School Nurse
School Nurse: Nurse Kim Henion
The nurse is at school for six hours every day - 9 am - 3 pm.
Generally, students should stay home from school if the student is suffering from any of the following conditions:
- Fever greater than 100º F. Students should be fever free for 24 hours without Tylenol or Motrin.
- Episode of vomiting or diarrhea. Student should have no vomiting or loose stools for 24 hours before returning to school
- Any student on any medication for a contagious infection must be on the medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
- Student who does not eat before school and is complaining of stomach pain.
- Excessive nasal discharge, which is colored and continuous.
- Sore throat or swollen glands and fever.
- Earache with continuous pain.
- Rash of unknown origin or blisters and/or discharge.
Children who are sick should not be in school. They should not be sent to school ill, with a fever, or rash for the nurse to diagnose. Diagnosed strep throat requires quarantine for 24 hours with return to school under treatment.
Children who are out for 3 consecutive days need a physician's note to excuse further absences and also to return to school.
The school nurse maintains all health records required by the state. Children are not allowed - by state law - to attend school if they have not met the immunization requirements.
The school nurse administers medicine. Medication will be given only upon a written order from the physician to the school nurse and a written parental permission.
If a student's activities are limited due to an injury or a health problem, a written note from a doctor is required. Students will not be excused from physical education classes without a note.
The school nurse maintains accident reports. She will notify parents to pick up a sick or injured child. Parents must sign out the child in the school office.
Physicals: State Education Law requires that a physical be recorded on each child's health record at least once upon entrance to school, in Pre-K, Kindergarten and Grade 6. Sports physicals are required yearly for children who wish to participate.
Food Allergy Procedures may be obtained from the nurse's office.
Students need to have a nurse's pass to visit the nurse's office.
(Note: See the School Handbook for more about Nurse policy and procedures.)
Please complete the following health forms for your student(s). All new families should complete on registration. Thank you for your cooperation.
- Annual Health Update (Mandatory for each student)
- St. John School Emergency Contact Information (Mandatory for each family)
- Early Childhood Health Assessment Record (For PreK only - must be signed by student's physician - please submit in one of the following ways - 1. scan/send photo of completed form to Nurse Potts, 2. fax to (860) 388 6265 or 3. send/mail to SJS school health office)
- Grades K-8 Health Assessment Record (For K to Grade 8 only - must be signed by student's physician - please submit in one of the following ways - 1. scan/send photo of completed form to Nurse Potts, 2. fax to (860) 388 6265 or 3. send/mail to SJS school health office)
- Administration of Prescription Medicine by School Personnel - (For ALL GRADES if prescription medicine is necessary - must be signed by student's physician - please submit in one of the following ways - 1. scan/send photo of completed form to Nurse Potts, 2. fax to (860) 388 6265 or 3. send/mail to SJS school health office)
Administration of Acetminophen(Tylenol)/Ibuprofen to Students in Grades 6-8 (For Grades 6-8 only)