Tuition and Fees

The cost for PreK varies by # days attending. Please click for complete 2025/26 Tuition Schedule.

  • Families that are active parishioners of area Catholic parishes may apply for a tuition subsidy ($750 per student) through their home parish. The net tuition would be $4,310 (K-Grade 8).
  • Multiple child discounts are offered by the school - see the 2025/26 tuition schedule for details.
  • A family tuition deposit of $200 is due in April to reserve space for the following school year.
  • Additional tuition details and FACTS payment options are provided by the Principal upon request.
  • FACTS Grant & Financial Aid Program is available.  Click here for the 2024-25 flyer regarding the program.  The application period begins January 1st for the next school year. Applications are due in early March.  See information on 2024-25 application process.
  • Click here for the link to the online evaluation and application system - FACTS Grant & Aid. For the 2025-26 School year, the FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment Applications will be due in June 1, 2025.  

In addition to tuition, each family is asked to participate in fundraising to support the costs of operating the school. Each family is required to contribute a minimum financial donation (assessment), usually through fundraising, and a minimum number of volunteer hours per year.  See here for more details on assessment and volunteer hour requirements per family.