15 AM and 6:00 PM

Join us as our 4th grade class presents the Living Stations of the Cross in Saint John Church.  As we near the end of Lent, take time to sit, meditate and pray through the Stations prior to Palm Sunday.


·       Gala Ticket Class Competition



·       Saint John Catholic School 30th Anniversary Gala – Friday, April 25, 2025 at 6 PM - Saybrook Point Inn




·       Fish Fry – Friday, April 11 :30 at 4:30 PM at Saint John School Gymnasium

Enjoy a Lenten Fish dinner provided by the St. Pio Knights of Columbus.  Tickets are available after all the weekend Masses at St. John and St. Mark Churches and at the Rectory Office.  Ticket Prices: $20 for Adults; Free for Ages 12 and younger.  Tickets are available at the door.  To-go dinners also available.


Help support the Knights of Columbus who also help support Saint John Catholic School.


·       Volunteers Needed for:

o   Car Line Volunteers Needed for morning drop-off 8:20 – 8:45 AM. 

o   Lunch Aide Volunteers – Assistance during lunch and recess. SJS Lunch Aide Volunteers 2024-25 Excel Form 


Volunteers need to be Safe Environment trained.  Please contact the office to set up your training if needed or with any questions. 


·       After Care Aide - 3-5:30 PM, Monday – Friday

Looking to earn some extra money? Consider assisting in overseeing our students who remain after school.  This is a paid position. Whether you can assist all five days or just a few days a week, please reach out to the school office. 


·       Sister Gabriel is looking for the following items:

Newspapers and clean recyclable cans and bottles.


·       SJS Car Magnets – The PTO has car magnets available for $12 each or $20 for 2.  Contact the office to purchase.


·       POP Tab Challenge – Weigh-ins continue on Thursday afternoons.  Send in your pop tabs in support of our continuing service project in support of Ronald McDonald House.


·       Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing

Support Saint John School with your purchase of gift cards through “RaiseRight You purchase gift cards at face value and the business gives a percentage to the school’s “RaiseRight” account. Choose “Join a Program” and enter Saint John School Enrollment Code: 2828B59D7252.


·       InchBug Labels Fundraiser – through June 30, 2025

Sending in jackets, hats, gloves, waterbottles that aren’t making their way home?  Ordering new uniform pieces? Misplaced items by your children have a better chance to make it back to you if you have a personalized label on them.  Share the link with your friends and family to order personalized name labels and tags!  SJS earns 20% back on every purchase made!


School Shopping Link: https://bit.ly/4fYpFEH



·       Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon and finishing his seminary classes.  God willing, Deacon Brian is going to be ordained a priest May 17, 2025.




·       Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·       Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our School please have them register here (see link).


Pray With Mother

Upcoming Events - Save the Date


March 23, 2025 – Open House

March 24, 2025 – No School – Teacher Professional Development

April 4, 2025 – First Friday Mass

April 4, 2025 – Early Dismissal

April 4, 5 & 6, 2025 – Feast of Life Performances

April 11, 2025 – Living Stations of the Cross

April 14 – 18, 2025 – Spring Vacation

April 21, 2025 – No School Easter Monday

April 25, 2025 – 30th Anniversary Gala


Parent Teacher Organization 

E-mail:  pto@saintjohnschoolos.org