From the Principal     March 19, 2025

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·       Open House – Sunday, March 23  10 AM – 12 PM

Share with your friends, relatives and neighbors why you choose Saint John School as your school of choice for your child(ren).  Invite them to tour Saint John School to see what we have to offer.  Register here.


·       After-School Enrichment Programs – Registration Deadline Friday, March 28


Spring programs begin in just a few weeks.  There’s something for everyone in PreK through 8th Grade.  Offerings include:  Irish Step Dance (K - 5th), Soccer Club (Ages 3 - 8 with registration through Soccer Shots), Challenge Island (K – 5th), Sewing Club (2nd – 8th), Cookie Decorating (PreK & K-8th) and Easter Egg Hunt (PreK – 8th).  


·       Lenten Alms Giving – Mondays of Lent

In the spirit of alms-giving, SJS is collecting food for the Sisters of Charity Food Pantry in Baltic.  Sister Celeste who was here at the Convent with Mother Elaine and Sister Gabriel is in charge of the Food Pantry.  Sister Celeste was so appreciative of the food that was delivered yesterday.  The Food Pantry serves 200 families weekly on Thursdays.


Our remaining food donation dates: March 25 (Tues), 31 and April 7


Grades are asked to bring in the following:

Pre-K 3 & 4:     Rice, Beans, Canned Sauce

K, 1 & 2:          Canned Tuna, Canned Chicken

3, 4, 5:             Peanut Butter, Jelly

6, 7, 8:             Cereal, Coffee


·       Re-Registration for 2025-26 School Year – Only 12 days to take advantage of the $75 re-registration fee by returning your form with payment by Monday, March 31.  If you need a form sent home, please contact the office.


·       FACTS Grant & Aid - applications are being accepted for the 2025-26 school year.  Use this link for FACTS to apply.  Be sure to supply all the required documentation.


·       The Feast of Life Stories from the Gospel of Luke – Drama Club Production

Tickets now on Sale at Saint John School Office or sold at the Door



The Feast of Life reminds us of the fourteen banquets mentioned in Luke's Gospel and invites us once again to hear and experience the stories of Jesus. In this musical by Marty Haugen, a diverse group of adults and children gather around a banquet table to retell the parables in Luke's Gospel. The group tells and sings of "The Good Samaritan", "The Prodigal Son", "The Journey to Emmaus", and other parables, as well as the birth and the Passion of Jesus.


As we enter into the liturgical season of lent and begin to prepare ourselves for Easter, let our production of The Feast of Life Stories from the Gospel of Luke bring you into a deeper personal connection with our Lord.  Mark your calendar and look for ticket sales in the next few weeks. 


·       Living Stations of the Cross – Friday, April 11   9:15 AM and 6:00 PM

Join us as our 4th grade class presents the Living Stations of the Cross in Saint John Church.  As we near the end of Lent, take time to sit, meditate and pray through the Stations prior to Palm Sunday.


·       Gala Ticket Class Competition



·       Saint John Catholic School 30th Anniversary Gala – Friday, April 25, 2025 at 6 PM - Saybrook Point Inn




·       Fish Fry – Friday, April 11 :30 at 4:30 PM at Saint John School Gymnasium

Enjoy a Lenten Fish dinner provided by the St. Pio Knights of Columbus.  Tickets are available after all the weekend Masses at St. John and St. Mark Churches and at the Rectory Office.  Ticket Prices: $20 for Adults; Free for Ages 12 and younger.  Tickets are available at the door.  To-go dinners also available.


Help support the Knights of Columbus who also help support Saint John Catholic School.


·       Volunteers Needed for:

o   Car Line Volunteers Needed for morning drop-off 8:20 – 8:45 AM. 

o   Lunch Aide Volunteers – Assistance during lunch and recess. SJS Lunch Aide Volunteers 2024-25 Excel Form 


Volunteers need to be Safe Environment trained.  Please contact the office to set up your training if needed or with any questions. 


·       After Care Aide - 3-5:30 PM, Monday – Friday

Looking to earn some extra money? Consider assisting in overseeing our students who remain after school.  This is a paid position. Whether you can assist all five days or just a few days a week, please reach out to the school office. 


·       Sister Gabriel is looking for the following items:

Newspapers and clean recyclable cans and bottles.


·       SJS Car Magnets – The PTO has car magnets available for $12 each or $20 for 2.  Contact the office to purchase.


·       POP Tab Challenge – Weigh-ins continue on Thursday afternoons.  Send in your pop tabs in support of our continuing service project in support of Ronald McDonald House.


·       Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing

Support Saint John School with your purchase of gift cards through “RaiseRight You purchase gift cards at face value and the business gives a percentage to the school’s “RaiseRight” account. Choose “Join a Program” and enter Saint John School Enrollment Code: 2828B59D7252.


·       InchBug Labels Fundraiser – through June 30, 2025

Sending in jackets, hats, gloves, waterbottles that aren’t making their way home?  Ordering new uniform pieces? Misplaced items by your children have a better chance to make it back to you if you have a personalized label on them.  Share the link with your friends and family to order personalized name labels and tags!  SJS earns 20% back on every purchase made!


School Shopping Link:



·       Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon and finishing his seminary classes.  God willing, Deacon Brian is going to be ordained a priest May 17, 2025.




·       Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·       Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our School please have them register here (see link).


Pray With Mother

Upcoming Events - Save the Date


March 23, 2025 – Open House

March 24, 2025 – No School – Teacher Professional Development

April 4, 2025 – First Friday Mass

April 4, 2025 – Early Dismissal

April 4, 5 & 6, 2025 – Feast of Life Performances

April 11, 2025 – Living Stations of the Cross

April 14 – 18, 2025 – Spring Vacation

April 21, 2025 – No School Easter Monday

April 25, 2025 – 30th Anniversary Gala


Parent Teacher Organization 


From the Principal     March 12, 2025

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·       Lenten Alms Giving – Mondays of Lent

In the spirit of alms-giving, SJS is collecting food for the Sisters of Charity Food Pantry in Baltic. Join us during the 5 Mondays of Lent.


Food donation dates: March 10, 17, 25 (Tues), 31 and April 7


Grades are asked to bring in the following:

Pre-K 3 & 4:     Rice, Beans, Canned Sauce

K, 1 & 2:          Canned Tuna, Canned Chicken

3, 4, 5:             Peanut Butter, Jelly

6, 7, 8:             Cereal


·       Report Cards Issued – Friday, March 14   Report Cards are being sent home in backpacks.  Please sign and return the report card to your child’s teacher by Wednesday, March 19.


·       St. Patrick Day – Monday, March 17

o   Dress in Green - $3 donation for 8th grade graduation fundraiser

o   Irish Dance Performance by Gray School of Irish Dance


·       St. Joseph Day – Wednesday, March 19

o   Dress in Red - $3 donation for 8th grade graduation fundraiser


·       Re-Registration for 2025-26 School Year – Take advantage of the $75 re-registration fee by returning your form with payment by Monday, March 31. 


·       FACTS Grant & Aid - applications are being accepted for the 2025-26 school year.  Use this link for FACTS to apply.  Be sure to supply all the required documentation.


·       Open House – Sunday, March 23  10 AM – 1 PM

Share with your friends, relatives and neighbors why you choose Saint John School as your school of choice for your child(ren).  Invite them to tour Saint John School to see what we have to offer.  Register here.


·       Marketing for Open House - Looking for volunteers to hang Open House flyers in your local area and churches.   Click here to note the area you can cover.  Together we can get the word out about Saint John School Open House.



·       The Feast of Life Stories from the Gospel of Luke – Drama Club Production

Performance Dates:

Friday, April 4 at 7 PM

Saturday, April 5 at 5:30 PM

Sunday April 6 at 1 PM



The Feast of Life reminds us of the fourteen banquets mentioned in Luke's Gospel and invites us once again to hear and experience the stories of Jesus. In this musical by Marty Haugen, a diverse group of adults and children gather around a banquet table to retell the parables in Luke's Gospel. The group tells and sings of "The Good Samaritan", "The Prodigal Son", "The Journey to Emmaus", and other parables, as well as the birth and the Passion of Jesus.


As we enter into the liturgical season of lent and begin to prepare ourselves for Easter, let our production of The Feast of Life Stories from the Gospel of Luke bring you into a deeper personal connection with our Lord.  Mark your calendar and look for ticket sales in the next few weeks. 


·          Gala Ticket Class Competition



·          Saint John Catholic School 30th Anniversary Gala – Friday, April 25, 2025 at 6 PM - Saybrook Point Inn




·          Fish Fry – Friday, March 14,  4:30-7:30 PM at Saint John School Gymnasium

Enjoy a Lenten Fish dinner provided by the St. Pio Knights of Columbus.  Tickets are available after all the weekend Masses at St. John and St. Mark Churches and at the Rectory Office.  Ticket Prices: $20 for Adults; Free for Ages 12 and younger.  Tickets are available at the door.  To-go dinners also available.


Help support the Knights of Columbus who also help support Saint John Catholic School.


Next Fish Fry is Friday, April 11, tickets go on sale April 22.


·          Essex Winter Series - Terra String Quartet – Wednesday, March 12, 2 PM

Thank you to the Essex Winter Series for Emerging Artists for today’s Terra String Quartet performance. 


If your child shares how they enjoyed the music of the quartet, you may want to consider enjoying a free family event on Sunday, April 27 in Deep River.



·          Volunteers Needed for:

o   Car Line Volunteers Needed for morning drop-off 8:20 – 8:45 AM. 

o   Lunch Aide Volunteers – Assistance during lunch and recess. SJS Lunch Aide Volunteers 2024-25 Excel Form 


Volunteers need to be Safe Environment trained.  Please contact the office to set up your training if needed or with any questions. 


·          After Care Aide - 3-5:30 PM, Monday – Friday

Looking to earn some extra money? Consider assisting in overseeing our students who remain after school.  This is a paid position. Whether you can assist all five days or just a few days a week, please reach out to the school office. 


·          Sister Gabriel is looking for the following items:

8oz coated coffee cups for art projects, newspapers and clean recyclable cans and bottles.


·          POP Tab Challenge – Weigh-ins continue on Thursday afternoons.  Send in your pop tabs in support of our continuing service project in support of Ronald McDonald House.


·          Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing

Support Saint John School with your purchase of gift cards through “RaiseRight You purchase gift cards at face value and the business gives a percentage to the school’s “RaiseRight” account. Choose “Join a Program” and enter Saint John School Enrollment Code: 2828B59D7252.


·       InchBug Labels Fundraiser – through June 30, 2025

Sending in jackets, hats, gloves, waterbottles that aren’t making their way home?  Ordering new uniform pieces? Misplaced items by your children have a better chance to make it back to you if you have a personalized label on them.  Share the link with your friends and family to order personalized name labels and tags!  SJS earns 20% back on every purchase made!


School Shopping Link:



·       Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon and finishing his seminary classes.  God willing, Deacon Brian is going to be ordained a priest May 17, 2025.




·       Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·       Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our School please have them register here (see link).


Pray With Mother

Upcoming Events - Save the Date


March 14, 2025 – Report Cards Issued

March 17, 2025 – Dress in Green

March 17, 2025 – Irish Dance Performance

March 19, 2025 – Dress in Red

March 23, 2025 – Open House

March 24, 2025 – No School – Teacher Professional Development

April 4, 5 & 6, 2025 – Feast of Life Performances

April 25, 2025 – 30th Anniversary Gala


Parent Teacher Organization



From the Principal     March 5, 2025

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·       Lenten Alms Giving – Mondays of Lent

In the spirit of alms-giving, SJS is collecting food for the Sisters of Charity Food Pantry in Baltic. This is being done weekly during the 5 Mondays we are in school during Lent, beginning this upcoming Monday, March 10. 


Food donation dates: March 10, 17, 25 (Tues), 31 and April 7


Grades are asked to bring in the following:

Pre-K 3 & 4:     Rice, Beans, Canned Sauce

K, 1 & 2:          Canned Tuna, Canned Chicken

3, 4, 5:             Peanut Butter, Jelly

6, 7, 8:             Cereal


·       Essex Winter Series - Terra String Quartet – Wednesday, March 12, 2 PM

We are excited to once again welcome the Essex Winter Series for Emerging Artists to Saint John School.


This Terra String Quartet (TSQ) is a vibrant young international ensemble based out of New York City. These four musicians hail from across the globe and, through their unique individuality as artists, are committed to infusing the string quartet with equal parts, passion, spontaneity, and humor.


·       Report Cards Issued – Friday, March 14   Report Cards are being sent home in backpacks.  Please sign and return the report card to your child’s teacher by Wednesday, March 19.


·       St. Patrick Day – Monday, March 17

o   Dress in Green - $3 donation for 8th grade graduation fundraiser

o   Irish Dance Performance by Gray School of Irish Dance


·       Re-Registration for 2025-26 School Year – Take advantage of the $75 re-registration fee by returning your form with payment by Monday, March 31. 


·       FACTS Grant & Aid - applications are being accepted for the 2025-26 school year.  Use this link for FACTS to apply.  Be sure to supply all the required documentation.


·       Open House – Sunday, March 23  10 AM – 1 PM

Share with your friends, relatives and neighbors why you choose Saint John School as your school of choice for your child(ren).  Invite them to tour Saint John School to see what we have to offer.  Register here.


·       Marketing for Open House - Looking for volunteers to hang Open House flyers in your local area and churches.   Click here to note the area you can cover.  Together we can get the word out about Saint John School Open House.


·       Chili Fest (28th Annual)  Saturday, March 1

Thank you so much to those who participated in this year's Chili Fest. Whether you were a volunteer or donated needed items (or both), your help was very much appreciated. While we didn't place in the contest this year, it was still a great time being out in the community representing Saint John School!




·       Read Across America – March 3-7, 2025

Saint John School is participating in Read Across America next week, March 3 - 7, 2025. 




·       The Feast of Life Stories from the Gospel of Luke – Drama Club Production

Performance Dates:

Friday, April 4 at 7 PM

Saturday, April 5 at 5:30 PM

Sunday April 6 at 1 PM


The Feast of Life reminds us of the fourteen banquets mentioned in Luke's Gospel and invites us once again to hear and experience the stories of Jesus. In this musical by Marty Haugen, a diverse group of adults and children gather around a banquet table to retell the parables in Luke's Gospel. The group tells and sings of "The Good Samaritan", "The Prodigal Son", "The Journey to Emmaus", and other parables, as well as the birth and the Passion of Jesus.


As we enter into the liturgical season of lent and begin to prepare ourselves for Easter, let our production of The Feast of Life Stories from the Gospel of Luke bring you into a deeper personal connection with our Lord.  Mark your calendar and look for ticket sales in the next few weeks. 



·       Saint John Catholic School 30th Anniversary Gala – Friday, April 25, 2025 at 6 PM - Saybrook Point Inn




·       Fish Fry – Friday, March 14,  4:30-7:30 PM at Saint John School Gymnasium

Enjoy a Lenten Fish dinner provided by the St. Pio Knights of Columbus.  Tickets are available after all the weekend Masses at St. John and St. Mark Churches and at the Rectory Office.  Ticket Prices: $20 for Adults; Free for Ages 12 and younger.  Tickets are available at the door.  To-go dinners also available.


Help support the Knights of Columbus who also help support Saint John Catholic School.


Next Fish Fry is Friday, April 11, tickets go on sale April 22.


·       Car Line Volunteers Needed for morning drop-off 8:20 – 8:45 AM. 

Volunteers are needed to help cover morning drop-off during the month of March. Please contact the office for details. 


·      Lunch Aide Volunteers – We are looking for assistance during lunch and recess.  You get to pick and choose your schedule by completing the SJS Lunch Aide Volunteers 2024-25 Excel Form with your days of preference

Volunteer as an aide with our PreK students, Elementary (K – 5th) or Middle School (6th – 8th) students.  The time commitment is 45 minutes for PreK (11:45 - 12:30) and 40 minutes for elementary and middle school (Noon - 12:40).   Our goal is to have 1-2 Aides for each group on each day.  Thank you for any assistance you can give as a Lunch Aide.


Volunteers need to be Safe Environment trained.  Please contact the office to set up your training if needed or with any questions. 


·       After Care Aide - 3-5:30 PM, Monday – Friday

Looking to earn some extra money? Consider assisting in overseeing our students who remain after school.  This is a paid position. Whether you can assist all five days or just a few days a week, please reach out to the school office. 


·       Sister Gabriel is looking for the following items:

8oz coated coffee cups for art projects, newspapers and clean recyclable cans and bottles.


·       POP Tab Challenge – Weigh-ins continue on Thursday afternoons.  Send in your pop tabs in support of our continuing service project in support of Ronald McDonald House.


·       Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing

Support Saint John School with your purchase of gift cards through “RaiseRight.” You purchase gift cards at face value and the business gives a percentage to the school’s “RaiseRightaccount. Choose “Join a Program” and enter Saint John School Enrollment Code: 2828B59D7252.


·       InchBug Labels Fundraiser – through June 30, 2025

Sending in jackets, hats, gloves, waterbottles that aren’t making their way home?  Ordering new uniform pieces? Misplaced items by your children have a better chance to make it back to you if you have a personalized label on them.  Share the link with your friends and family to order personalized name labels and tags!  SJS earns 20% back on every purchase made!


School Shopping Link:



·       Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon and finishing his seminary classes.  God willing, Deacon Brian is going to be ordained a priest May 17, 2025.




·       Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·       Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our School please have them register here (see link).


Pray With Mother

Upcoming Events - Save the Date


March 3-7, 2025 – Read Across America

March 7, 2025 – Second Trimester Grades Close

March 12, 2025 – Essex Winter Series

March 14, 2025 – Report Cards Issued

March 17, 2025 – Dress in Green

March 17, 2025 – Irish Dance Performance

March 23, 2025 – Open House

March 24, 2025 – No School – Teacher Professional Development

April 4, 5 & 6, 2025 – Feast of Life Performances

April 25, 2025 – 30th Anniversary Gala


Parent Teacher Organization




From the Principal     February 26, 2025

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·        PTO Meeting – Thursday, March 27  5 PM  Library

Babysitting is available for children who are fully potty-trained.


·        Re-Registration for 2025-26 School Year – Take advantage of the $75 re-registration fee by returning your form with payment by Monday, March 31. 


·        FACTS Grant & Aid - applications are being accepted for the 2025-26 school year.  Check your FACTS account for the link to apply.  Be sure to supply all the required documentation.


·        Open House – Sunday, March 23  10 AM – 1 PM

Share with your friends, relatives and neighbors why you choose Saint John School as your school of choice for your child(ren).  Invite them to tour Saint John School to see what we have to offer.  Register here.


·        Marketing for Open House - Looking for volunteers to hang Open House flyers in your local area and churches.   Click here to note the area you can cover.  Together we can get the word out about Saint John School Open House.


·        Chili Fest (28th Annual) VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Saturday, March 1  Noon – 3 PM

We are just 3 days away the Chili Fest along Main Street.   Thank you to Mindy K's Deli & Catering for providing chili on behalf of SJS.


Volunteers are needed to help with set-up, manning the tables and breakdown.  If you can’t volunteer, please consider helping with loaner pop-up tents, burgundy colored disposable tablecloths, disposable gloves, and 8oz bottles of water.  Please use this Chili Fest 2025 Volunteer Link  for more information and to sign up for one of two timeslots or for donating items. 


Mindy K’s is providing t-shirts for volunteers.  Contact the office with your shirt sizes.


Your time volunteering can be added to your PTO assessment hours.  A family of three (mom, dad, student) volunteering for one session can accumulate 6 assessment hours. Also, students are encouraged to wear their SJS spirit wear!


·        Read Across America – March 3-7, 2025

Saint John School is participating in Read Across America next week, March 3 - 7, 2025. 





·          Essex Winter Series - Terra String Quartet – Wednesday, March 12, 2 PM

We are excited to once again welcome the Essex Winter Series for Emerging Artists to Saint John School.


This Terra String Quartet (TSQ) is a vibrant young international ensemble based out of New York City. These four musicians hail from across the globe and, through their unique individuality as artists, are committed to infusing the string quartet with equal parts, passion, spontaneity, and humor.


·          Saint John Catholic School 30th Anniversary Gala – Friday, April 25, 2025 at 6 PM - Saybrook Point Inn



·        The Feast of Life Stories from the Gospel of Luke – Drama Club Production

Performance Dates:

Friday, April 4 at 7 PM

Saturday, April 5 at 5:30 PM

Sunday April 6 at 1 PM


The Feast of Life reminds us of the fourteen banquets mentioned in Luke's Gospel and invites us once again to hear and experience the stories of Jesus. In this musical by Marty Haugen, a diverse group of adults and children gather around a banquet table to retell the parables in Luke's Gospel. The group tells and sings of "The Good Samaritan", "The Prodigal Son", "The Journey to Emmaus", and other parables, as well as the birth and the Passion of Jesus.


As we enter into the liturgical season of lent and begin to prepare ourselves for Easter, let our production of The Feast of Life Stories from the Gospel of Luke bring you into a deeper personal connection with our Lord.  Mark your calendar and look for ticket sales in the next few weeks. 


·        Fish Fry – Friday, March 14,  4:30-7:30 PM at Saint John School Gymnasium

Enjoy a Lenten Fish dinner provided by the St. Pio Knights of Columbus.  Tickets are available after all the weekend Masses at St. John and St. Mark Churches and at the Rectory Office.  Ticket Prices: $20 for Adults; Free for Ages 12 and younger.  Tickets are available at the door.  To-go dinners also available.


Help support the Knights of Columbus who also help support Saint John Catholic School.


Next Fish Fry is Friday, April 11, tickets go on sale April 22.


·        Car Line Volunteers Needed for morning drop-off 8:20 – 8:45 AM. 

Volunteers are needed to help cover morning drop-off during the month of March. Please contact the office for details.


·        AfterCare Aide - 3-5:30 PM, Monday – Friday

Looking to earn some extra money? Consider assisting in overseeing our students who remain after school.  This is a paid position. Whether you can assist all five days or just a few days a week, please reach out to the school office. 


·        Sister Gabriel is looking for the following items:

8oz coated coffee cups for art projects, newspapers and clean recyclable cans and bottles.


·        POP Tab Challenge – Weigh-ins continue on Thursday afternoons.  Send in your pop tabs in support of our continuing service project in support of Ronald McDonald House.


·        Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing

Support Saint John School with your purchase of gift cards through “RaiseRight.” You purchase gift cards at face value and the business gives a percentage to the school’s “RaiseRightaccount. Choose “Join a Program” and enter Saint John School Enrollment Code: 2828B59D7252.


·        InchBug Labels Fundraiser – through June 30, 2025

Sending in jackets, hats, gloves, waterbottles that aren’t making their way home?  Ordering new uniform pieces? Misplaced items by your children have a better chance to make it back to you if you have a personalized label on them.  Share the link with your friends and family to order personalized name labels and tags!  SJS earns 20% back on every purchase made!


School Shopping Link:



·        Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon and finishing his seminary classes.  God willing, Deacon Brian is going to be ordained a priest May 17, 2025.




·        Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·        Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our School please have them register here (see link).


Pray With Mother

Upcoming Events - Save the Date


February 27, 2025 – PTO Meeting

March 1, 2025 – Chili Fest

March 3-7, 2025 – Read Across America

March 12, 2025 – Essex Winter Series

March 23, 2025 – Open House

March 24, 2025 – No School – Teacher Professional Development

April 4, 5 & 6, 2025 – Feast of Life Performances

April 25, 2025 – 30th Anniversary Gala


Parent Teacher Organization


From the Principal     February 19, 2025

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·          Lunch Orders – March 2025  Lunch orders are being accepted for March through this Tuesday, February 25.  The order form can be found on our website. If a printed order form is needed, please contact the office and it can be sent home with your child.


·          Re-Registration for 2025-26 School Year –Take advantage of the $75 re-registration fee by returning your form with payment by Monday, March 31.  The Finance Board has set the tuition rates for the 2025-26 school year.  See your email with the rate information.


·          FACTS Grant & Aid - applications are being accepted for the 2025-26 school year.  Check your FACTS account for the link to apply.  Be sure to supply all the required documentation.


·          AfterCare Aide - 3-5:30 PM, Monday – Friday

Looking to earn some extra money? Consider assisting in overseeing our students who remain after school.  This is a paid position. Whether you can assist all five days or just a few days a week, please reach out to the school office. 


·          Chili Fest (28th Annual) – Saturday, March 1  Noon – 3 PM

We are just over one week away from Saturday, March 1, 2025 for the Old Saybrook Chili Fest along Main Street and once again Saint John School is entering the contest and partnering with Mindy K's Deli & Catering!  We need your assistance with manning our table located, which will be located next to Saint John Church. 


Last year’s event was fun and very successful - SJS and Mindy K’s won third place.  If you cannot volunteer, please consider donating something on the list.  We are in need of loaner pop-up tents, burgundy colored disposable tablecloths, disposable gloves, and 8oz bottles of water.


Your time volunteering can be added to your PTO assessment hours.  A family of three (mom, dad, student) volunteering for one session can accumulate 6 assessment hours. Also, students are encouraged to wear their SJS spirit wear!


Please consider helping out with this wonderful event and use this Chili Fest 2025 Volunteer Link  for more information and to sign up.   The top three winning chili are going to have a donation made to their favorite Charity.  Our charity is Saint John School.  Hope to see you there!


·          Read Across America – March 3-7, 2025

Saint John School is participating in Read Across America the week of March 3 - 7, 2025.  Students have the opportunity dress as their favorite book character, wearing lounge wear, buddy reading, having a Mystery Book Reader come to their classroom and wearing silly or mismatched socks.  Reading with a twist can be fun.




·          Essex Winter Series - Terra String Quartet – Wednesday, March 12, 2 PM

We are excited to once again welcome the Essex Winter Series for Emerging Artists to Saint John School.


This Terra String Quartet (TSQ) is a vibrant young international ensemble based out of New York City. These four musicians hail from across the globe and, through their unique individuality as artists, are committed to infusing the string quartet with equal parts, passion, spontaneity, and humor.


·          Saint John Catholic School 30th Anniversary Gala – Friday, April 25, 2025 @ 6 PM - Saybrook Point Inn



·        The Feast of Life Stories from the Gospel of Luke – Drama Club Production

Performance Dates:

Friday, April 4 at 7 PM

Saturday, April 5 at 5:30 PM

Sunday April 6 at 1 PM


The Feast of Life reminds us of the fourteen banquets mentioned in Luke's Gospel and invites us once again to hear and experience the stories of Jesus. In this musical by Marty Haugen, a diverse group of adults and children gather around a banquet table to retell the parables in Luke's Gospel. The group tells and sings of "The Good Samaritan", "The Prodigal Son", "The Journey to Emmaus", and other parables, as well as the birth and the Passion of Jesus.


As we are about to enter into the liturgical season of lent and begin to prepare ourselves for Easter, let our production of The Feast of Life Stories from the Gospel of Luke bring you into a deeper personal connection with our Lord.  Mark your calendar and look for ticket sales in the next few weeks.


·          Inclement Weather Notifications

In the event of Saint John School having a delay in opening or cancellation please look to one of the following notifications:

·   Saint John School Website

·   NBC Connecticut (generally we follow Old Saybrook School protocol)

·   WFSB (generally we follow Old Saybrook School protocol)

·   Email from school to Parents


·          Car Line Volunteers Needed for morning drop-off 8:20 – 8:45 AM. 

Volunteers are needed to help cover morning drop-off during the month of March. Please contact the office for details.


·          Sister Gabriel is looking for the following items:

8oz coated coffee cups for art projects, newspapers and clean recyclable cans and bottles.


·          POP Tab Challenge – Weigh-ins continue on Thursday afternoons.  Send in your pop tabs in support of our continuing service project in support of Ronald McDonald House.


·          Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing

Support Saint John School with your purchase of gift cards through “RaiseRight.” You purchase gift cards at face value and the business gives a percentage to the school’s “RaiseRightaccount. Choose “Join a Program” and enter Saint John School Enrollment Code: 2828B59D7252.


·          InchBug Labels Fundraiser – through June 30, 2025

Sending in jackets, hats, gloves, waterbottles that aren’t making their way home?  Ordering new uniform pieces?  Misplaced items by your children have a better chance to make it back to you if you have a personalized label on them.  Share the link with your friends and family to order personalized name labels and tags!  SJS earns 20% back on every purchase made!


School Shopping Link:



·          Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon and finishing his seminary classes.  God willing, Deacon Brian is going to be ordained a priest May 17, 2025.



·          Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·          Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our School please have them register here (see link).


Pray With Mother

Upcoming Events - Save the Date


March 1, 2025 – Chili Fest

March 3-7, 2025 – Read Across America

March 12, 2025 – Essex Winter Series

March 24, 2025 – No School – Teacher Professional Development

April 4, 5 & 6, 2025 – Feast of Life Performances

April 25, 2025 – 30th Anniversary Gala


Parent Teacher Organization



From the Principal     February 12, 2025

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·       Winter Vacation – Monday – Friday, February 17-21

Saint John School and office are closed for the week.  Enjoy your vacation week. 


·       Lunch Orders – March 2025  Lunch orders are being accepted for March through Tuesday, February 25 (reminder: the office is closed during the winter vacation).  The order form was emailed last week and can also be found on our website. If a printed order form is needed, please contact the office and it can be sent home with your child.

·       Eagle’s Voice Magazine – Reserve your copy

Saint John School 8th Grade class has published the first issue of “Eagle’s Voice”.  Inside the magazine you’ll discover articles highlighting special events held at Saint John School, poetry by our 8th grade students along with an interview with Fr. Greg.  "Eagle’s Voice" is available for purchase by donation.  To reserve your copy, email Mrs. K. at


This is also a great way to share with family and friends what Saint John School has to offer.


·        Re-Registration for 2025-26 School Year –Take advantage of the $75 re-registration fee by returning your form with payment by Friday, February 28.  The Finance Board is working on finalizing tuition rates for the 2025-26 school year.  When approved, notification will be emailed.


·       Inclement Weather Notifications -  It looks like Winter has found us. 

In the event of Saint John School having a delay in opening or cancellation please look to one of the following notifications:

o   Saint John School Website

o   NBC Connecticut (generally we follow Old Saybrook School protocol)

o   WFSB (generally we follow Old Saybrook School protocol)

o   Email from school to Parents


·       AfterCare is in need of an additional individual to help from 3-5:30 PM, Monday – Friday to help oversee our students who remain after school.  This service is provided to parents who need an extended day for their children.  Please contact the office for more details. 


·        Car Line Volunteers Needed for morning drop-off 8:20 – 8:45 AM. 

Volunteers are needed to help cover morning drop-off during the month of February. Please contact the office for details.


·        Marketing Committee - Looking for 1-2 people per town to place our open house flyers in key spots in your town. This includes libraries, coffee shops, etc.  Please use this SignUpGenius to volunteer.   Thank you for helping us spread the word about our school.


·       Chili Fest (28th Annual) – Saturday, March 1  Noon – 3 PM

Mark your calendars and help show support for Saint John Catholic School by being present at our Chili table on Main Street.  Students should wear uniforms or Saint John gear. 


Chef Rick Bovino from Mindy K’s is preparing our chili and competing against 19 other chefs.  Last year Saint John School took 3rd place and was awarded a monetary prize.  See the Greater Old Saybrook Chamber website for details on chili tasting and voting.


·        Essex Winter Series - Terra String Quartet – Wednesday, March 12, 2 PM

We are excited to once again welcome the Essex Winter Series for Emerging Artists to Saint John School.


This Terra String Quartet (TSQ) is a vibrant young international ensemble based out of New York City. These four musicians hail from across the globe and, through their unique individuality as artists, are committed to infusing the string quartet with equal parts, passion, spontaneity, and humor.


·        The Feast of Life –  Drama Club Production

Performance Dates: 

Friday, April 4 at 7 PM

Saturday, April 5 at 5:30 PM

Sunday April 6 at 1 PM


·        Saint John Catholic School 30th Anniversary Gala – Friday, April 25, 2025 @ 6 PM - Saybrook Point Inn

Save the Date for our 30th Anniversary Gala.  Look for more details to come regarding purchasing tickets and/or being a sponsor.


·        FACTS Grant & Aid - applications are being accepted for the 2025-26 school year.  Check out your FACTS account for the link to apply. 


·        POP Tab Challenge – Reminder to send in your tabs and let’s continue our support of Ronald McDonald House. 


·        Sister Gabriel is looking for the following items:

8oz coated coffee cups for art projects, newspapers and clean recyclable cans and bottles.


·        Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing

Support Saint John School with your purchase of gift cards through”RaiseRight.” You purchase gift cards at face value and the business gives a percentage to the school’s “RaiseRight” account.  Choose “Join a Program” and enter Saint John School Enrollment Code:  2828B59D7252.  


·        InchBug Labels Fundraiser – through June 30, 2025

Misplaced items by your children have a better chance to make it back to you if you have a personalized label on them.  Share the link with your friends and family to order personalized name labels and tags!  SJS earns 20% back on every purchase made!  


School Shopping Link:



·        Mornings with Mother–Wednesdays, 9 -9:30 AM

Join Mother Elaine in the library to sit and talk with your questions, thoughts or suggestions for Saint John School.


·        Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon and finishing his seminary classes.  God willing, Deacon Brian is going to be ordained a priest May 17, 2025.





·        Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·        Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our School please have them register here (see link).


Pray With Mother

Upcoming Events - Save the Date

February 17 – 21, 2025 – Winter Vacation

March 1, 2025 – Chili Fest

March 12, 2025 – Essex Winter Series

March 24, 2025 – No School – Teacher Professional Development

April 4, 5 & 6, 2025 – Feast of Life Performances

April 25, 2025 – 30th Anniversary Gala


Parent Teacher Organization







From the Principal     February 5, 2025

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·        Re-Registration for 2025-26 School Year –Take advantage of the $75 re-registration fee by returning your form with payment by Friday, February 28.  The Finance Board is working on finalizing tuition rates for the 2025-26 school year.  When approved, notification will be emailed.


·       Inclement Weather Notifications -  It looks like Winter has found us. 

In the event of Saint John School having a delay in opening or cancellation please look to one of the following notifications:

o   Saint John School Website

o   NBC Connecticut (generally we follow Old Saybrook School protocol)

o   WFSB (generally we follow Old Saybrook School protocol)

o   Email from school to Parents

·       First Friday Mass – Friday, February 7, 2025  9:15 AM

Join Saint John School students and staff for First Friday Mass being sponsored by our 2nd Grade class.


·       Early Dismissal – Friday, February 7, 2025  1:00 PM

Should your child need to attend After Care on Friday, send in your Home to Office Communication prior to 10 AM.


·       Valentine’s Day Grams – an 8th Grade fundraiser

Send a special message to one or several of our students and/or staff.  Next week look for the message cards to be sent home. Complete and return with your cards along with the $1 donation for each message no later than Monday, February 10.  All messages are being delivered on Friday, February 14.


·       Dress Down Day – Friday, February 14, 2025

Support our 8th Grade fundraising efforts towards graduation expenses with a $3 donation to participate in Dress Down Day.


·       Winter Vacation – Monday – Friday, February 17-21

Saint John School and office are closed for the week.


·       AfterCare is in need of an additional individual to help from 3-5:30 PM, Monday – Friday to help oversee our students who remain after school.  This service is provided to parents who need an extended day for their children.  Please contact the office for more details. 


·        Car Line Volunteers Needed for morning drop-off 8:20 – 8:45 AM. 

Volunteers are needed to help cover morning drop-off during the month of February. Please contact the office for details.


·        Marketing Committee - Looking for 1-2 people per town to place our open house flyers in key spots in your town. This includes libraries, coffee shops, etc.  Please use this SignUpGenius to volunteer.   Thank you for helping us spread the word about our school.


·       Eagle’s Voice Magazine – Reserve your copy

Saint John School 8th Grade class has published the first issue of “Eagle’s Voice”.  Inside the magazine you’ll discover articles highlighting special events held at Saint John School, poetry by our 8th grade students along with an interview with Fr. Greg.  "Eagle’s Voice" is available for purchase by donation.  To reserve your copy, email Mrs. K. at


This is also a great way to share with family and friends what Saint John School has to offer.


·       Chili Fest (28th Annual) – Saturday, March 1  Noon – 3 PM

Mark your calendars and help show support for Saint John Catholic School by being present at our Chili table on Main Street.  Students should wear uniforms or Saint John gear. 


Chef Rick Bovino from Mindy K’s is preparing our chili and competing against 19 other chefs.  Last year Saint John School took 3rd place and was awarded a monetary prize.  See the Greater Old Saybrook Chamber website for details on chili tasting and voting.


·        The Feast of Life –  Drama Club Production

Performance Dates: Friday, April 4; Saturday, April 5 and Sunday April 6. 


·        Saint John Catholic School 30th Anniversary Gala – Friday, April 25, 2025 @ 6 PM - Saybrook Point Inn

Save the Date for our 30th Anniversary Gala.  Look for more details to come regarding purchasing tickets and/or being a sponsor.


·        FACTS Grant & Aid - applications are being accepted for the 2025-26 school year.  Check out your FACTS account for the link to apply. 


·        POP Tab Challenge – Reminder to send in your tabs and let’s continue our support of Ronald McDonald House. 


·        Sister Gabriel is looking for the following items:

8oz coated coffee cups, newspapers and clean recyclable cans and bottles.


·        Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing

Support Saint John School with your purchase of gift cards through”RaiseRight.” You purchase gift cards at face value and the business gives a percentage to the school’s RaiseRight” account.  Choose “Join a Program” and enter Saint John School Enrollment Code:  2828B59D7252.  


·        InchBug Labels Fundraiser – through June 30, 2025

Misplaced items by your children have a better chance to make it back to you if you have a personalized label on them.  Share the link with your friends and family to order personalized name labels and tags!  SJS earns 20% back on every purchase made!  


School Shopping Link:




·        Mornings with Mother–Wednesdays, 9 -9:30 AM

Join Mother Elaine in the library to sit and talk with your questions, thoughts or suggestions for Saint John School.


·        Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon and finishing his seminary classes.  God willing, Deacon Brian is going to be ordained a priest May of 2025.





·        Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·        Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our School please have them register here (see link).


Pray With Mother

Upcoming Events - Save the Date

February 14 – Dress Down Day

February 17 – 21, 2025 – Winter Vacation

March 1, 2025 – Chili Fest

March 24, 2025 – No School – Teacher Professional Development

April 4, 5 & 6, 2025 – Feast of Life Performances

April 25, 2025 – 30th Anniversary Gala


Parent Teacher Organization






From the Principal     January 29, 2025

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·        Re-Registration for 2025-26 School Year – Last week forms were sent home to register for the upcoming school year.  We look forward to the return of our current students.  Take advantage of the $75 re-registration fee by returning your forms with payment by Friday, February 28.


·       AfterCare is in need of an additional individual to help from 3-5:30 PM, Monday – Friday to help oversee our students who remain after school.  This service is provided to parents who need an extended day for their children.  Please contact the office for more details. 

·        Car Line Volunteers Needed for morning drop-off 8:20 – 8:45 AM. 

Volunteers are needed to help cover morning drop-off during the month of February. Please contact the office for details.


·        Marketing Committee - Looking for 1-2 people per town to place our open house flyers in key spots in your town. This includes libraries, coffee shops, etc.  Please use this SignUpGenius to volunteer.   Thank you for helping us spread the word about our school.


·       National Catholic Schools Week (CSW) – Sunday, January 26 – Saturday, February 1, 2025 

The theme is "Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community".  We have two days left of our celebrating Catholic Schools Week.  Thank you to those who have started to bring in food donations for the Holy Family Food Pantry.  Your support is greatly appreciated.





·       Valentine’s Day Grams – an 8th Grade fundraiser

Send a special message to one or several of our students and/or staff.  Next week look for the message cards to be sent home. Complete and return with your cards along with the $1 donation for each message no later than Monday, February 10.  All messages are being delivered on Friday, February 14.


·       Chili Fest (28th Annual) – March 1  Noon – 3 PM

Mark your calendars and help show support for Saint John Catholic School by being present at our Chili table on Main Street.  Students should wear uniforms or Saint John gear. 


Chef Rick Bovino from Mindy K’s is preparing our chili and competing against 19 other chefs.  Last year Saint John School took 3rd place and was awarded a monetary prize.  See the Greater Old Saybrook Chamber website for details on chili tasting and voting.


·        The Feast of Life –  Drama Club Production

Performance Dates: Friday, April 4; Saturday, April 5 and Sunday April 6. 


·        Saint John Catholic School 30th Anniversary Gala – Friday, April 25, 2025

Save the Date for our 30th Anniversary Gala to be held at Saybrook Point Inn.  Look for more details to come regarding purchasing tickets and/or being a sponsor.


·        FACTS Grant & Aid - applications are being accepted for the 2025-26 school year.  Check out your FACTS account for the link to apply. 


·        POP Tab Challenge – Reminder to send in your tabs and let’s continue our support of Ronald McDonald House.





·        Sister Gabriel is looking for the following items:

8oz coated coffee cups, newspapers and clean recyclable cans and bottles.


·        Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing

Support Saint John School with your purchase of gift cards through”RaiseRight.” You purchase gift cards at face value and the business gives a percentage to the school’s RaiseRight” account.  Choose “Join a Program” and enter Saint John School Enrollment Code:  2828B59D7252.  


·        InchBug Labels Fundraiser – through June 30, 2025

Misplaced items by your children have a better chance to make it back to you if you have a personalized label on them.  Share the link with your friends and family to order personalized name labels and tags!  SJS earns 20% back on every purchase made!  


School Shopping Link:





·        Mornings with Mother–Wednesdays, 9 -9:30 AM

Join Mother Elaine in the library to sit and talk with your questions, thoughts or suggestions for Saint John School.


·        Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon and finishing his seminary classes.  God willing, Deacon Brian is going to be ordained a priest this May of 2025.





·        Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·        Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our School please have them register here (see link).


Pray With Mother


Upcoming Events - Save the Date

January 26 – February 1, 2025 – National Catholic School Week

February 17 – 21, 2025 – Winter Vacation

March 1, 2025 – Chili Fest

April 4, 5 & 6, 2025 – Feast of Life Performances

April 25, 2025 – 30th Anniversary Gala


Parent Teacher Organization




From the Principal     January 22, 2025

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·        AfterCare is in need of an individual to oversee our students who remain after school from 3-5:30 PM, Monday – Friday.  This service is provided to our parents who need an extended day for their children.  Please contact the office if you are interested.  Adults working with students need to be Safe Environment trained.


·        Car Line Volunteers Needed for morning drop-off 8:20 – 8:45 AM. 

Volunteers are needed to help cover morning drop-off the end of January and February. Parents providing coverage may bring their children to Before Care at no charge.  Volunteers must complete Safe-Environment Training. Please see Mrs. Hoffman in the office for set-up.


·        Marketing Committee - Looking for 1-2 people per town to place our open house flyers in key spots in your town. This includes libraries, coffee shops, etc.  Please use this SignUpGenius to volunteer.   

Thank you for helping us spread the word about our school.


·        Focus Group Meeting – PreK 3 and PreK 4  Thursday, January 23, 2025  6-7 PM

On January 23, 2025, we’d like to share ways in which we can work together to enhance your family’s experience here at Saint John School.  Thank you to those who attended the January 8 meeting, shared your thoughts, suggestions and all who completed the survey. Babysitting is available for school students & siblings who are potty-trained. 


·        PTO Meeting – Thursday, January 23, 2025, Library

As parents/guardians of Saint John School Students you are a member of the PTO.  Join others at this meeting to help in the planning of events and fundraising opportunities.


·        Dress Down Friday – January 24 - $3 donation

Support our 8th Grade class with their fundraising efforts.


·        St John School kicks off Catholic Schools Week with 9 AM Mass on Sunday, January 26 at St. John Church.  Schola members should arrive by 8:30 AM.


The best way to market St John School to our community is YOU! Please use this SignUpGenius to let us know that you plan to attend with your children in uniform. Our students will be participating in the liturgy as altar servers, readers, and offertory.  Students who attend Mass on Jan. 26 will receive one Free Dress Down Day coupon! 


·        Open Houses – Saint John Catholic School Open Houses are open to friends, family, parishioners and the public.  This is an opportunity to share the benefits and blessings of being a part of Saint John School family. 

Sunday, January 26, 2025  10 AM – Noon

Wednesday, January 29, 2025  5 – 7:30 PM


·       National Catholic Schools Week – Sunday, January 26 – Saturday, February 1, 2025

The theme for National Catholic Schools Week (CSW) for 2025 is "Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community". 




·        Chili Fest (28th Annual) – March 1  Noon – 3 PM

Mark your calendars and help show support for Saint John Catholic School by being present at our Chili table on Main Street.  Students should wear uniforms or Saint John gear. 


Chef Rick Bovino from Mindy K’s is preparing our chili and competing against 19 other chefs.  Last year Saint John School took 3rd place and was awarded a monetary prize.  See the Greater Old Saybrook Chamber website for details on chili tasting and voting.


·        The Feast of Life –  Drama Club Production

Performance Dates: Friday, April 4; Saturday, April 5 and Sunday April 6. 


·        Saint John Catholic School 30th Anniversary Gala – Friday, April 25, 2025

Save the Date for our 30th Anniversary Gala to be held at Saybrook Point Inn.  Look for more details to come regarding purchasing tickets and/or being a sponsor.


·        FACTS Grant & Aid - applications are being accepted for the 2025-26 school year.  Check out your FACTS account for the link to apply. 


·        POP Tab Challenge - Challenge 2 has begun with Weigh-ins on Thursdays and runs through the week of May 19.  Send in your tabs and let’s continue our support of Ronald McDonald House.


·        Sister Gabriel is looking for the following items:

8oz coated paper cups, newspapers and clean recyclable cans and bottles.


·        Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing

Support Saint John School with your purchase of gift cards through RaiseRight.  You purchase gift cards at face value and the business gives a percentage to the school’s RaiseRight account.  Choose “Join a Program” and enter Saint John School Enrollment Code:  2828B59D7252.  


·        Mornings with Mother–Wednesdays, 9 -9:30 AM

Join Mother Elaine in the library to sit and talk with your questions, thoughts or suggestions for Saint John School.


·        Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon and finishing his seminary classes.  God willing, Deacon Brian is going to be ordained a priest in May 2025.



·        Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·        Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our School please have them register here (see link).


Pray With Mother

Upcoming Events - Save the Date

January 23, 2025 – PTO Meeting

January 23, 2025 - PreK 3 & PreK 4 Parent Meeting

January 24, 2025 – Dress Down Friday

January 26, 2025 – Mass & Open House

January 29, 2025 – Open House

January 26 – February 1, 2025 – National Catholic School Week

February 17 – 21, 2025 – Winter Vacation

March 1, 2025 – Chili Fest

April 4, 5 & 6, 2025 – Feast of Life Performances

April 25, 2025 – 30th Anniversary Gala


Parent Teacher Organization




From the Principal     January 15, 2025

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·       Car Line Volunteers Needed for morning drop-off 8:20 – 8:45 AM. 

Volunteers are needed to help cover morning drop-off in January. Parents providing coverage may bring their children to Before Care at no charge.  Volunteers must complete Safe-Environment Training. Please see Mrs. Hoffman in the office for set-up.


·       Marketing Committee - Looking for 1-2 people per town to place our open house flyers in key spots in your town. This includes libraries, coffee shops, etc.  Please use this SignUpGenius to volunteer.


Thank you for helping us spread the word about our school.


·       Progress Reports – Friday, January 17, 2025


Second trimester progress reports are being sent home with students on Friday, January 17. 


·       No School – January 20, 2025 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


·       The Feast of Life –

The first read-thru is Wednesday, January 22 from 3-4 PM in the 2nd Grade Classroom.  Pick up is in this same location.  Students are receiving their Drama Club Student Contracts prior to the 22nd to review and sign with their parents. Contracts should be brought with them on the Wednesay.


Rehearsals 3-4 PM: Wednesdays mostly for the speaking roles and Fridays for music.

Performance Dates: Friday, April 4; Saturday, April 5 and Sunday April 6. 


·       Focus Group Meeting – PreK 3 and PreK 4

Thursday, January 23, 2025  6-7 PM

On January 23, 2025, we’d like to share ways in which we can work together to enhance your family’s experience here at Saint John School.  Thank you to those who attended the January 8 meeting, shared your thoughts, suggestions and all who completed the survey. Babysitting is available for school students & siblings who are potty-trained. 


·       Kindergarten Long Term Substitute Teacher – Natasha Senokosoff

We welcome Ms. Senokosoff to Saint John School as Mrs. Devenney works on her Master’s Degree.  Ms. Senokosoff is with us into the month of May.  She has a background with education, is dedicated and passionate about what she does and looks forward to working with our Kindergarten students.


·       PTO Meeting – Thursday, January 23, 2025, Library

As parents/guardians of Saint John School Students you are members of our PTO.  Join others at this meeting to help in the planning of events and fundraising opportunities.


·       Dress Down Friday – January 24 - $3 donation

Support our 8th Grade class with their fundraising efforts


·       St John School kicks off Catholic Schools Week with 9 AM Mass on Sunday, January 26 at St. John Church.


The best way to market St John School to our community is YOU! 


Please use this SignUpGenius to let us know that you plan to attend with your children in uniform. Our students will be participating in the liturgy as altar servers, readers, and offertory.


Students who attend Mass on Jan 26 will receive one Free Dress Down Day coupon! 


·       Open House – Sunday, January 26, 2025  10 AM – Noon

                     Wednesday, January 29, 2025  5 – 7:30 PM

Saint John School Open House is open to friends, family, parishioners and the public.  This is an opportunity to share the benefits and blessings of being a part of Saint John School family. 


·       National Catholic Schools Week – Sunday, January 26 – Saturday, February 1, 2025

The theme for National Catholic Schools Week (CSW) for 2025 is "Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community".  Look for details to see how Saint John School is going to celebrate National Catholic Schools Week. 


·       Saint John Catholic School 30th Anniversary Gala – April 25, 2025

Save the Date for our 30th Anniversary Gala to be held at Saybrook Point Inn.  Look for more details to come regarding purchasing tickets and/or being a sponsor.


·       FACTS Grant & Aid - applications are being accepted for the 2025-26 school year.  Check out your FACTS account for the link to apply. 


·       Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing

Support Saint John School with your purchase of gift cards through RaiseRight.  There are 550+ different brands of gift cards to use as gifts for others or to make your own purchases.  You purchase at face value and the business gives a percentage to the school’s RaiseRight account.  Choose “Join a Program” and enter Saint John School Enrollment Code:  2828B59D7252.


·       POP Tab Challenge - Challenge 2 has begun with Weigh-ins on Thursdays and runs through the week of May 19.  Send in your tabs and let’s continue our support of Ronald McDonald House.


·       Sister Gabriel is looking for the following items:

Newspapers and clean recyclable cans and bottles


·       Mornings with Mother–Wednesdays, 9 -9:30 AM

Join Mother Elaine in the library to sit and talk with your questions, thoughts or suggestions.


·       Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon.  Deacon Brian continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.  God willing, Deacon Brian will be ordained a priest in 2025.



·       Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·       Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our School please have them register here (see link).


Pray With Mother


Upcoming Events - Save the Date

January 17, 2025 – Progress Reports Issued

January 23, 2025 – PTO Meeting

January 23, 2025 - PreK 3 & PreK 4 Parent Meeting

January 24, 2025 – Dress Down Friday

January 26, 2025 – Mass & Open House

January 26 – February 1, 2025 – National Catholic School Week


Parent Teacher Organization


From the Principal          January 8, 2025

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·       Car Line Volunteers Needed for morning drop-off 8:20 – 8:45 AM. 

Volunteers are needed to help cover morning drop-off in January. Parents providing coverage may bring their children to Before Care at no charge.  Volunteers must complete Safe-Environment Training. Please see Mrs. Hoffman in the office for set-up.


·       First Friday Mass on January 3 was held in memory of Mrs. Kusmierski, who was our PreK aid of over 24 years who also assisted in our Before and Aftercare program.  Her husband was in attendance at the Mass.  Our prayers continue for her eternal rest and for family.


·       Focus Group Meeting – PreK 3 and PreK 4    

Thursday, January 9, 2025  6-7 PM

What were your expectations of Saint John School when you registered, have we met them? What are your thoughts for the remainder of the school year for your child? Mother Elaine and her staff are here to listen to what you have to share, we’ll gather your thoughts, suggestions and review them.  On January 23, 2025, we’d like to share ways in which we can work together to enhance your family’s experience here at Saint John School.  Mark your calendars for Thursday, January 9 and Thursday, January 23, 2025 for these meeting dates.  Babysitting is available for school students & siblings who are potty-trained. 


·       Marketing Committee Meeting - Thursday, January 9 from 5-6 PM in the Library

The main focus is the planning and preparing for the upcoming Catholic Schools Week, specifically SJS's participation in the Mass and Open House, both which are on Sunday, January 26 from 9 AM-1 PM.


·       The Feast of Life –

Auditions were held on Dec. 13 for parts in the upcoming production of The Feast of Life, a musical based on the Gospel of Luke.  Congratulations to the following students who have speaking as well as singing roles:  Abigail B., Preston C., Gavin C., Domnika & John Paul J., Nicolas K., Elora K., Wilson L., Sophia M., Chloe & Noelle M., and Bristol T.  


The first read-thru is Wednesday, January 22 from 3-4 PM in the 2nd Grade Classroom.  Pick up is from 2nd Grade classroom.  Student receive a Drama Contract to review and sign with their parents.   


Rehearsals 3-4 PM: Wednesdays mostly for the speaking roles and Fridays for music.


Performance Dates: Friday, April 4; Saturday, April 5 and Sunday April 6. 


The Feast of Life was performed at St. Mary Mother of the Redeemer in 2004, Tom Kendzia, a liturgical composer, asked if it could be brought to Washington, DC for the closing of a conference for liturgical educators.  The Feast of Life was performed for 2,000.  


We look forward to presenting The Feast of Life not only to the Saint John School and Parish families and individuals but also to the surrounding community and churches.


·       PreK 3 Long Term Substitute Teacher – We welcome Mrs. Robyn Kendrick, who has a daughter in the 8th grade, and has agreed to take on the PreK 3 Long Term position through the end of the school year.   Mrs. Kendrick has experience working as a PreK para professional in Rhode Island, and she teaches grade 5 CCD classes at St Pio Parish. She has the perfect mix of pre k experience and knowledge of the Catholic faith, and I know you will join me in welcoming her to her new position at SJS.


·       Staff Appreciation Tuesday

January 14th - See the signup genius for the theme and details that was sent in a previous email yesterday! Thank you all for your generosity!  


·       Progress Reports – Friday, January 17, 2025

Second trimester progress reports are being sent home with students on Friday, January 17. 


·       PTO Meeting – Thursday, January 23, 2025, Library

As parents/guardians of Saint John School Students you are members of our PTO.  Join others at this meeting to help in the planning of events and fundraising opportunities.


·       Open House – Sunday, January 26, 2025  10 AM – Noon

Saint John School Open House is open to friends, family, parishioners and the public.  This is an opportunity to share the benefits and blessings of being a part of Saint John School family. 


·       National Catholic Schools Week – Sunday, January 26 – Saturday, February 1, 2025

The theme for National Catholic Schools Week (CSW) for 2025 is "Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community".  Look for details to see how Saint John School is going to celebrate National Catholic Schools Week.


·       FACTS Grant & Aid - applications are being accepted for the 2025-26 school year.  Check out your FACTS account for the link to apply. 


·       Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing

Support Saint John School with your purchase of gift cards through RaiseRight.  Use these as gifts for others or to make your own purchases from 550+ different brands.  You purchase at face value and the business gives a percentage to the school’s RaiseRight account.  Choose “Join a Program” and enter Saint John School Enrollment Code:  2828B59D7252.


·       POP Tab Challenge - The SJS students and families collected over 80 pounds in 3 bins for the Ronald McDonald House in New Haven.  Thank you for supporting our Service Project.  We are hopefully delivering the bins this Saturday.

Miss Judith Devenney's Kindergarten class was the winner of Challenge 1 with just over 25 pounds of the total tabs. Today our kindergarten students enjoyed a Pizza Lunch Party. 

Challenge 2 begins next week with Weigh-ins on Thursdays and runs through the week of May 19.  Start sending in your tabs and let’s continue our support of Ronald McDonald House.


·       Sister Gabriel is looking for the following items:

vNewspapers – for art project

vRecyclable Cans and Bottles – help cover the cost of bird seed for school feeders.


·       Mornings with Mother – Mother Elaine is available on Wednesday mornings from 9 -9:30 AM in the library to sit and talk with parents who may have questions, thoughts or suggestions.  Please sign in at the office, join us for prayer then meet with Mother and other parents.


·       Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon.  Deacon Brian continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.  God willing, Deacon Brian will be ordained a priest in 2025.


·       Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·       Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our School please have them register here (see link).     


Pray With Mother

Upcoming Events - Save the Date

January 9, 2025 – Focus Meeting - PreK 3 and PreK 4

January 9, 2025 – Marketing Committee Meeting

January 17, 2025 – Progress Reports Issued

January 23, 2025 – PTO Meeting

January 26, 2025 – Open House

January 26 – February 1 – National Catholic School Week


Parent Teacher Organization



From the Principal          January 1, 2025

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)



2025 Jubilee Year of Hope


·      Car Line Volunteers Needed for morning drop-off 8:20 – 8:45 AM. 

Volunteers are needed to help cover morning drop-off in January.  Please see the email sent with the link to sign-up for a day, series of days or random days.  Parents providing coverage may bring their children to Before Care at no charge.


Volunteers must complete Safe-Environment Training. Please see Mrs. Hoffman in the office for set-up.


·       STEM Club (3rd-8th Gr.) – LAST CALL for 2 additional enrollees before cancellation.  Program begins Thursday January 23rd, 3-4 PM  Cost: $75

This 4-H STEM program features hands-on projects involving science, technology, engineering & math.  Please contact the office to register your child.


·       First Friday Mass - Friday, January 3, 2025

Join our students and staff for the First Friday Mass at 9:15 AM at Saint John Church.


·       Early Dismissal – Friday, January 3, 2025  1 PM

A reminder this Friday is an early dismissal day.  Please make arrangements for your child’s pick-up at 1 PM or send in a Home to Office Communication if they are staying with us at After Care.


·       Feast of Life – Cast List being posted the week of January 6

Rehearsals begin on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.  At this first read through, students receive a Drama Club Contract to review with parents, sign and bring back to rehearsal on Friday, January 24, 2025.  Rehearsals are in the gymnasium on Wednesdays and the Music room on Fridays.


·       Focus Group Meeting – PreK 3 and PreK 4    

Thursday, January 9, 2025  6-7 PM

What were your expectations of Saint John School when you registered, have we met them? What are your thoughts for the remainder of the school year for your child? 


My staff and I are here to listen to what you have to share, we’ll gather your thoughts, suggestions and review them.  At a follow-up meeting on January 23, 2025, we’d like to share ways in which we can work together to enhance your family’s experience here at Saint John School.  Mark your calendars for Thursday, January 9 and Thursday, January 23, 2025 for these meeting dates.  Babysitting is available for school students & siblings who are potty-trained.  Please RSVP if you plan to attend.


·       Progress Reports – Friday, January 17, 2025

Second trimester progress reports are being sent home with students on Friday, January 17.


·       Open House – Sunday, January 26, 2025  10am – Noon

Saint John School Open House is open to friends, family, parishioners and the public.  This is an opportunity to share the benefits and blessings of being a part of Saint John School family.


·       National Catholic Schools Week – Sunday, January 26 – Saturday, February 1, 2025

The theme for National Catholic Schools Week (CSW) for 2025 is "Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community".  Look for details to see how Saint John School is going to celebrate National Catholic Schools Week.


·       Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing

Support Saint John School with your purchase of gift cards through RaiseRight.  Use these as gifts for others or to make your own purchases from 550+ different brands.  You purchase at face value and the business gives a percentage to the school’s RaiseRight account.


·       Sister Gabriel is looking for the following items:

v Newspapers – for art project

v Recyclable Cans and Bottles – help cover the cost of bird seed for school feeders


·       Mornings with Mother – Mother Elaine is available on Wednesday mornings from 9 -9:30 AM in the library to sit and talk with parents who may have questions, thoughts or suggestions.  Please sign in at the office, join us for prayer then meet with Mother and other parents.


·       Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon.  Deacon Brian continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.  God willing, Deacon Brian will be ordained a priest in 2025.




·       Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·       Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our School please have them register here (see link).     


Pray With Mother

Upcoming Events - Save the Date

January 2, 2025 – Back to School

January 3, 2025 – First Friday Mass / Early Dismissal

January 9, 2025 – Focus Meeting - PreK 3 and PreK 4

January 17, 2025 – Progress Reports Issued

January 26, 2025 – Open House

January 26 – February 1 – National Catholic School Week


Parent Teacher Organization


From the Principal          December 25, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)



Keeping Jesus as the Reason for the Season

Merry Christmas!




·        Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon.  Deacon Brian continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.  God willing, Deacon Brian will be ordained a priest in 2025.




·        Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (see link).     


Pray With Mother 


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

December 23-31 – Christmas Vacation

January 1 – New Year’s Day – No School



 Parent Teacher Organization 


From the Principal          December 11, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·  Luxury Raffle Drawing & Pasta Dinner – Thank you to all the volunteers, Knights of Columbus, students and adults who helped serve up a delicious pasta dinner and desserts prior to the drawing.


·  The 2024 Saint John School Luxury Raffle Committee is  pleased to announce

we have our winners for this year's Luxury Raffle!


The drawing held on December 6, 2024 at 7:00pm identified the below winners:

1st Prize, 2024 Corvette Stingray Coupe:

Kathryn C. of Old Saybrook, CT (Ticket #1537)

2nd Prize, $10,000 VISA® Gift Card:

Maryann G. of Madison, CT (Ticket #1538)

3rd Prize, $2,500 Stop & Shop Gift Card:

Mark I. of North Branford, CT (Ticket #2034)

4th Prize, $2,000 Exxon/Mobil Gas Gift Card:

John M. of Old Lyme, CT (Ticket #1759)


Together, we raised a record $153,500 towards the operating expenses of the school. 

Thank you all for your support and generous contributions!


·  Special thank you from the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church Food Pantry

The Sisters of Charity thanks Saint John School students for their Thanksgiving food donations.




·       Car Line Volunteers Needed for morning drop-off 8:20 – 8:45 AM. 

Volunteers are needed to help cover drop off in January.  Parents providing coverage may bring their children to Before Care at no charge.


Volunteers must complete Safe-Environment Training. Please see Mrs. Hoffman in the office for set-up.


·       Pop Tabs – Challenge 1 ends Thursday, December 12

    Bring in those final pop tabs tomorrow, December 12 for the final weigh-in of Challenge 1.  The winning class will be announced next week.



    Don’t stop collecting after tomorrow.  Stock pile these tabs for the start of Challenge 2.


·      Dress Down Day – Friday, December 13

    For a $3 donation students can join in on dress down day.



·  School Play Auditions – Friday, December 13, 3-4 PM

Saint John Catholic School is excited to announce this year’s school play is “The Feast of Life – Stories from the Gospel of Luke”.  Mrs. Gunther, experienced in theatre, is our Director.  Mrs. DiRocco is our Music Director.




The Feast of Life reminds us of the fourteen banquets mentioned in Luke's Gospel and invites us once again to hear and experience the stories of Jesus. In this musical by Marty Haugen, a diverse group of adults and children gather around a banquet table to retell the parables in Luke's Gospel. The group tells and sings of "The Good Samaritan", "The Prodigal Son", "The Journey to Emmaus", and other parables,as well as the birth and the Passion of Jesus.


Students don’t need to bring anything with them but be ready read aloud and sing. 


If your child is interested in auditioning, contact the office to add their name to the end of the day roster indicating your child is being dismissed to Grade 2.



Rehearsals begin in January and take place on Wednesday and Friday afternoons.  The play is scheduled for the first weekend in April.



·     HOLIDAY BAZAAR - A School-wide Family Event



·      Torchlight Parade - Saturday, December 14



·        Holly Jolly Week Spirit Week – December 16 – 20, 2024



·       Lessons and Carols – Thursday, December 19 - 6:30 PM

Please note the change in location to Saint John School


Students are to arrive no later than 6:15 PM


Each of our classes presents a scripture reading and song as we enter into the final week of Advent by centering ourselves on the true meaning of Christmas, Jesus.  Please invite your family and friends.


Attire:  Black and White

Girls:  Dresses (straps must be at least 3 finger width wide, dresses knee length or longer) or slacks and blouse

Boys:  Pants and shirts, red or green ties 


·        Weather Cancellations/Delays

Notification of Weather Cancellations/Delays is made as follows:

o   Email to Families from EduConnect

o   Website update made on main page banner


o   Postings made on WFSB and NBC Connecticut


·        Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing

Whether you are buying gift cards for birthday gifts, Christmas presents, to place on giving trees, gift giving or just for yourself, consider purchasing them through Raise Right.  You pay for your gift cards at face value.  The business is the one who gives a percentage of the gift card amount to Saint John School.




·     Sister Gabriel is looking for assistance with the following items:

o    Newspapers – for art project

o    Oatmeal Containers with lids or empty plastic coffee containers with lids – for Lessons and Carols 

o    Recyclable Cans and Bottles – help cover the cost of bird seed for school feeders


·        Mornings with Mother – Mother Elaine is available on Wednesday mornings from 9 -9:30 AM in the library to sit and talk with parents who may have questions, thoughts or suggestions.  Please sign in at the office, join us for prayer then meet with Mother and other parents.


·        Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon.  Deacon Brian continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.  God willing, Deacon Brian will be ordained a priest in 2025.



·        Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·        Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (see link).     


Pray With Mother 


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

December 13 – Dress Down Day

December 13 - School Play Auditions

December 13 - SJS Christmas Bazaar

December 14 - Torchlight Parade

December 16 - Holly Jolly Spirit Week

December 19 – Lessons & Carols

December 23-31 – Christmas Vacation

January 1 – New Year’s Day – No School



 Parent Teacher Organization 


From the Principal          December 4, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·        Report Cards are being issued on Friday, December 6.  Please review the report card with your students, sign and return it to your child’s teacher no later than Wednesday, December 11.


·  First Friday – December 6 

Join us for Morning Mass at 9:15 AM at Saint John Church.  This is also an early release day at 1 PM.  If your child is using After Care, please complete a Home to Office Communication form from our website.


·  Luxury Raffle Drawing & Pasta Dinner – Friday, December 6.  

Come join us this Friday for the excitment fo the evening.  A complimentary Pasta Dinner is served from 5-7 PM.  The drawing takes place promptly at 7 PM drawing.  Thank you to everyone who had involvment with this fundraiser.


·        After-School Enrichment

STEM Club – Grades 3-8 is in need of 2 additional registrations or we don’t meet our minimum enrollment to hold the program. 

Cookie Decorating – is full for both PreK and Grades K-8 for Christmas Cookies. Our number cookies were limited for Christmas decorating.  Registration is still being accepted for Valentine’s Cookie decorating. The fee is $15.


·  School Play Auditions – Friday, December 13, 3-4 PM

Saint John Catholic School is excited to announce this year’s school play is “The Feast of Life – Stories from the Gospel of Luke”.  Mrs. Gunther, experienced in theatre, is our Director.  Mrs. DiRocco is our Music Director.


Auditions for students in Grades 3 – 8 take place in the 2nd Grade Classroom after school on Friday, December 13.  Students don’t need to bring anything with them to the audition.  Students will be asked to read aloud and sing. 


If your child is interested in auditioning, please let the office know so the end of the day roster indicates your child is being dismissed to Grade 2.


Rehearsals begin in January and take place on Wednesday and Friday afternoons.  The play is scheduled for the first weekend in April.




FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13TH 6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.









5-10 ITEMS = $4

11+ ITEMS = $5.









-UNIFORM SWAP (6:00-6:30)










·      Torchlight Parade - Saturday, December 14

Saint John School’s presence in the parade serves as a reminder to all attending what the true meaning of the season is.  We ask you and your family to please consider marching in the parade on December 14.  We’ll muster by 5:45 pm near Liberty Bank, 90 Main Street, Old Saybrook, CT.  Please look for the Knights of Columbus Float with the manger on the trailer.  We’ll walk behind the float.


Once we reach Saint John Church, we’ll leave the parade and gather near the steps of the church.  Hot cocoa and cookies are being served in front of the convent to our students, parents and parishioners of Saint John Church.


·        Holly Jolly Week Spirit Week – December 16 – 20, 2024




·        Lessons and Carols – Thursday, December 19 - 6:30 PM at St. Mark Church, Westbrook     Students are to arrive no later than 6:15 PM


Each of our classes presents a scripture reading and song as we enter into the final week of Advent by centering ourselves on the true meaning of Christmas, Jesus.  Please invite your family and friends.


Attire:  Black and White

Girls:  Dresses (straps must be at least 3 finger width wide, dresses knee length or longer) or slacks and blouse

Boys:  Pants and shirts, red or green ties 


·      Weather Cancellations/Delays

Notification of Weather Cancellations/Delays is made as follows:

Email to Families from EduConnect

Website update made on main page banner


Postings made on WFSB and NBC Connecticut


·        Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing

Whether you are buying gift cards for birthday gifts, Christmas presents, to place on giving trees, gift giving or just for yourself, consider purchasing them through Raise Right.  You pay for your gift cards at face value.  The business is the one who gives a percentage of the gift card amount to Saint John School.




·        Car Line Volunteers for morning drop-off 8:20 – 8:45 AM. Thank you for your continued support.  Please look at the January Calendar for available days to volunteer.  Parents providing coverage may bring their children to Before Care at no charge.


Volunteers must complete Safe-Environment Training. Please see Mrs. Hoffman in the office for set-up.


·     Sister Gabriel is looking for assistance with the following items:

·        Newspapers – for art project

·        Oatmeal Containers with lids – Need by December to prepare them for Lessons and Carols 

·        Recyclable Cans and Bottles – help cover the cost of bird seed for school feeders


·        Mornings with Mother – Mother Elaine is available on Wednesday mornings from 9 -9:30 AM in the library to sit and talk with parents who may have questions, thoughts or suggestions.  Please sign in at the office, join us for prayer then meet with Mother and other parents.


·        Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon.  Deacon Brian continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.  God willing, Deacon Brian will be ordained a priest in 2025.




·        Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·        Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (see link).     


Pray With Mother 



Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

December 6 - Report Cards Issued

December 6 - First Friday Mass

December 6 - Pasta Dinner & Luxury Raffle Drawing

December 13 - School Play Auditions

December 13 - SJS Christmas Bazaar

December 14 - Torchlight Parade

December 16 - Holly Jolly Spirit Week

December 19 – Lessons & Carols


 Parent Teacher Organization 


From the Principal          November 27, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)




 ·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (see link).     


Pray With Mother 


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

December 6 - First Friday Mass

December 6 - Pasta Dinner & Luxury Raffle Drawing

December 13 - SJS Christmas Bazzar

 December 14 - Torchlight Parade

December 19 – Lessons & Carols


 Parent Teacher Organization 



From the Principal          November 20, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·   Congratulations to Daniel Peralta who received the Sacrament of Baptism this past weekend.  He was joined by family, friends along with Mother Elaine, Sister Gabriel and Sister Celeste.


·   THANK YOU to our SJS Families - Your generosity of donated food, juices, and coffee was overwhelming.  You have made a difference to so many families who will visit the Sisters of Charity Food Pantry so they have the makings of a Thanksgiving dinner.



Do you have extra food shopping bags you don’t know what to do with? Sisters of Charity Food Pantry can make good use of them.  Drop off your clean shopping bags to the school office.


·     Thanksgiving Week

Full Day of School on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 25 & 26

No Aftercare on Tuesday, Nov. 26 

No school Wednesday – Friday, Nov. 27 – 29


·     Items due by Friday, November 22 

v  Gratitude Grams   You are invited to take part in the 8th grade fundraiser by sharing a note of gratitude with a friend, teacher, or a staff member. Each gram is $1 and there's no limit to how many you can send.  

Gratitude Grams will be delivered Tuesday November 26 the last day of school before the Thanksgiving break.


v  December Lunch Orders   Need a copy of the lunch menu? Download one from our website or use the one emailed yesterday.  Copies are also available in the office.­


v  Winter After-school Programs

Winter After-School Enrichment Programs registration deadline is Friday.  There’s something for everyone. 

Knitting is open to students in Kindergarten through 8th grade.




·   Discover Catholic Schools Week – Nov. 18-22

We’ve been celebrating Catholic Schools Week since Tuesday.

Tomorrow, Thursday, Nov. 21 is Crazy Sock day. Don’t have crazy socks, perhaps wear two different colored socks.

Friday is Buddy Class Dress in Color Day.  Ask your child(ren) what they like best about Buddy Days at SJS.




·     PTO Marketing Committee Meeting – Thursday, Nov. 21 4:30-5 PM, Library

The marketing committee is open to all parents who wish to work together to promote enrollment at Saint John School.  The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss ideas and plans to get the SJS name out in the community.  There are many opportunities for volunteering and even taking on a lead role in certain areas.  All time spent volunteering/participating will be counted towards assessment hours.  If you cannot make it on November 21 but want to be involved, please reach out via text to Aimee Carr at 516.702.2859 or via email at


·     PTO Meeting – Thursday, November 21 at 5 PM

Join other Saint John School parents at our PTO meeting.  Please note the change in the meeting date due to the Thanksgiving holiday.


·     First Friday – December 6 

Join us for Morning Mass at 9:15 AM at Saint John Church.  This is also an early release day at 1 PM.  If your child is using After Care, please complete a Home to Office Communication form from our website.


·   Luxury Raffle Drawing & Pasta Dinner – Friday, December 6.  In just 16 days the winning tickets for the Luxury Raffle will be drawn.  Come join us for a complimentary Pasta Dinner from 5-7 PM prior to the 7 PM drawing.  You could be the lucky winner (or know someone who is). 


·     SJS Holiday Shop - Friday, December 13

Torchlight Parade - Saturday, December 14

Saint John is more than just a school, we are a community.

A weekend of fun is planned beginning on Friday night with a movie for the children in the gymnasium and a Holiday Shop in the main hall.  Saturday evening is the Old Saybrook Torchlight Parade where you can walk in the parade with other SJS families and then gather on the porch of the convent for hot cocoa.



·     Lessons and Carols – Thursday, December 19 - 6:30 PM at St. Mark Church, Westbrook

Each of our classes presents a scripture reading and song as we enter into the final week of Advent by centering ourselves on the true meaning of Christmas, Jesus.


·    Weather Cancellations

Notification of Weather Cancellations is made as follows:

Email to Families from EduConnect

Website update made on main page banner


Postings made on WFSB and NBC Connecticut


·    Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing

Whether you are buying gift cards for birthday gifts, Christmas presents, to place on giving trees, gift giving or just for yourself, consider purchasing them through Raise Right.  You pay for your gift cards at face value.  The business is the one who gives a percentage of the gift card amount to Saint John School.



·     Car Line Volunteers for morning drop-off 8:20 – 8:45 AM.  Thank you to all those who have filled our coverage for December.  It’s not too soon to start picking a day or two in January to help.  Parents providing coverage may bring their children to Before Care at no charge.

   Volunteers must complete Safe-Environment Training. Please see Mrs. Hoffman in the office for set-up.


·     Sister Gabriel is looking for assistance with the following items:

v  Newspapers – for art project

v  Oatmeal Containers with lids – for Lessons and Carols

v  Recyclable Cans and Bottles – help cover the cost of bird seed for school feeders


·    Mornings with Mother – Mother Elaine is available on Wednesday mornings from 9 -9:30 AM in the library to sit and talk with parents who may have questions, thoughts or suggestions.  Please sign in at the office, join us for prayer then meet with Mother and other parents.


 ·    Pop Tabs – 3 weeks remaining to Challenge 1

Third Place – PreK 4

Second Place – Grade 3

First Place - Grade 2


Thank you for everyone’s efforts, a third bin has been started.  We have reached 55.6 pounds of tabs.


Thanksgiving is coming and most likely so are friends and family.  Don’t forget to save pop tabs from these gatherings and bring them to school to place in your class container.  Saint John School is helping Ronald McDonald House one tab at a time.


·    Angels & Elves Fair Nearly New Gift Shop – Saturday, November 23 St. Pio Parish Ladies Guild is holding their annual fair in the gymnasium of Saint John School.  Let’s support the parish that supports our school.  The Nearly New Gift Shop is being held in conjunction with a variety of ALL NEW craft vendors, Penny Cup Raffle, Silent Auction and Bake Sale.  Breakfast and Lunch is being offered.


·    Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon.  Deacon Brian continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.  God willing, Deacon Brian will be ordained a priest in 2025.


 ·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (see link).     


Pray With Mother 


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

November 18 – 22 – Discover Catholic School Week

November 21, 2024 - PTO Marketing Committee

November 21, 2024 – PTO Meeting

November 22, 2024 – Grades Close

November 26, 2024 – Dress Down Day

November 26, 2024 - No After Care

November 27-29 – No School Thanksgiving

December 6 - First Friday Mass

December 6 - Pasta Dinner & Luxury Raffle Drawing

December 13 - SJS Holiday Shop & Movie


December 14 - Torchlight Parade

December 19 – Lessons & Carols


 Parent Teacher Organization 




From the Principal          November 13, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·     No School for Students – Monday, November 18  This is a Staff Professional Development Day.


·     Car Line Volunteers Needed for morning drop-off 8:20 – 8:45 AM.  Use the email sent today with the Signup Genius link to volunteer.  Pick and choose the day(s) you are available to help.  We only have volunteers covering through Nov. 25.


   Thank you Mrs. Rousseau for the year’s you were our car line volunteer and have taken care of everyone’s children each morning when they arrived to school.  Your smile and warm good morning was a great start to their day.


   Volunteers must complete Safe-Environment Training. Please see Mrs. Hoffman in the office for set-up.  


·     Classroom Liaisons are still needed for 2nd, 4th, 6th and 7th grades.  Please use the link in the updated email sent out tonight.



·     Gratitude Grams   You are invited to take part in the 8th grade fundraiser by sharing a note of gratitude with a friend, teacher, or a staff member. Each gram is $1 and there's no limit to how many you can send. See today’s email with blank Gratitude Grams.  Send your completed grams (be sure to cut them out) and money in an envelope to school by Friday, November 22nd. 


Gratitude Grams will be delivered on the last day before the Thanksgiving break i.e. Tuesday November 26th.


·     December Lunch Orders are due by Friday, November 22, 2024

Need a copy of the lunch menu? Download one from our website or use the one emailed yesterday.  Copies are also available in the office.­


Mondays now have the option to order one or two tenders.


·     Discover Catholic Schools Week – Nov. 18-22




·     Winter Afterschool Activities 

Winter After-School Enrichment Programs will be starting in a couple of weeks.  Be on the look-out for registration packets going home this week!  Many programs have limited spots available, so make sure you return them back to school ASAP!



·     PTO Marketing Committee Meeting – Thursday, Nov. 21 4:30-5 PM, Library

The marketing committee is open to all parents who wish to work together to promote enrollment at Saint John School.  The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss ideas and plans to get the SJS name out in the community.  There are many opportunities for volunteering and even taking on a lead role in certain areas.  All time spent volunteering/participating will be counted towards assessment hours.  If you cannot make it on November 21 but want to be involved, please reach out via text to Aimee Carr at 516.702.2859 or via email at


·     PTO Meeting – Thursday, November 21  5 PM

Join other Saint John School parents at our PTO meetings.  Please note the change in the meeting date due to the Thanksgiving holiday.


·   Luxury Raffle Update – SOLD OUT!   

Mark your calendars for December 6.  We’re just 23 days from drawing the winning tickets for the Luxury Raffle.  Come join us for a free Pasta Dinner from 5-7 PM prior to the 7 PM drawing.  You could be the lucky winner (or know someone who is). 


·    InchBug Labels Fundraiser – through June 30, 2025 

Share the link with your friends and family to order personalized name labels and tags!  SJS earns 20% back on every purchase made!  


School Shopping Link:




·    Charleston Wrap Fundraiser

A big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our Charleston Wrap fundraiser!  We are very appreciative of the support of our caring supporters.  We were able to raise over $3,000 for our PTO. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


·    Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing

Whether you are buying gift cards for birthday gifts, Christmas presents, to place on giving trees, gift giving or just for yourself, consider purchasing them through Raise Right.  You pay for your gift cards at face value.  The business is the one who gives a percentage of the gift card amount to Saint John School.  Order gift cards and receive them in about one week’s time.



·     Newspapers - Sister Gabriel is in need of newspapers for an upcoming project next week.  Please bring in newspapers by Wednesday, November 20.


·    Mornings with Mother – Mother Elaine is available on Wednesday mornings from 9 -9:30 AM in the library to sit and talk with parents who may have questions, thoughts or suggestions.  Please sign in at the office, join us for prayer then meet with Mother and other parents.


 ·    Pop Tabs – 4 weeks remaining to Challenge 1

Thanksgiving is coming and most likely so are friends and family.  Don’t forget to save pop tabs from these gatherings and bring them to school to place in your class container.  Saint John School is helping Ronald McDonald House one tab at a time.


·    Angels & Elves Fair Nearly New Gift Shop –Saturday, November 23 St. Pio Parish Ladies Guild is holding their annual fair in the gymnasium of Saint John School.  Let’s support the parish that supports our school.  The Nearly New Gift Shop is being held in conjunction with a variety of ALL NEW craft vendors, Penny Cup Raffle, Silent Auction and Bake Sale.  Breakfast and Lunch is being offered.


·    Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon.  Deacon Brian continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.  God willing, Deacon Brian will be ordained a priest in 2025.


 ·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (see link).     


Pray With Mother 


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

November 18, 2024 – No School

November 18 – 22 – Discover Catholic School Week

November 21, 2024 - PTO Marketing Committee

November 21, 2024 – PTO Meeting

November 22, 2024 – Grades Close

November 26, 2024 – Dress Down Day

November 27-29 – No School Thanksgiving 

December 19 – Lessons & Carols


 Parent Teacher Organization 



From the Principal          November 6, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·   Luxury Raffle Update –  SOLD OUT!  A special thank you everyone who worked on the Luxury Raffle Committee and to everyone who purchased tickets to support Saint John School.


It’s now time to mark your calendars and join us for a pasta dinner from 5-7 PM on Friday, December 6 prior to the 7 PM drawing of the winning tickets. 


·     School Photo Retake Day – Thursday, November 7, 2024

   This is an opportunity for anyone who missed School Photo Day to have their picture taken.  If you wish to have a retake done, please send in your child’s original picture packet.  Students in PreK3, PreK4 or Kindergarten should wear dressy clothes instead of their gym uniform. 


·     Car Line Volunteers Needed for morning drop-off 8:20 – 8:45 AM.  Use the email with the Signup Genius link to volunteer.  Pick and choose the days you are available to help.


   Gym doors open at 8:20 and close at 8:45 AM. Please arrive a few minutes early to close the gates between the church parking lot and the school parking lot and set cones to form the car lane. The volunteer helps students unbuckle, retrieve backpacks, lunch boxes and coats, shut car doors and direct students out of the car lane and towards the gym door safely. At 8:45, return the cones to the wall in between both gym doors. Check that the gym doors are closed and locked.


   Students should exit the passenger side doors whenever possible. For the children's safety, cars may not pass those in line in front of them.  


Volunteers must complete Safe-Environment Training. Please see Mrs. Hoffman in the office for set-up. 


·    Food Pantry Donations - The Sisters of Charity Food Pantry is providing Thanksgiving Meals to families in need.  Our service project for November is helping build up the pantry. Each grade is asked to bring in the following donations:


PreK 3 – Bread and Brownie Box mixes

PreK 4 – Noodles or Rice (any kind)

Kindergarten – Peanut Butter

1st – Cranberry Sauce

2nd – Thanksgiving Napkins and/or Plates

3rd – Tomato Sauce

4th – Canned Soup

5th – Coffee

Middle School – Canned Yams, Canned Pumpkin, Jugs of Juice


Sisters of Charity Food Pantry is so grateful for your support and generosity.


·     8th Grade Parent Meeting – Thursday, November 7, 2024  5:30 PM

Parents of our 8th Grade class are meeting with Mrs. K to discuss Fundraising Activities for the class of 2025.


·     5K Volunteer Information Meeting



·     Veteran’s Day Assembly – Monday, November 11, 2024  9:30 AM


Saint John School takes this day to honor the Veteran’s in our families.  Join us for a special Assembly at 9:30 in the gymnasium.


·     PTO Marketing Committee Meeting – Thursday, Nov. 21 4:30-5 PM, Library

   The marketing committee is open to all parents who wish to work together to promote enrollment at Saint John School.


·     PTO Meeting – Thursday, November 21  5 PM

Join other Saint John School parents at our PTO meetings.  Please note the change in the meeting date due to the Thanksgiving holiday.


·    InchBug Labels Fundraiser – through June 30, 2025


Share the link with your friends and family to order personalized name labels and tags!  SJS earns 20% back on every purchase made!  


School Shopping Link:




·    Charleston Wrap Fundraiser – through November 11

The deadline is quickly approaching.  All you have to do to help us reach our fundraising goal is register at using our organization ID 28358.


It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 to support Saint John School.


1.    Go to today!

2.    Share the word using, our text, email, and social sharing tools.

3.    Shop – check-off your holiday gift list and help support our cause.




·    Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing



·   Recyclable Cans & Bottles - Sister Gabriel is collecting clean recyclable cans and bottles.  Please drop off any donations in the main office.  Don’t forget to remove the tabs from cans for your child’s classroom collection prior to donating.


·    Mornings with Mother – Mother Elaine is available on Wednesday mornings from 9 -9:30 AM in the library to sit and talk with parents who may have questions, thoughts or suggestions.  Please sign in at the office, join us for prayer then meet with Mother and other parents.


 ·    Pop Tabs – 5 weeks remaining to Challenge 1

Thursday weigh-ins have brought in 47.2 lbx of tabs.  Bin #2 is nearly full.



Last week’s results:

3rd Place:  PreK 4

2nd Place:  PreK 3

1st Place:   Kindergarten


·    Angels & Elves Fair Nearly New Gift Shop –Saturday, November 23 St. Pio Parish Ladies Guild is holding their annual fair in the gymnasium of Saint John School.  Let’s support the parish that supports our school.  The Nearly New Gift Shop is being held in conjunction with a variety of ALL NEW craft vendors, Penny Cup Raffle, Silent Auction and Bake Sale.  Breakfast and Lunch is being offered.


·    Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon.  Deacon Brian continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.  God willing, Deacon Brian will be ordained a priest in 2025.



 ·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (see link).     


Pray With Mother 

Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

November 7, 2024 – School Picture Retakes

November 7, 2024 - 8th Grade Parent Meeting

November 7, 2024 - 5K Volunteer Information Meeting

November 11, 2024 – Veteran’s Day Celebration

November 11, 2024 – Red/White/Blue Dress Up Day

November 18, 2024 – No School

November 21, 2024 - PTO Marketing Committee

November 21, 2024 – PTO Meeting

November 22, 2024 – Grades Close

November 26, 2024 – Dress Down Day


 Parent Teacher Organization 


From the Principal          October 30, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·    Tree Planting – After the removal of several trees at Saint John Church and School, SOS Trees planted a new Oak tree at Saint John School on Monday, October 28 with the help of our Preschool and Elementary School students.  Fr. Greg and Mother Elaine encouraged our students to visit the tree every now and then watching it grow during their years at Saint John School.



·    First Friday Mass – November 1, 2024   9:15 AM at St. John Church – All Saints Day – A Holy Day of Obligation

   Parents and grandparents are welcome to join our students and staff at morning Mass at Saint John Church.  Please arrive to church early as it'll be close to full.


·    Grandparent’s Day – November 1, 2024 

             9:15 AM – Morning Mass

             10:00 AM – Refreshments

             10:30 – 11:30 AM – Class Tour and Activities


·   Early Release Day – Friday, November 1, 2024   1 PM  If your child needs Aftercare, please complete the Home to Office Communication and send to the school prior to 10 AM.


·     School Photo Retake Day – Thursday, November 7, 2024

    This is an opportunity for anyone who missed School Photo Day to have their picture taken.  If you wish to have a retake done, please send in your child’s original picture packet.  Students in PreK3, PreK4 or Kindergarten should wear dressy clothes instead of their gym uniform.      


·     8th Grade Parent Meeting – Thursday, November 7, 2024  5:30 PM

Parents of our 8th Grade class are meeting with Mrs. K to discuss Fundraising Activities for the class of 2025.


·     5K Volunteer Information Meeting





·     Veteran’s Day Assembly – Monday, November 11, 2024  9:30 AM


Saint John School takes this day to honor the Veteran’s in our families.  Join us for a special Assembly at 9:30 in the gymnasium. (please note the time correction from last week’s Eagle Eye).


·     PTO Meeting – Thursday, November 21  5 PM

Join other Saint John School parents at our PTO meetings.  Please note the change in the meeting date due to the Thanksgiving holiday.


·   Luxury Raffle Update – Approx. 50 tickets remain.  Going, going, almost gone. 

   Mark your calendars and join us for a pasta dinner from 5-7 PM on Friday, December 6 prior to the 7 PM drawing of the winning tickets. 


·    InchBug Labels Fundraiser – through June 30, 2025


Share the link with your friends and family to order personalized name labels and tags!  SJS earns 20% back on every purchase made!  


School Shopping Link:



·    Charleston Wrap Fundraiser – through November 11

Register with Charleston Wrap and invite your friends and family by email & TEXT to participate in supporting Saint John School. Sharing our fundraiser link helps us reach our goal. 



·    Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing




·   Recyclable Cans & Bottles - Sister Gabriel is collecting clean recyclable cans and bottles.  Please drop off any donations in the main office.  Don’t forget to remove the tabs from cans for your child’s classroom collection prior to donating.


·    Mornings with Mother – Mother Elaine is available on Wednesday mornings from 9 -9:30 AM in the library to sit and talk with parents who may have questions, thoughts or suggestions.  Please sign in at the office, join us for prayer then meet with Mother and other parents.


 ·    Pop Tabs – 6 weeks remaining to Challenge 1

Thursday weigh-ins have brought in nearly 50 lbs of tabs which is twice as much as we collected last year.  Bin #2 has started has about 7” of tabs.


Last week’s results:

3rd Place:   6th Grade

2nd Place:  2nd Grade

1st Place:   Kindergarten


·    Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon.  Deacon Brian continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.  God willing, Deacon Brian will be ordained a priest in 2025.


 ·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (see link).     


Pray With Mother 


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

October 31, 2024 – Orange/Black Dress Down Day

November 1, 2024 – First Friday Mass

November 1, 2024 – Grandparent’s Day

November 1, 2024 – Early Dismissal

November 7, 2024 – School Picture Retakes

November 7, 2024 - 8th Grade Parent Meeting

November 7, 2024 - 5K Volunteer Information Meeting

November 11, 2024 – Veteran’s Day Celebration

November 11, 2024 – Red/White/Blue Dress Up Day

November 18, 2024 – No School

November 21, 2024 – PTO Meeting

November 26, 2024 – Dress Down Day


 Parent Teacher Organization 


From the Principal          October 23, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


 ·    Blessing of the Rosary – The Sisters of Charity donated rosary beads to our students and staff at Saint John School.  Today Fr. Greg, Pastor of Saint John Church, joined us at Morning Prayer and blessed our rosaries. Fr. Greg encouraged us to pray the Rosary often.


   The Rosary is a meditative prayer based on scripture.  When we pray the Rosary, we ask Mary to pray for us as we seek to grow closer to her son Jesus by contemplating His life, death, and Resurrection.


·    The Academy of the Holy Family – Mother Mary Jude and two student ambassadors came and visited with our 5th – 8th grade girls today to share information about the Academy of the Holy Family.  The Academy is a Catholic day and boarding college preparatory school for national and international young women.  Information packets were sent home with our students to review with their parents.  (a little FYI ~ Sister Gabriel is a graduate of The Academy of the Holy Family)


 ·    Trunk or Treat – Friday, October 25, 2024

   Trunk or Treat is just 2 days away.  We have 28 vehicles ready for our students to visit.  Before Trunk or Treating begins, join us in the gymnasium for the costume parade.  Prizes are being awarded for Most Creative, Most Realistic, Coolest Handmade Costume and Scariest (no weapons or realistic violence please).


    Please bring a canned good (or two) in support of the Shoreline Soup Kitchen.


·    United States Coast Guard Band – Our 5th – 8th Grade students are attending a concert by the U.S. Coast Guard Band at the Coast Guard Academy in New London on Monday, October 28.


·    Dress Down / Dress Up Days in honor of Mrs. Kusmierski

o   October 31, 2024 - $3 Orange/Black Dress Down Day

o   November 11, 2024 - $3 Red/White/Blue Dress Up Day

o   November 26, 2024 - $3 Dress Down Day 


·    First Friday Mass – November 1, 2024   9:15 AM at St. John Church – All Saints Day – A Holy Day of Obligation

   Parents and grandparents are welcome to join our students and staff at morning Mass at Saint John Church.


·    Grandparent’s Day – November 1, 2024 

             9:15 AM – Morning Mass

             10:00 AM – Refreshments

             10:30 – 11:30 AM – Class Tour and Activities


Please RSVP by Thursday, October 24, 2024.


·   Early Release Day – Friday, November 1, 2024   1 PM


·     Veteran’s Day Assembly – Monday, November 11, 2024  9 AM

Saint John School takes this day to honor the Veteran’s in our families with a special Assembly following our Morning Prayer.


·     PTO Meeting – Thursday, November 21  5 PM

Join other Saint John School parents at our PTO meetings.  Please note the change in the meeting date due to the Thanksgiving holiday.


·   Luxury Raffle Update – Less than 300 tickets remain.  Don’t wait much longer to purchase your ticket.  Thank you to everyone who has helped in this effort.  Remember each ticket sold on behalf of your child goes towards your PTO Assessment Fees.


·    Paperpie Book Fair Fundraiser – Thank you to everyone who purchased books in-person and online during our PaperPie Book Fair.  The Book Fair raised over $400 in free books to help our teachers build their classroom libraries!




·    InchBug Labels Fundraiser – ongoing through June 30, 2025

Personalized name labels and tags for all your child's school items through InchBug so nothing gets lost at school again!  Orders are shipped right to your home!


School Shopping Link:



Share the link with your friends and family!  SJS earns 20% back on every purchase made!  



·    Charleston Wrap Fundraiser – through November 11

Packets have gone home to each family.  Register online today for our Charleston Wrap fundraiser at! Once you register, you’ll be able to send email & TEXT invitations to your friends & family. Sharing our fundraiser will help us reach our goal. Will you register today and help us kick-off our fundraiser? 



·    Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing

Gift cards are given for birthdays, Christmas, church giving trees or can be used for your own everyday purchases of food, gas, clothing, home improvements etc.


An invitation was sent to parents in support of Saint John School PTO Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser.  Simply by creating an account you can purchase gift cards at their face value.  For each gift card purchased whether physical gift cards or e-cards each business offers a different percentage of profit to Saint John School.  


·   Recyclable Cans & Bottles - Sister Gabriel is collecting clean recyclable cans and bottles.  Please drop off any donations in the main office.  Don’t forget to remove the tabs from cans for your child’s classroom collection prior to donating.


·   Lunch Orders for November - Due by this Friday, October 25, 2024 


·    Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon.  Deacon Brian continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.  God willing, Deacon Brian will be ordained a priest in 2025.


 ·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (see link).     


Pray With Mother 

Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

October 25, 2024 – Trunk or Treat

October 31, 2024 – Orange/Black Dress Down Day

November 1, 2024 – First Friday Mass

November 1, 2024 – Grandparent’s Day

November 1, 2024 – Early Dismissal

November 11, 2024 – Veteran’s Day Celebration

November 11, 2024 – Red/White/Blue Dress Up Day

November 18, 2024 – No School

November 21, 2024 – School Picture Retakes

November 21, 2024 – PTO Meeting

November 26, 2024 – Dress Down Day


 Parent Teacher Organization 


From the Principal          October 16, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·   Cooler Weather has arrived - time for outerwear at recess

   Recess is outdoors, it is time for students to bring and wear the appropriate outerwear for the weather.  


·   Morning Drop-Off Location Change – Friday, October 18, 2024

   8:20 – 8:45 AM Side Cafeteria Doors are being used for entrance into the school.  There is an exhibit in the gymnasium and we are not using the back gym doors.


 ·  Vatican Eucharistic Miracles of the World Exhibit  - Friday, October 18  

       Saint John School is hosting the Vatican Eucharistic Miracles of the World Exhibit which includes posters depicting more than 125 Eucharistic miracles from various countries around the world and more than 25 posters of holy men and women whose lives were significantly impacted by the Eucharist.


Students in Grades 5-8 are attending a presentation by Deacon Ben LoCasto on Friday morning followed by a visit to the exhibit during the school day.


This exhibit is open to the public on Saturday, October 19 from 2-6 PM and Sunday from 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM. Parents and families are welcome to come during these public times and see the ways Jesus has removed doubts and proven His presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament. 


·    Pearls & Plaid Shop for a Cause - Saturday, October 19, 10 AM - 5 PM

   This Saturday, Pearls & Plaid, owned by Caroline Olson, a Saint John School parent, is donating 20% of all school sales to our PTO when you mention “Saint John School” at checkout!


·   No Go Tell - Monday, October 21, 2024

   The Diocese of Norwich No Go Tell program is being presented to our students.  Our Safe Environment Office has released videos adapted from lesson plans from our No Go Tell Curriculum. Each grade level (Kindergarten - 8th Grade), will see a video which is age-appropriate, developmentally appropriate, and consistent with the moral teachings of the Catholic Church. These videos based on our prior lessons are designed to promote respect for the dignity of the human person and the development of a moral conscience.


·   Lion’s Club Eye Screening – Monday, October 21, 2024

   The Lion’s Club is holding their annual Eye Screening for all students at Saint John School during the school day. 


·   Focus Group – Wednesday, October 23, 2024  6 – 7 PM

with Parents of Kindergarten – 8th Grade Students

Your SJS School Board continues to work on a strategic plan. The plan has several components, each focusing on maintaining school operations, ensuring sound academic programs and building a thriving SJS community (Parents, Students, Faculty, and Parishioners).


We are seeking your feedback on the current strengths and opportunities of our school. The Board invites you to share your thoughts with us on October 23rd from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. The meeting will be held in the SJS school auditorium.


Babysitting will be provided. We look forward to your participation.


·    Trunk or Treat – Friday, October 25, 2024

    We are just over a week away from Trunk or Treat.  There are 17 sign-ups so far to decorate their trunks or back of their trucks for our students. Our goal is to have a total of 40 vehicles. See tonight's email with like to sign-up.


·    Dress Down / Dress Up Days in honor of Mrs. Kusmierski

o   October 31, 2024 - $3 Orange/Black Dress Down Day

o   November 11, 2024 - $3 Red/White/Blue Dress Up Day

o   November 26, 2024 - $3 Dress Down Day 


·    First Friday Mass – November 1, 2024   9:15 AM at St. John Church

   Parents and grandparents are welcome to join our students and staff at morning Mass at Saint John Church.


·    Grandparent’s Day – November 1, 2024 

             9:15 AM – Morning Mass

             10:00 AM – Refreshments

             10:30 – 11:30 AM – Class Tour and Activities


Please RSVP using the registration form sent by Thursday, October 24, 2024.


·   Early Release Day – Friday, November 1, 2024   1 PM


·     Veteran’s Day Assembly – Monday, November 11, 2024  9:30 AM

Saint John School takes this day to honor the Veteran’s in our families with a special Assembly.


·     PTO Meeting – Thursday, November 21  5 PM

Please note the change in the meeting date due to the Thanksgiving holiday.


·   Luxury Raffle Update – Only 400 tickets remaining.  Thank you to everyone who has helped in this effort.  Remember each ticket sold on behalf of your child goes towards your PTO Assessment Fees.


·    InchBug Labels Fundraiser – now through June 30th.

This PTO Fundraiser through InchBug Labels has personalized name labels and tags for all your child's school items through InchBug so nothing gets lost at school again!  Place your order online either by using:


School Shopping Link:



Orders are shipped right to your home! Share the link with your friends and family!  SJS earns 20% back on every purchase made!  



·    Charleston Wrap Fundraiser – October 21 – November 11

Fundraising packets go home Friday, October 18th.  Our fundraiser begins this coming Monday October 21st. You may simply place your order online at


Please be sure to use our School ID or the Student Code you receive after student registration.  Again, this information is included in the packet you will receive.




·    Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser – ongoing

Gift cards are given for birthdays, Christmas, church giving trees or can be used for your own everyday purchases of food, gas, clothing, home improvements etc.


Saint John School PTO participates in Raise Right Gift Card Fundraiser.  Gift cards are purchased at their face value.  For each gift card purchased whether physical gift cards or e-cards, Saint John School PTO receives a percentage of the purchase.  The percentage the school receives varies by the gift card. You’ll be receiving an invitation in your email account to join Raise Right in the next week.


·    Pop Tabs – Collection through Dec. 10 for the Ronald McDonald House.

Collect pop tabs from beverage cans as well as pet food, vegetables and fruit qualify.  Encourage students to ask relatives, neighbors, clubs or teams to help with the collection. Tomorrow is our next weigh-in.


Last week’s results:

3rd Place - Grade 1   552.3 grams

2nd Place - Grade 2  787.9 grams

1st Place - Kindergarten  1,138.0 grams


The total for the weigh-in was 5.5 lbs.  Our total after 4 weeks is 36.6 lbs.


·   Recyclable Cans & Bottles

   Sister Gabriel is collecting clean recyclable cans and bottles.  Please drop off any donations in the main office.  Don’t forget to remove the tabs from cans for your child’s classroom collection prior to donating.


·   Lunch Orders for November - Due by October 25, 2024 


·    School Assessment & Volunteer Hours –

The following are the current 2024-25 Service Hours and Assessment Requirements for Saint John School families (these are per family and not per student):


Grades Kindergarten through Grade 8:  30 service hours / $400.00 assessment

Pre-Kindergarten:  15 service hours / $250.00 assessment


·    Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon.  Deacon Brian continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.  God willing, Deacon Brian will be ordained a priest in 2025.


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (see link).     


Pray With Mother


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

October 18, 2024 – Vatican Eucharistic Miracle Exhibit

October 19, 2024 – Pearls and Plaid Shop for a Cause

October 21, 2024 - NO GO TELL

October 21, 2024 - Lion's Club Eye Screening

October 25, 2024 – Trunk or Treat

October 31, 2024 – Orange/Black Dress Down Day

November 1, 2024 – First Friday Mass

November 1, 2024 – Grandparent’s Day

November 1, 2024 – Early Dismissal

November 11, 2024 – Veteran’s Day Celebration

November 11, 2024 – Red/White/Blue Dress Up Day

November 21, 2024 – School Picture Retakes

November 21, 2024 – PTO Meeting

November 26, 2024 – Dress Down Day


 Parent Teacher Organization 



From the Principal          October 9, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·    Uniform Policy – Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Formal uniform is now the only uniform to be worn for Grades 1 - 8:

Boys - pants, button down shirt and tie. 

Girls - Blouse with jumper or skirt.


See our 2024-25 Parent and Student Handbook for details.


·   No School - Columbus Day – Monday, October 14, 2024


·   Early Release Days – Tuesday, October 15 & Wednesday, October 16   1 PM

    Please remember to send in your Home to Office Communication that morning if your child is in need of After Care.


·   Parent Teacher Conferences – Tuesday, October 15 & Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Schedule your appointment directly with your child’s teacher.


·   Morning Drop-Off Location Change – Friday, October 18, 2024

    8:20 – 8:45 AM Side Cafeteria Doors are being used for entrance into the school.  There is an exhibit in the gymnasium and we are not using the back gym doors.


·  Vatican Eucharistic Miracles of the World Exhibit  - Friday, October 18  

         Saint John School is hosting the Vatican Eucharistic Miracles of the World Exhibit which includes posters depicting more than 125 Eucharistic miracles from various countries around the world and more than 25 posters of holy men and women whose lives were significantly impacted by the Eucharist.


Saint John School students in Grades 5-8 are attending a presentation by Deacon Ben LoCasto on Friday morning followed by a visit to the exhibit during the school day. Saint Pio Faith Formation classes are attending the exhibit on Saturday morning and again Sunday evening.  This exhibit is open to the public on Saturday, October 19 from 2-6 PM and Sunday from 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM. Parents and families are welcome to come during the public times and see the ways Jesus has removed doubts and proven His presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament. 


·    Pearls & Plaid Shop for a Cause - Saturday, October 19, 10 AM - 5 PM

   Pearls & Plaid, owned by Caroline Olson, a Saint John School parent, is donating 20% of all school sales on October 19 to our PTO.  Be sure to mention “Saint John School” when you checkout!


·   No Go Tell - Monday, October 21, 2024

   The Diocese of Norwich No Go Tell program is being presented to our students.  Our Safe Environment Office has released videos adapted from lesson plans from our No Go Tell Curriculum. Each grade level (Kindergarten - 8th Grade), will see a video which is age-appropriate, developmentally appropriate, and consistent with the moral teachings of the Catholic Church. These videos based on our prior lessons are designed to promote respect for the dignity of the human person and the development of a moral conscience.


·   Focus Group with Parents of Kindergarten – 8th Grade Students – Wednesday, October 23, 2024  6:00 – 7:00 PM

Your SJS School Board continues to work on a strategic plan. The plan has several components, each focusing on maintaining school operations, ensuring sound academic programs and building a thriving SJS community (Parents, Students, Faculty, and Parishioners).


We are seeking your feedback on the current strengths and opportunities of our school. The Board invites you to share your thoughts with us on October 23rd from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. The meeting will be held in the SJS school auditorium.


Babysitting will be provided. We look forward to your participation.


·    Trunk or Treat – Friday, October 25, 2024

    We are looking for volunteers to decorate their trunks or back of their trucks for our students to visit for “Trunk or Treating”.  Our goal is to have a total of 40 vehicles.  See the email sent yesterday with the link to volunteer.


·    Dress Down / Dress Up Days in honor of Mrs. Kusmierski

o   October 31, 2024 - $3 Orange/Black Dress Down Day

o   November 11, 2024 - $3 Red/White/Blue Dress Up Day

o   November 26, 2024 - $3 Dress Down Day 


·    First Friday Mass – November 1, 2024   9:15 AM at St. John Church

   Parents and grandparents are welcome to join our students and staff at morning Mass at Saint John Church.


·    Grandparent’s Day – November 1, 2024 

             9:15 AM – Morning Mass

             10:00 AM – Refreshments

             10:30 – 11:30 AM – Class Tour and Activities


An email is being sent with the registration form for Grandparent’s Day.  Please RSVP by Thursday, October 24, 2024.


·   Early Release Day – Friday, November 1, 2024   1 PM

   Please remember to send in your Home to Office Communication that morning if your child is in need of After Care.


·     Veteran’s Day Assembly – Monday, November 11, 2024  9:30 AM

Saint John School takes this day to honor the Veteran’s in our families with a special Assembly.


·     PTO Meeting – Thursday, November 21  5 PM

Please note the change in the meeting date due to the Thanksgiving holiday.


·   Luxury Raffle Update – We are approaching 2,000 tickets sold.  Thank you to everyone who has helped in this effort.  There are a limited amount of tickets available and still time to help.  Remember each ticket sold on behalf of your child goes towards your PTO Assessment Fees.


·    InchBug Labels Fundraiser – now through June 30th.

This PTO Fundraiser through InchBug Labels has personalized name labels and tags for all your child's school items through InchBug so nothing gets lost at school again!  Place your order online either by using:


School Shopping Link:



Orders are shipped right to your home! Share the link with your friends and family!  SJS earns 20% back on every purchase made!  


·    Charleston Wrap Fundraiser – October 21 – November 11

Our very important fundraiser kicks off soon!  Look out for our Charleston Wrap fundraising info coming soon and get ready to check off your holiday gift list!  You're going to LOVE what you see, and your support helps us reach our fundraising goal! 



·    Pop Tabs – Collection through Dec. 10 for the Ronald McDonald House.

Collect pop tabs from beverage cans as well as pet food, vegetables and fruit qualify.  Encourage students to ask relatives, neighbors, clubs or teams to help with the collection. Tomorrow is our next weigh-in.


Last week’s results:

3rd Place:   Kindergarten

2nd Place:  6th Grade

1st Place:   2nd Grade


The total for the weigh-in was 8.8 lbs.  Our total after 3 weeks is 29.6 lbs.


·   Recyclable Cans & Bottles

   Sister Gabriel is collecting clean recyclable cans and bottles.  Please drop off any donations in the main office.  Don’t forget to remove the tabs from cans for your child’s classroom collection prior to donating.


·   Lunch Orders for November - Due by October 25, 2024 

November lunch orders are being accepted.  Payment (cash, check, money order and credit card) is due when the order is submitted.  Credit Card payments are accepted in person during school hours.


·    School Assessment & Volunteer Hours –

The following are the current 2024-25 Service Hours and Assessment Requirements for Saint John School families (these are per family and not per student):


Grades Kindergarten through Grade 8:  30 service hours / $400.00 assessment

Pre-Kindergarten:  15 service hours / $250.00 assessment


Get started today to complete your requirements for your volunteer hours and assessment for 2024-25.  Visit our Luxury Raffle volunteer page for a list of volunteer opportunities.


Questions:  Contact Ann Bassolino at regarding our Luxury Raffle Volunteer possibilities.


·    Volunteers needed for Morning Care

   Do you have time available from 8 – 8:45 AM a few days a week?  We are looking for a few volunteers (time can be added towards assessment requirements), to assist with monitoring the door as children are dropped off for school at Saint John School. Volunteers need to be Safe Environment trained.  Contact the office if interested and/or in need of Safe Environment training. 


·    Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon.  Deacon Brian continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.  God willing, Deacon Brian will be ordained a priest in 2025.


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (see link).     


Pray With Mother

Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

On-line – InchBug Labels

October 4, 2024 – First Friday Mass

October 14, 2024 – Columbus Day, No School

October 15, 2024 – Return to Formal Uniforms

October 15 & 16, 2024 – Early Dismissal

October 15 & 16, 2024 – Parent/Teacher Conferences

October 18, 2024 – Vatican Eucharistic Miracle Exhibit

October 19, 2024 – Pearls and Plaid Shop for a Cause

October 25, 2024 – Trunk or Treat

October 31, 2024 – Orange/Black Dress Down Day

November 1, 2024 – First Friday Mass

November 1, 2024 – Grandparent’s Day

November 1, 2024 – Early Dismissal

November 11, 2024 – Veteran’s Day Celebration

November 11, 2024 – Red/White/Blue Dress Up Day

November 21, 2024 – School Picture Retakes

November 21, 2024 – PTO Meeting

November 26, 2024 – Dress Down Day


 Parent Teacher Organization 



From the Principal          October 2, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


Mrs. K (Mrs. Linda Kusmierski)


Mrs. K was a beloved PreK Aid at Saint John School for 24 years.

She also assisted with our Before Care and After Care programs.

Our school was blessed by her love and care of our students.


Saint John School is holding the following

Dress Down and Dress Up days

in honor of Mrs. Kusmierski.


October 31, 2024 - $3 Orange/Black Dress Down Day

November 11, 2024 - $3 Red/White/Blue Dress Up Day

November 26, 2024 - $3 Dress Down Day 


·    First Friday Mass – October 4, 2024   Sponsored by our 7th Grade class.

    Parents are welcome to join our students and staff at the 9:15 Mass at Saint John Church on the First Friday of each month.


·    Uniform Policy – Tuesday, October 15, 2024

See uniform policy:  Formal uniform is now the only uniform to be worn: shorts and gym shorts are not to be worn.

Formal uniform for grades 1-8:

Boys - pants, button down shirt and tie. 

Girls - Blouse with jumper or skirt.


·   Luxury Raffle Update – We are approaching 2,000 tickets sold.  Thank you to everyone who has helped in this effort.  There are a limited amount of tickets available and still time to help.  Remember each ticket sold on behalf of your child goes towards your PTO Assessment Fees.


·   The Luxury Raffle - Old Saybrook Arts & Crafts Fair this weekend, October 5th and 6th!


We are in need of a few more parents to help out this Saturday and/or Sunday selling raffle tickets! It would be helpful if we had several families available to help at each timeslot.  Please check out the signup list.


·   No School - Columbus Day – Monday, October 14, 2024


·   Early Release Days – Tuesday, October 15 & Wednesday, October 16   1 PM

    Please remember to send in your Home to Office Communication that morning if your child is in need of After Care.


·   Parent Teacher Conferences – Tuesday, October 15 & Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Check your e-mail to sign-up with your child’s teacher for a conference day and time.


·    Pearls & Plaid Shop for a Cause - Saturday, October 19, 10 AM - 5 PM

   If you shop at Pearls & Plaid, owned by one of our own Saint John School parents, Caroline Olson, 20% of all schools sales will be donated back to our PTO!  Just remember to mention Saint John School at checkout!


·   Focus Group with Parents Grades K - 8 – Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Your SJS School Board continues to work on a strategic plan. The plan has several components, each focusing on maintaining school operations, ensuring sound academic programs and building a thriving SJS community (Parents, Students, Faculty, and Parishioners).


We are seeking your feedback on the current strengths and opportunities of our school. The Board invites you to share your thoughts with us on October 23rd from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. The meeting will be held in the SJS school auditorium.


Babysitting will be provided. We look forward to your participation.


·    Trunk or Treat – Friday, October 25, 2024

    Look for upcoming details as to how you can help create a successful Trunk or Treat event for Saint John School.  To name a few, we’ll be in need of vehicles to decorate their trunks and hand out candy along with volunteers to help with games.


·    First Friday Mass – November 1, 2024   9:15 AM at St. John Church

    Parents and grandparents are welcome to join our students and staff at morning Mass at Saint John Church.


·    Grandparent’s Day – November 1, 2024  (after morning Mass)

   We welcome the grandparents of our students to a light reception in our gymnasium followed by an opportunity to visit their grandchild’s classroom.


·   Early Release Day – Friday, November 1, 2024   1 PM

   Please remember to send in your Home to Office Communication that morning if your child is in need of After Care.


·     Veteran’s Day Assembly – Monday, November 11, 2024  9:30 AM

Saint John School takes this day to honor the Veteran’s in our families with a special Assembly.


·     PTO Meeting – Thursday, November 21  5 PM

Please note the change in the meeting date due to the Thanksgiving holiday.


·    InchBug Labels Fundraiser – now through June 30th.

This PTO Fundraiser through InchBug Labels has personalized name labels and tags for all your child's school items through InchBug so nothing gets lost at school again!  Place your order online either by using:


School Shopping Link:



Orders are shipped right to your home! Share the link with your friends and family!  SJS earns 20% back on every purchase made!  



·    Charleston Wrap Fundraiser – October 21 – November 11

Our very important fundraiser kicks off soon!  Look out for our Charleston Wrap fundraising info coming soon and get ready to check off your holiday gift list!  You're going to LOVE what you see, and your support helps us reach our fundraising goal! 



·    Pop Tabs – Collection through Dec. 10 for the Ronald McDonald House.

Collect pop tabs from beverage cans as well as pet food, vegetables and fruit qualify.  Encourage students to ask relatives, neighbors, clubs or teams to help with the collection. Tomorrow is our next weigh-in.


Last week’s results:

3rd Place - Kindergarten

2nd Place - 3rd Grade

1st Place - 2nd Grade

The total for the weigh-in was 8.5 lbs.  Our total after 2 weeks is 20.7 lbs.


·   Recyclable Cans & Bottles

   Sister Gabriel is collecting clean recyclable cans and bottles.  Please drop off any donations in the main office.  Don’t forget to remove the tabs from cans for your child’s classroom collection prior to donating.


·    School Assessment & Volunteer Hours –

The following are the current 2024-25 Service Hours and Assessment Requirements for Saint John School families (these are per family and not per student):


Grades Kindergarten through Grade 8:  30 service hours / $400.00 assessment

Pre-Kindergarten:  15 service hours / $250.00 assessment


Get started today to complete your requirements for your volunteer hours and assessment for 2024-25.  Visit our Luxury Raffle volunteer page for a list of volunteer opportunities.


Questions:  Contact Ann Bassolino at regarding our Luxury Raffle Volunteer possibilities.


·    Volunteers needed for Morning Care

   Do you have time available from 8 – 8:45 AM a few days a week?  We are looking for a few volunteers (time can be added towards assessment requirements), to assist with monitoring the door as children are dropped off for school at Saint John School. Volunteers need to be Safe Environment trained.  Contact the office if interested and/or in need of Safe Environment training. 


·    Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, who is currently a Transitional Deacon.  Deacon Brian continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.  God willing, Deacon Brian will be ordained a priest in 2025.



·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (see link).     


Pray With Mother


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

On-line – InchBug Labels

October 4, 2024 – First Friday Mass

October 14, 2024 – Columbus Day, No School

October 15, 2024 – Return to Formal Uniforms

October 15 & 16, 2024 – Early Dismissal

October 15 & 16, 2024 – Parent/Teacher Conferences

October 19, 2024 – Pearls and Plaid Shop for a Cause

October 25, 2024 – Trunk or Treat

October 31, 2024 – Orange/Black Dress Down Day

November 1, 2024 – First Friday Mass

November 1, 2024 – Grandparent’s Day

November 1, 2024 – Early Dismissal

November 11, 2024 – Veteran’s Day Celebration

November 11, 2024 – Red/White/Blue Dress Up Day

November 21, 2024 – School Picture Retakes

November 21, 2024 – PTO Meeting

November 26, 2024 – Dress Down Day


 Parent Teacher Organization 



From the Principal          September 25, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)

Mrs. K (Mrs. Linda Kusmierski)

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Mrs. K, our long time SJS morning/aftercare and Pre-K aid.

Mrs. K was beloved and SJS joins her family, friends, and loved ones in mourning her loss.


Mass of Christian Burial

Friday, September 27 at 11 am

Our Lady of Sorrows Church

14 Prospect St
Essex, Connecticut 06426


May her soul, and all the souls of the faithfully departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.






·    PTO MEETING - Tomorrow - Thursday, September 26 at 6 pm

Childcare is available for potty-trained children.

Come meet other parents of Saint John School while also finding out  how you can help and make a difference with school activities and fundraising through the PTO.


·    Dress Code - Uniform

Teachers are reviewing the Dress Code with our students.  The Parent and Student Handbook (pg 13 & 14) lists the guidelines for a proper uniform and appearance to include shoes, hair and other items.  Please take a moment to also review these at home with your child.


Reminder:  beginning Tuesday, October 15, we return to the formal school uniform for grades 1 – 8 with the exception on gym days.


·    NWEA Map Testing is underway

The Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) is a computer-based assessment tool that measures student progress in reading, math, and language usage in Connecticut.


·   The Luxury Raffle - Our biggest fundraiser for Saint John School

Old Saybrook Arts & Crafts Fair - October 5th and 6th!

Saint John School’s raffle table will be located in front of St. John Church. Oct. 5 is in need of three volunteers from 10 am – 1:30 pm.  We can also use an additional volunteer on Saturday, 1:30 – 5 PM and also Sunday for both time slots.


For more details and signup information, visit:  Craft Fair Volunteer Link.


·   Luxury Raffle Update – Approximately 1,850 tickets have been sold which leaves about 650 tickets remaining.  If you haven’t purchased your own ticket or tickets for family members, you’ll want to do so soon.  Remember each ticket sold on behalf of your child goes towards your PTO Assessment Fees.


·   Parent Teacher Conferences – Tuesday, October 15 & Wednesday, October 16

Sign-up with your child’s teacher for a conference day and time.


·    Paperpie Book Fair Fundraiser – Last Day to shop online is Monday, September 30th!

For every book you purchase you are helping to raise funds for our school, while helping your family bond and learn through books.  Please be sure when you shop you only use this EFair link attached to St. John Catholic School Book Fair.  Be sure it states so at checkout. 




·    InchBug Labels

This PTO Fundraiser through InchBug Labels has personalized name labels and tags for all your child's school items through InchBug so nothing gets lost at school again!  Place your order online either by using:


School Shopping Link:



Orders are shipped right to your home! Share the link with your friends and family!  SJS earns 20% back on every purchase made!  


This fundraiser starts NOW and will go until June 30th.




·    Pearls & Plaid Shop for a Cause

On Saturday, October 19th from 10 AM - 5 PM if you shop at Peals & Plaid owned by one of our own Saint John School parents, Caroline Olson, 20% of all schools sales will be donated back to our PTO!  Just remember to mention Saint John School at checkout!




·    Charleston Wrap Fundraiser - Our very important fundraiser kicks off soon!  Look out for our Charleston Wrap fundraising info coming soon and get ready to check off your holiday gift list!  You're going to LOVE what you see, and your support helps us reach our fundraising goal!  Sale starts on October 21 and ends November 11!




·    Pop Tabs - for the Ronald McDonald House.

Collect pop tabs from beverage cans as well as pet food, vegetables and fruit qualify.  Encourage students to ask relatives, neighbors, clubs or teams to help with the collection. 


SJS collected about 12 lbs. which is almost half of our total collection last spring over a period of 9 weeks.  We are collecting for 12 weeks (through Dec. 10).


Week 1:  3rd Place - Grade 1 / 2nd Place - Grade 5

1st Place (Drum Roll Please) - Grade 3


(2nd Grade & Kindergarten were very close.)


Think of all the good this accomplishes for the families who need a place to live while their child is going through medical treatment.  


·   Recyclable Cans & Bottles

   Sister Gabriel is collecting clean recyclable cans and bottles.  Please drop off any donations in the main office.  Don’t forget to remove the tabs from cans for your child’s classroom collection prior to donating.


·    Mark your calendars for upcoming events – Ask how you can help.  Volunteers are needed for a successful Trunk or Treat and Grandparent’s Day

Trunk or Treat:  Friday, October 25

Grandparent’s Day:  Friday, November 1

Veteran’s Day Celebration:  Monday, November 11


·    School Assessment & Volunteer Hours –

The following are the current 2024-25 Service Hours and Assessment Requirements for Saint John School families (these are per family and not per student):


Grades Kindergarten through Grade 8:  30 service hours / $400.00 assessment

Pre-Kindergarten:  15 service hours / $250.00 assessment


Get started today to complete your requirements for your volunteer hours and assessment for 2024-25.  Visit our Luxury Raffle volunteer page for a list of volunteer opportunities.


Questions:  Contact Ann Bassolino at regarding our Luxury Raffle Volunteer possibilities.


·    Volunteers needed for Morning Care

   Do you have time available from 8 – 8:45 AM a few days a week?  We are looking for a few volunteers (time can be added towards assessment requirements), to assist with monitoring the door as children are dropped off for school at Saint John School. Volunteers need to be Safe Environment trained.  Contact the office if interested and/or in need of Safe Environment training. 


·    Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, as he continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.

    Please bless all men who will soon be ordained, and we particularly ask today that You help all who are ordained to the transitional diaconate. Help us to love You and Your Church more and more fully each day of our lives.


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (see link).     


Pray With Mother


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

On-line – PaperPie Book Fair

On-line – InchBug Labels

September 23, 2024 – NWEA MAP Testing begins

September 26, 2024 – PTO Meeting

October 14, 2024 – Columbus Day, No School

October 15, 2024 – Return to Formal Uniforms

October 15 & 16, 2024 – Early Dismissal

October 15 & 16, 2024 – Parent/Teacher Conferences

October 25, 2024 – Trunk or Treat

November 1, 2024 – Grandparent’s Day

November 11, 2024 – Veteran’s Day Celebration


 Parent Teacher Organization 


From the Principal          September 18, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·    Schola Choral Group – Rehearsals begin Thursday, September 19.

Students in Grades 3-8 are welcome to join the Schola Choral Group.  Rehearsals are held Thursday afternoons from 3 - 4 pm.  Schola sings at our First Friday Mass, Lessons and Carols, Spring Concert in addition to other special events at Saint John School.  Permission slips need to be returned prior to joining.


·    School Photos – Friday, September 20, 2024

Orders can be placed on-line or placed in the envelope sent home and returned to school with your payment.


Students in grades 1 – 8 are to wear their formal uniforms.

Students in PreK 3, PreK 4 and Kindergarten are to wear dress clothes (no gym uniforms).


·    Fall After-School Enrichment registration has been extended through Friday, September 20.  Please also consider volunteering because without your help these programs won't be possible!


·    October Lunch – Place your October orders by Friday, September 20. We have added Ham and American Cheese sandwiches as a third option on Tuesdays.  Payment is due at the time of ordering.  Cash, check, money orders can be sent in with students.  Credit Card payments are available to be made during school hours.


·    PTO MEETING - Thursday, September 26 at 6 pm

Childcare is available for potty-trained children.

Come meet other parents of Saint John School while at the same time seeing how you can help with school activities through the PTO.


·     NWEA Map Testing begins next week

The Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) is a computer-based assessment tool that measures student progress in reading, math, and language usage in Connecticut.


·     The Luxury Raffle - Our biggest fundraiser for Saint John School

A few more volunteers are needed to cover our table at the Old Saybrook Arts & Crafts Fair on October 5th and 6th!

Saint John School’s raffle table will be located outside in front of St. John Church.  There are two time periods each day.


For more details and signup information, visit:  Craft Fair Volunteer Link.


·     Parent Teacher Conferences – Tuesday, October 15 & Wednesday, October 16

Look for an email from your child’s teacher with sign-up information for your conference day and time.


·    Paperpie Book Fair Fundraiser – On-line through September 30, 2024

Saint John School earned over $200 in free books from our Back to School Night Book Fair. Thank you to those who made purchases.  We are continuing our Book Fair fundraiser online with Paperpie.  For every book you purchase you are helping to raise funds for our school, while helping your family bond and learn through books.  Please be sure when you shop you only use the EFair link (that is below) attached to St. John Catholic School Book Fair.  Be sure it states so at checkout.


You can shop online NOW until September 30th!




·    InchBug Labels

This PTO Fundraiser through InchBug Labels has personalized name labels and tags for all your child's school items through InchBug so nothing gets lost at school again!  Place your order online either by using our school shopping link or on their website and using our school coupon code at checkout.  The best part is that your order will be shipped right to your home! Make sure you share the link with your friends and family!


School Shopping Link:



SJS will earn 20% back on every purchase you make!  


This fundraiser starts NOW and will go until June 30th.



·    Pearls & Plaid Shop for a Cause

On Saturday, October 19th from 10 AM - 5 PM if you shop at Peals & Plaid owned by one of our own Saint John School parents, Caroline Olson, 20% of all schools sales will be donated back to our PTO!  Just remember to mention Saint John School at checkout!




·    Pop Tabs - for the Ronald McDonald house.

Bring in your collected pop tabs through the week of Dec. 10. Pull tabs from beverage cans as well as pet food, vegetables and fruit qualify.  Encourage students to ask relatives, neighbors, clubs or teams to help with the collection. 


We will announce each week's highest earner and the status of all participating classes.  The class at the end of this session with the highest total collection earns a Pizza Lunch the Week of Jan. 6. 


Think of all the good this accomplishes for the families who need a place to live while their child is going through medical treatment.  


·   Recyclable Cans & Bottles

   Sister Gabriel is collecting clean recyclable cans and bottles.  Please drop off any donations in the main office.  Don’t forget to remove the tabs from cans for your child’s classroom collection prior to donating.


·    Mark your calendars for upcoming events – Ask how you can help.  Volunteers are needed for a successful Trunk or Treat and Grandparent’s Day

Trunk or Treat:  Friday, October 25

Grandparent’s Day:  Friday, November 1

Veteran’s Day Celebration:  Monday, November 11


·    School Assessment & Volunteer Hours –

The following are the current 2024-25 Service Hours and Assessment Requirements for Saint John School families (these are per family and not per student):


Grades Kindergarten through Grade 8:  30 service hours / $400.00 assessment

Pre-Kindergarten:  15 service hours / $250.00 assessment


Get started today to complete your requirements for your volunteer hours and assessment for 2024-25.  Visit our Luxury Raffle volunteer page for a list of volunteer opportunities.


Questions:  Contact Ann Bassolino at regarding our Luxury Raffle Volunteer possibilities.


·    Volunteers needed for Morning Care

   Do you have time available from 8 – 8:45 AM a few days a week?  We are looking for a few volunteers (time can be added towards assessment requirements), to assist with monitoring the door as children are dropped off for school at Saint John School. Volunteers need to be Safe Environment trained.  Contact the office if interested and/or in need to of Safe Environment training. 


·    Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, as he continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.



    Please bless all men who will soon be ordained, and we particularly ask today that You help all who are ordained to the transitional diaconate. Help us to love You and Your Church more and more fully each day of our lives.


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (see link).     


Pray With Mother


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

On-line – PaperPie Book Fair

On-line – InchBug Labels

September 20, 2024 – School Photos

September 23, 2024 – NWEA MAP Testing begins

September 26, 2024 – PTO Meeting

October 14, 2024 – Columbus Day, No School

October 15 & 16, 2024 – Early Release

October 15 & 16, 2024 – Parent/Teacher Conferences

October 25, 2024 – Trunk or Treat

November 1, 2024 – Grandparent’s Day

November 11, 2024 – Veteran’s Day Celebration


 Parent Teacher Organization 



From the Principal          September 11, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)

·    Back to School Night – Thursday, September 12, 2024  6 PM

   Parents have the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher, learn about the curriculum and class expectations.  Working together benefits our students.  This is a parent meeting only.


·    Uniform Swap – Thursday, September 12, 2024  5 – 7 PM

   Need additional uniform pieces?  Have uniform pieces that no longer fit?  The Uniform Swap is open in the gymnasium before and during Back to School Night.  You don’t need to have uniforms to swap, take what you need to complete your child’s uniform.  Drop off what you no longer need.


·    Paperpie Book Fair Fundraiser – Thursday, September 12, 2024  5 – 7 PM and On-line through September 30, 2024

We are having another Online Book Fair with Paperpie.  For every book you purchase you are helping to raise funds for our school, while helping your family bond and learn through books.  Please be sure when you shop you only use the EFair link (that is below) attached to St. John Catholic School Book Fair.  Be sure it states so at checkout.


You can shop online NOW until September 30th!


We will be having an in-person book fair as well! The in-person book fair will be Thursday, September 12th 5 PM - 7 PM during Back to School Night.



·    InchBug Labels

We are kicking off the school year with a PTO Fundraiser through InchBug Labels. Purchase personalized name labels and tags for all your child's school items through InchBug so nothing gets lost at school again!  Place your order online either by using our school shopping link or on their website and using our school coupon code at checkout.  The best part is that your order will be shipped right to your home! Make sure you share the link with your friends and family!


School Shopping Link:



SJS will earn 20% back on every purchase you make!  


This fundraiser starts NOW and will go until June 30th.



·    Pearls & Plaid Shop for a Cause

On Saturday October 19th from 10 AM - 5 PM if you shop at Peals & Plaid owned by one of our own Saint John School parents, Caroline Olson, 20% of all schools sales will be donated back to our PTO!  Just remember to mention Saint John School at checkout!


·    School Photos – Friday, September 20, 2024

Flyers went home today with information on ordering school photos.  Orders can be placed on-line or placed in the envelope and returned to the school with your payment.


Students in grades 1 – 8 are to wear their formal uniforms.

Students in PreK 3, PreK 4 and Kindergarten are to wear nice clothes and not their gym uniforms.


·    Pop Tabs - We begin collecting POP TABS for the Ronald McDonald house starting the Week of Sept. 16 through the Week of Dec. 10. Pull tabs from beverage cans as well as pet food, vegetables and fruit qualify. 


We will announce each week's highest earner and the status of all classes.  The class at the end of this session with the highest total collection will earn a Pizza Lunch the Week of Jan. 6. 


We delivered 23 pounds of tabs last spring.  Our desire is for us to surpass that and possibly reach 30 pounds.  It can be done by encouraging our students to ask relatives, neighbors, clubs or teams.  


Think of all the good this will accomplish for the families who need a place to live while their child is going through medical treatment.  


·    Fall After-School Enrichment registration packets have gone home and they are due this Friday, September 13th!  Please also consider volunteering because without your help these programs won't be possible!


·    October Lunch – The lunch menu has been emailed.  Place your October orders by Friday, September 20. We have added Ham and American Cheese sandwiches as a third option on Tuesdays.


    Just a note, there is no lunch on Monday, October 14 as we are off for Columbus Day.


    Payment is due at the time of ordering.  Cash, check, money orders can be sent in with students.  Credit Card payments are available to be made during school hours.


·   Recyclable Cans & Bottles

   Sister Gabriel is collecting clean recyclable cans and bottles.  Please drop off any donations in the main office.  Don’t forget to remove the tabs from cans for your child’s classroom collection prior to donating.


·    School Gate & Playground

    Saint John School Gate is locked at 8:45 AM.  After you drop off your child(ren) please exit through the gate on Lynde Street.  The gate remains closed throughout the school day.


As school is dismissed at 2:55 PM our students love to have fun on the playground while parents take time to connect with other parents.  This is our community.  The first half hour after dismissal the playground is open to everyone.  However, we ask for families to leave the playground and school property by 3:25 PM.


Please keep in mind our After Care program also needs time on the playground as these students wait for their parents. Our After Care staff are responsible for all these students and it is difficult to maintain that responsibility while other children and parents are on the playground at the same time.


·    Mark your calendars for upcoming events – Ask how you can help.  Volunteers are needed for a successful Trunk or Treat and Grandparent’s Day

Trunk or Treat:  October 25

Grandparent’s Day:  November 1

Veteran’s Day:  November 11


·    Luxury Raffle Update – Over 1,500 tickets have been sold thus far.  Thank you to all those who have volunteered to help with our biggest fundraiser for Saint John School.  Last year’s tickets sold out and we are expecting the same this year.  Don’t wait to make your own purchase.


   Claim credit for any tickets sold on behalf of your child and place it towards your assessment requirements.


·    School Assessment & Volunteer Hours –

The following are the current 2024-25 Service Hours and Assessment Requirements for Saint John School families (these are per family and not per student):


Grades Kindergarten through Grade 8:  30 service hours / $400.00 assessment

Pre-Kindergarten:  15 service hours / $250.00 assessment


Get started today to complete your requirements for your volunteer hours and assessment for 2024-25.  Visit our Luxury Raffle volunteer page for a list of volunteer opportunities.


Questions:  Contact Ann Bassolino at regarding our Luxury Raffle Volunteer possibilities.


·    Volunteers needed for Morning Care

    Do you have time available from 8 – 8:45 AM a few days a week?  We are looking for a few volunteers (time can be added towards assessment requirements), to assist with monitoring the door as children are dropped off for school at Saint John School. Volunteers need to be Safe Environment trained.  Contact the office if interested and/or in need to of Safe Environment training. 


·    Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, as he continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.


    Please bless all men who will soon be ordained, and we particularly ask today that You help all who are ordained to the transitional diaconate. Help us to love You and Your Church more and more fully each day of our lives.


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (see link).     


Pray With Mother


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

September 12, 2024 – Back to School Night

September 12, 2024 – PaperPie Book Fair

September 12, 2024 – Uniform Swap

September 20, 2024 – School Photos

September 23, 2024 – NWEA MAP Testing begins

October 14, 2024 – Columbus Day, No School

October 25, 2024 – Trunk or Treat

November 1, 2024 – Grandparent’s Day

November 11, 2024 – Veteran’s Day


 Parent Teacher Organization 



From the Principal          September 4, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)

·    Back to School Night – Thursday, September 12, 2024  6 PM

    Parents have the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher, learn about the curriculum and class expectations.  Working together benefits our students.  This is a parent meeting only.


·    Uniform Swap – Thursday, September 12, 2024  5 – 7 PM

    Need additional uniform pieces?  Have uniform pieces that no longer fit?  The Uniform Swap that is open in the gymnasium before and during Back to School Night.  You don’t need to have uniforms to swap, take what you need to complete your child’s uniform needs.  Drop off what you no longer need.


·    PaperPie Book Fair – Thursday, September 12, 2024  5 – 7 PM and On-line through September 30, 2024

We are having another Online Book Fair with Paperpie.  For every book you purchase you are helping to raise funds for our school, while helping your family bond and learn through books.  Please be sure when you shop you only use the EFair link (that is below) attached to St. John Catholic School Book Fair.  Be sure it states so at checkout.


You can shop online NOW until September 30th!


We will be having an in-person book fair as well! The in-person book fair will be Thursday September 12th 5 PM - 7 PM during Back to School Night.


·    InchBug Labels

Hello SJS Families- Our first PTO Fundraiser is here!


We are kicking off the school year with a PTO Fundraiser through InchBug Labels. Purchase personalized name labels and tags for all your child's school items through InchBug so nothing gets lost at school again!  Place your order online either by using our school shopping link or on their website and using our school coupon code at checkout.  The best part is that your order will be shipped right to your home! Make sure you share the link with your friends and family!


School Shopping Link:



SJS will earn 20% back on every purchase you make!  


This fundraiser starts NOW and will go until June 30th.


·    School Photos – Friday, September 20, 2024

Flyers went home today with information on ordering school photos.  Orders can be placed on-line or placed in the envelope and returned to the school with your payment.


Students in grades 1 – 8 are to wear their formal uniforms

Students in PreK 3, PreK 4 and Kindergarten are to wear nice clothes and not their gym uniforms.


·    Bishop Cote has Resigned

    The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has graciously accepted Bishop Cote’s letter of resignation, which he submitted on the occasion of his 75th birthday on June 19, 2024, in accordance with the norms of the Church. 


We thank Bishop Cote for serving over 21 years as the Shepherd of the Diocese of Norwich and for all he’s done for our Catholic schools.  We pray for the Holy Spirit to guide our Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Norwich through this new journey of life.


·    Our own Ms. Gunther – 2nd Grade Teacher Completed “Over the Edge”

    Several educators from the Diocese of Norwich took on “Over the Edge” raising funds for CT Special Olympics. Miss Gunther repelled 30 stories from the Mohegan Sun building representing Saint John School.


   Ms. Gunther has had a connection with Special Olympics for over 60 years.  Here team name, Candy’s Chicks, is in the name of her sister, Candy, who was a Special Olympic medalist.  If you’d like to make a donation in support of Ms. Gunther reaching her fundraising goal for CT Special Olympics you can make a donation here.


·    Recyclable Cans & Bottles

   Sister Gabriel is collecting clean recyclable cans and bottles.  Please drop off any donations in the main office.  Don’t forget to remove the tabs from cans for your child’s classroom collection prior to donating.


·    Luxury Raffle Update – Over 1,500 tickets have been sold thus far.  Thank you to all those who have volunteered to help with our biggest fundraiser for Saint John School.  Last year’s tickets sold out and we are expecting the same this year.  Don’t wait to make your own purchase.


    Claim credit for any tickets sold on behalf of your child and place it towards your assessment requirements.


·    School Assessment & Volunteer Hours –

The following are the current 2024-25 Service Hours and Assessment Requirements for Saint John School families (these are per family and not per student):


Grades Kindergarten through Grade 8:  30 service hours / $400.00 assessment

Pre-Kindergarten:  15 service hours / $250.00 assessment


Get started today to complete your requirements for your volunteer hours and assessment for 2024-25.  Visit our Luxury Raffle volunteer page for a list of volunteer opportunities.


Questions:  Contact Ann Bassolino at regarding our Luxury Raffle Volunteer possibilities.


·    Volunteers needed for Morning Care

    Do you have time available from 8 – 8:45 AM a few days a week?  We are looking for a few volunteers (time can be added towards assessment requirements), to assist with monitoring the door as children are dropped off for school at Saint John School. Volunteers need to be Safe Environment trained.  Contact the office if interested and/or in need to of Safe Environment training. 


·    Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, as he continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.


    Please bless all men who will soon be ordained, and we particularly ask today that You help all who are ordained to the transitional diaconate. Help us to love You and Your Church more and more fully each day of our lives.


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Complete the process prior to a special event in your child's classroom or at the school.


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink).     


Pray With Mother

Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

September 12, 2024 – Back to School Night

September 12, 2024 – PaperPie Book Fair

September 12, 2024 – Uniform Swap

September 20, 2024 – School Photos


 Parent Teacher Organization 


From the Principal          August 28, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


Today was a wonderful start to our new school year.  We were happy to see all the smiling faces and the excitement of our students as they entered school.


Thank you for entrusting your child to our Saint John School.  You can be assured they are in good hands.  We were joined this morning by some of our parents and grandparents who shared in Morning Prayer with our students and staff.  Thank you Fr. Michael for your blessing upon us and our school. 


We have been praying all summer long for your children.  God has blessed us in so many ways.  We can see the Holy Spirit’s hand in our parish and school community. 


I’d like to take moment to introduce our new staff at Saint John School.

·     Fr. Michael Bovino is teaching Middle School Religion in Grades 7 & 8.

·     Mrs. de Dios joins us as our PreK 3 teacher.  She also has three children attending Saint John School.

·     We welcome PreK 3 aides, Kate Holthausen and Jane Gould and our PreK 4 aide, Janine Schreier.

·     Mrs. Back is subbing for Mrs. Sykes in Grade 3.  Mrs. Back was with us last year covering our Technology class.


To help with communication between your home and Saint John School please use the Home to School Communion link on our website. 

·        Late arrival, sick, early release notifications should be sent to the office by 9 AM. 

·        After Care or change in pick-up notifications should be sent by 10:30 AM on Early Release Days and 12:30 PM on regular school days.


Saint John School’s Parent and Student Handbook is being sent home with your child this week.  It contains the policies for Saint John School.  Please read it together and sign and return the signature page as noted.


I would be happy to pray for your intentions.  You can email me your prayer intentions or see me in person.


Oh God, help us to be aware of your love shown to us in the people around us.


In His Name,

Mother Elaine Moorcroft S.C.M.C.




Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, as he continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.



"Please bless all men who will soon be ordained, and we particularly ask today that You help all who are ordained to the transitional diaconate. Help us to love You and Your Church more and more fully each day of our lives."


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink).     


Pray With Mother


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

September 12, 2024 – Back to School Night


 Parent Teacher Organization 







From the Principal          June 12, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


The office is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

9 AM – 1 PM

Tuesday June 11 through Friday, August 23.


The office is closed for vacation

Friday, June 21 – Monday, July 8, 2024


·    Saint John School Walk-A-Thon, Friday, June 7

    Thank you to everyone who participated in and donated to our First Annual Clare Rayder Walk-a-Thon.  There was over $1,200 in donations made in support of Saint John School.


·    School Assessment & Volunteer Hours –

The following are the current 2024-25 Service Hours and Assessment Requirements for Saint John School families (these are per family and not per student):

Grades Kindergarten through Grade 8:  30 service hours / $400.00 assessment

Pre-Kindergarten:  15 service hours / $250.00 assessment


Get started today to complete your requirements for your volunteer hours and assessment for 2024-25.  Visit our Luxury Raffle volunteer page for a list of volunteer opportunities.


Questions:  Contact Ann Bassolino at regarding our Luxury Raffle Volunteer possibilities.


·    School Uniforms – Donnelly’s is our supplier of school uniforms.  The 20% discount ends June 15.  A 10% discount is available June 16 – July.  Looking for PreK and Kindergarten Uniforms, select “Gym Uniforms” and see the link for our younger students. 


To order uniforms visit: or place an order over the phone at 1-800-498-0045.  Orders shipped to the school arrive on Thursday, July 18 between 9 – 11 AM.  This is an opportunity to have your child try on their uniform to ensure a proper fit.


·    Enjoy your summer vacation – We look forward to seeing you on the First Day of School for 2024-25 which is Wednesday, August 28, 2024.  Check your emails often for information about Saint John School with reminders of due dates for fees and tuition information, volunteer opportunities with our luxury raffle and more.


·    Tuition

v Paying by FACTS – first payments begin in July.

v Paying in Full – Families paying in full must do so no later than August 1.


·    Book & Lab Fees / Supply Fees – Due by August 1

v Kindergarten – Grade 8  $250 Book Fee / $50 Lab fee per child


v Preschool  $100 Supply Fee per child


·    Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, as he continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.

    Please bless all men who will soon be ordained, and we particularly ask today that You help all who are ordained to the transitional diaconate. Help us to love You and Your Church more and more fully each day of our lives.


·     SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We are using SMS for emergency notifications, weather delays, early release or cancellation of school.       Click here for early opt-in instructions 


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink).     


Pray With Mother

Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

July 18 – Donnelly’s Uniform Delivery

August 28 – First Day of School


 Parent Teacher Organization 



From the Principal          June 5, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)

·    Early Release Days – Thursday, June 6; Friday, June 7; Monday, June 10.  Morning Care is available all three days, After Care is only available this Thursday and Friday.  After Care is NOT available on the last day of school, Monday, June 10.


·   SUMMER OFFICE HOURS:  Beginning Tuesday, June 11 the office is on the summer schedule.

The office is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

9 AM – 1 PM

Tuesday June 11 through Friday, August 23.


The office is closed for vacation

June 24 – July 5, 2024


·    Bike Day, Thursday, June 6  Has been CANCELLED due to the incoming weather.


·    First Friday Mass, Friday, June 7 at 9:15 AM  Join Saint John School before we complete our school year for our last First Friday Mass which is for the The Sacred Heart of Jesus.  As we participate in the Eucharistic celebration of Mass, our Kindergarteners are singing from the choir loft, and our Third Graders are the lectors.


·    Saint John School Walk-A-Thon, Friday, June 7 at 10 AM  Our First Annual Clare Rader Walk-A-Thon is helping to raise funds to benefit the general expenses of Saint John School.  Choose your level of giving by using the QR Code on the flyer below. To date we have raised $1,110.11 towards our general expenses.


Thank you to those who have donated thus far.  There is still time to donate whether you make an on-line donation or send in a monetary donation of any amount with your student. 


The school is providing pizza as an end of year celebrations for all students, walkers and staff on Friday.  Anyone who had previously placed a regular Friday pizza lunch order is going to have a credit applied to your account to use in the 2024-25 school year.



·    School Assessment & Volunteer Hours –

The following are the current 2024-25 Service Hours and Assessment Requirements for Saint John School families (these are per family and not per student):

Grades Kindergarten through Grade 8:  30 service hours / $400.00 assessment

Pre-Kindergarten:  15 service hours / $250.00 assessment


Get started today to complete your requirements for your volunteer hours and assessment for 2024-25.  Visit our Luxury Raffle volunteer page for a list of volunteer opportunities.


Questions:  Contact Ann Bassolino at regarding our Luxury Raffle Volunteer possibilities. 


·    Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, as he continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.


  Please bless all men who will soon be ordained, and we particularly ask today that You help all who are ordained to the transitional diaconate. Help us to love You and Your Church more and more fully each day of our lives.


·     SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We are using SMS for emergency notifications, weather delays, early release or cancellation of school.       Click here for early opt-in instructions 


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink).     


Pray With Mother


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

June 6 – Bike Day - CANCELLED

June 6 – Early Release

June 7 – First Friday Mass

June 7 – Walk-a-thon

June 7 – Early Release 

June 10 – Last Day of School

June 10 – Early Release (No Aftercare)


 Parent Teacher Organization



From the Principal          May 29, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)

·   FACTS Grant & Aid for 2024-25 applications closes on Saturday, June 1.  Take time to apply with this link. You’ll need to supply all the necessary documentation. 


·   Newspapers – Sister Gabriel is collecting newspapers for future art projects.  Please drop off newspapers at the school office.


·   Family Picnic, Tuesday, June 4  5:30 – 7:30 PM   Come celebrate with us at our End of the Year picnic for current and incoming families of Saint John School.  We are providing the hamburgers and hot dogs and ask you bring a side dish to share.  Please see the email sent with the links for your RSVP.  Call the office if you need the links sent again.


·    Bike Day, Thursday, June 6  Time is set-aside for our PreK3 – 5th Graders to ride their bikes around our back parking lot.  Parents are welcome to bring in their child’s bicycle (non-motorized) and helmet to school.


·    First Friday Mass, Friday, June 7 at 9:15 AM  Join Saint John School for our last First Friday Mass before we complete the school year.  As we participate in the Eucharistic celebration of Mass, our Kindergarteners are singing from the choir loft, and our Third Graders are the lectors.


·    Saint John School Walk-A-Thon, Friday, June 7 at 10 AM  Our First Annual Clare Rader Walk-A-Thon is helping to raise funds to benefit the general expenses of Saint John School.  Choose your level of giving by using the QR Code on the flyer below. 


Thank you to those who have donated thus far.  There is still time to donate.  Use the QR Code, enter the amount of your donation and complete the required fields.



·    Last Day of School is Monday, June 10, 2024  A reminder the last 3 days of school Thursday, June 6, Friday, June 7 and Monday, June 10 are early release days.  The school day ends at 1 PM each day.  Aftercare is not available on Monday, June 10.


·    Deacon Brian Daley - Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, as he continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.


    Please bless all men who will soon be ordained, and we particularly ask today that You help all who are ordained to the transitional diaconate. Help us to love You and Your Church more and more fully each day of our lives.


·     SUMMER OFFICE HOURS:  Beginning Tuesday, June 11 the office is on the summer schedule.

The office is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

9 AM – 1 PM

Tuesday June 11 through Friday, August 23.


The office is closed for vacation

June 24 – July 5, 2024


·     SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We are using SMS for emergency notifications, weather delays, early release or cancellation of school.       Click here for early opt-in instructions 


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink).     


Pray With Mother



Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

June 4 – Family Picnic

June 6 – Bike Day

June 6 – Early Release

June 7 – First Friday Mass

June 7 – Walk-a-thon

June 7 – Early Release


June 10 – Last Day of School

June 10 – Early Release (No Aftercare)


 Parent Teacher Organization




From the Principal          May 22, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)

·   FACTS Grant & Aid for 2024-25 is open for applying.  Take time to apply with this link. You’ll need to supply all the necessary documentation.  Closing date for Grant & Aid applications is June 1, 2024.  


·   Newspapers – Sister Gabriel is looking to collect newspapers for future art projects.  Please drop off newspapers at the school office.


·   Field Day, Friday, May 24 – Our students are looking forward to Field Day which is sure to be full of fun, games, snacks, lunch and laughter.  Oh yes and ice cream.  Thank you to everyone who has volunteered and for everyone who made donations for pizza/ice cream, game supplies and snacks.


·   Family Picnic, Tuesday, June 4  5:30 – 7:30 PM   Come celebrate with us at our End of the Year picnic for current and incoming families of Saint John School.  We are providing the hamburgers and hot dogs and ask you bring a side dish to share.  Please see the email sent with the links for your RSVP.  Call the office if you need the links sent again.


·    Bike Day, Thursday, June 6  Time is set-aside for our PreK3 – 5th Graders to ride their bikes around our back parking lot.  Parents are welcome to bring in their child’s bicycle (non-motorized) and helmet to school.


·    Saint John School Walk-A-Thon, Friday, June 7 at 10 AM  Our First Annual Clare Rader Walk-A-Thon is helping to raise funds to benefit the general expenses of Saint John School.  Choose your level of giving by using the QR Code on the flyer below.  The walk takes place in the school parking lot following First Friday Mass.


Thank you to those who have donated thus far.  There is still time to donate.  Use the QR Code, enter the amount of your donation and complete the required fields.



·    Last Day of School is Monday, June 10, 2024  A reminder the last 3 days of school Thursday, June 6, Friday, June 7 and Monday, June 10 are early release days.  The school day ends at 1 PM each day.  Aftercare is not available on Monday, June 10.


·    Deacon Brian Daley - Ordained as a Transitional Deacon (God willing will be ordained a priest next year).  Please pray for Deacon Brian Daley, a former student of Saint John School, as he continues his studies, training, and discernment to the priesthood.


   Please bless all men who will soon be ordained, and we particularly ask today that You help all who are  ordained to the transitional diaconate. Help us to love You and Your Church more and more fully each day of our lives.


·     SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We are using SMS for emergency notifications, weather delays, early release or cancellation of school.       Click here for early opt-in instructions 


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink).     


Pray With Mother



Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

May 24 – Field Day

June 4 – Family Picnic

June 6 – Bike Day

June 7 – Walk-a-thon


 Parent Teacher Organization



From the Principal          May 15, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)

·   Spring Concert – Our students who worked long and hard with Mrs. DiRocco, our Music Teacher, to showcase Mary Poppins songs with all our students gave a wonderful performance tonight.  From Scola, a piano and vocal solo, third and fourth graders with their recorders and all our students’ rendition of Mary Poppin songs, family and friends enjoyed a special evening.


Thank you to Mrs. DiRocco, our students, teachers and Sister Gabriel.  A special thank you to Mr. Alicea and family for their work on creating Chitty Chitty Bang Bang for the concert.  And a final thank you to Mary Poppins herself who was "practically perfect in every way".


"Let's Go Fly a Kite"


·   Reminder - FACTS accounts for the 2024-25 school year tuition payments needs to be set-up.  If you haven’t sent in your “family $200 deposit” for 2024-25, please do so.


·   Newspapers – Sister Gabriel is looking to collect newspapers for future art projects.  Please drop off newspapers to the school office.


·   Field Day, Friday, May 24 – Field Day is going to be full of fun, games, snacks, lunch and laughter.  Please see your email for a link to the needs for volunteers and donated items.  Volunteers need to have completed the Diocese Safe Environment training and application. 


·    Bike Day, Thursday, June 6  A time is set-aside for each grade to ride their bikes around our back parking lot.  Parents are welcome to bring in their child’s bicycle (non-motorized) and their helmet to school.


·    Saint John School Walk-A-Thon, Friday, June 7 at 10 AM  Our First Annual Clare Rader Walk-A-Thon is helping to raise funds to benefit the general expenses of Saint John School.  Choose your level of giving by using the QR Code on the flyer below.  The walk takes place in the school parking lot following First Friday Mass.


Use the QR Code, enter the amount of your donation and complete the required fields.



·    Last Day of School is Monday, June 10, 2024  A reminder the last 3 days of school Thursday, June 6, Friday, June 7 and Monday, June 10 are early release days.  The school day ends at 1 PM each day.  Aftercare is not available on June 10.


·   FACTS Grant & Aid for 2024-25 is open for applying.  Take time to apply with this link. You’ll need to supply all the necessary documentation.  Closing date for Grant & Aid applications is June 1, 2024.  


·     SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We are using SMS for emergency notifications, weather delays, early release or cancellation of school.       Click here for early opt-in instructions 


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink).     


Pray With Mother 


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

May 24 – Field Day

June 6 – Bike Day

June 7 – Walk-a-thon


 Parent Teacher Organization



From the Principal          May 8, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)

·   Saint John School Open House – Tuesday, May 14



Invite your family, friends and neighbors with children to attend our Open House.  Tell them what you love best about our school. We get to shine the light on who we are and what we have to offer at Saint John School during the tour.  Reminder, when you refer someone who enrolls at SJS you are both eligible to receive $250 off your tuition.


·   Ascension of the Lord Mass, Thursday, May 9  Join our students and staff at 9:15 AM for the Ascension of the Lord Mass (a Holy Day of Obligation) at Saint John Church.  Our middle school students are sponsoring this Mass.


·   Crowning of Mary, Friday, May 10  The crowning honors our Blessed Mother.  Parents are welcome to join us for Morning Prayer in the gymnasium.  Please arrive at the school between 8:45 - 8:55 AM. After Morning Prayer, we’ll pray a decade of the rosary then walk over to the Mary statue behind St. John Church for the Crowning of Mary.  In the event of rain, we’ll have the Crowning of Mary inside the gymnasium.


·   Spring Concert – Wednesday, May 15 at 6:30 PM.  Our students are excited to share their joy of singing with you.  The concert featuring songs from Mary Poppins begins in the gymnasium at 6:30 PM.  Family and friends are invited to attend.


·   Field Day, Friday, May 24 – Field Day is going to be full of fun, games, snacks, lunch and laughter.  There are still additional volunteers needed for the day’s events and for the donation of food and game items.  Volunteers for Field Day need to have completed the Diocese Safe Environment training and application.  Contact the office if you need to complete the process.


·    Bike Day, Thursday, June 6  A time is set-aside for each grade to ride their bikes around our back parking lot.  Parents are welcome to bring in their child’s bicycle (non-motorized) and their helmet to school.


·    Saint John School Walk-A-Thon, Friday, June 7 at 10 AM  Our First Annual Clare Rader Walk-A-Thon is helping to raise funds to benefit the general expenses of Saint John School.  Choose your level of giving by using the QR Code on the flyer below.  The walk takes place in the school parking lot following First Friday Mass.


·    Last Day of School is Monday, June 10, 2024  A reminder the last 3 days of school Thursday, June 6, Friday, June 7 and Monday, June 10 are early release days.  The school day ends at 1 PM each day.  Aftercare is not available on June 10.


·   FACTS Grant & Aid for 2024-25 is open for applying.  Take time to apply with this link. You’ll need to supply all the necessary documentation.  Closing date for Grant & Aid applications is June 1, 2024.  


·     SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We are using SMS for emergency notifications, weather delays, early release or cancellation of school.       Click here for early opt-in instructions 


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink).     


Pray With Mother 


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

May 9 – Ascension of the Lord Mass

May 10 – Crowning of Mary

May 14 – Open House

May 15 – Spring Concert

May 24 – Field Day

June 6 – Bike Day

June 7 – Walk-a-thon


 Parent Teacher Organization


 From the Principal          May 1, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·   Saint John School Open House – Tuesday, May 14



Invite your family, friends and neighbors with children to attend our Open House.  Let us show them who we are and what we have to offer.  When you refer someone who enrolls at SJS you are both eligible to receive $250 off your tuition.


·   First Friday Mass, Friday, May 3 

Our second grade class is sponsoring the First Friday Mass this week.  Mass begins at 9:15 AM.  Parents are welcome to join Saint John students and the parishioners of Saint John Church.


Early Release Day at 1 PM.  Please send a Home to Office Communication if your child needs use of our Aftercare program.


·   Ascension of the Lord Mass, Thursday, May 9  Join our students and staff at 9:15 AM for the Ascension of the Lord Mass.  Our middle school students are sponsoring this Mass.


·   Crowning of Mary, Friday, May 10  The crowning honors our Blessed Mother.  Parents are welcome to join us for morning prayer in the gymnasium at 8:55 AM, we’ll pray a decade of the rosary then walk over to the Mary statue behind St. John Church for the Crowning of Mary.


·   Spring Concert – Wednesday, May 15 at 6:30 PM.  Students have been practicing and are excited to share their songs from Mary Poppins.  The concert is being held in Saint John School’s gymnasium.


·   Field Day, Friday, May 24 – a separate email is being sent to families with a sign-up genius link to support our Field Day.  Sign-up includes volunteers needed for the day’s events and for donations of food and game items.  Volunteers for Field Day need to complete the Diocese Safe Environment training and application.  Contact the office if you need to complete the process.


·    Bike Day, Thursday, June 6  Students can bring to school their bikes (non-motorized) and helmets.  Each grade has a designated hour in which to ride their bikes in our large parking lot.


·    Saint John School Walk-A-Thon, Friday, June 7 at 10 AM  Our First Annual Clare Rader Walk-A-Thon is raising funds to benefit the general expenses of Saint John School.  There are several levels of giving.  Use the QR Code to make a donation.  Students are completing their walk in our parking lot.



·    Last Day of School is Monday, June 10, 2024  The last 3 days Thursday, June 6, Friday, June 7 and Monday, June 10 of school are early release days.  The school day ends at 1 PM each day.  Aftercare is not available on June 10.


·   FACTS Grant & Aid for 2024-25 is open for applying.  Take time to apply with this link. You’ll need to supply all the necessary documentation.  Closing date for Grant & Aid applications is June 1, 2024.  


·     SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We are using SMS for emergency notifications, weather delays, early release or cancellation of school.       Click here for early opt-in instructions 


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink).     


Pray With Mother 


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

May 3 – First Friday Mass

May 9 – Ascension of the Lord Mass

May 10 – Crowning of Mary

May 14 – Open House

May 15 – Spring Concert

May 24 – Field Day

June 6 – Bike Day

June 7 – Walk-a-thon


 Parent Teacher Organization


From the Principal          April 24, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)    


·   PTO Meeting – Thursday, April 25, 2024  6:30 PM.  Join us for our PTO meeting either in-person or on-line.  Please see the email sent out the beginning of the week with the link for attending the meeting on-line.  We are looking forward to having many parents involved with our PTO.


·   Lunch Orders for May due tomorrow – A reminder to submit your child’s lunch order and payment by tomorrow, Thursday, April 25.


·   Progress Reports for the last trimester are being sent home with students on Friday, April 25.


·   Saint John School Open House – Tuesday, May 14  Encourage your family and friends to attend our Open House and consider registering their child(ren) to attend Saint John School.



    Just a reminder when you refer someone and they enroll at SJS you are both eligible to receive $250 off your tuition.


·   Ascension of the Lord Mass, Thursday, May 9  Join our students and staff at 9:15 AM for the Ascension of the Lord Mass.


·   Crowning of Mary, Friday, May 10  “The crowning is symbolic of Mary as Queen of Heaven and of our lives… We entrust all our intentions to her, and she takes them to her Son, who is the King” (National Catholic Registet) Join SJS for our crowning of Mary and praying a decade of the rosary.


·   Spring Concert – Wednesday, May 15 at 6:30 PM.  Mark your calendars for our Spring Concert.  Students in all grades are going to perform songs from Mary Poppins.  The concert is being held in Saint John School’s gymnasium.


·    Looking to volunteer with end of year activities such as our Field Day or  Walk-a-thon?  There is time to complete the Safe Environment program required by the Diocese of Norwich.  Watch for more details on these two events.


·    Last Day of School is Monday, June 10, 2024  (No After Care program available)  Reminder last 3 days of school are early release days (June 6, 7 & 10)


·   FACTS Grant & Aid for 2024-25 is open for applying.  Take time to apply with this link. You’ll need to supply all the necessary documentation.  Closing date for Grant & Aid applications is June 1, 2024.  


·    Financial Aid is also available from the Connecticut Center for Educational Excellence in grades K-8 with an annual up to CTCEE scholarship for approved applications.


All applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis. Electronic applications will become available on March 1, 2024, and remain online until all available scholarships have been distributed to applicants.


However, to be eligible, a parent or guardian applying for a scholarship may reside in any city/town in Connecticut. Students must live in the home of the applicant parent or guardian claiming the child on their 2023 Federal 1040 tax form.


Additionally, a household’s gross adjusted income must be at or within 250% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines


·     SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We are using SMS for emergency notifications, weather delays, early release or cancellation of school.       Click here for early opt-in instructions 


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink).     


Pray With Mother 

Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

April 25 – Progress Reports

May 9 – Ascension of the Lord Mass

May 10 – Crowning of Mary

May 14 – Open House

May 15 – Spring Concert

May 24 – Field Day


 Parent Teacher Organization


 From the Principal          April 17, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)    


·     FACTS Account Set-up for 2024-25 School Year - take time before the end of April to set-up your FACTS account for tuition payments for the upcoming school year.  Tuition payments begin in July.


·     Pop Tabs Collection – The pop tabs have been delivered. We received a lovely thank you note from Ronald McDonald House for the delivery of our 22.7 lbs of pop tabs.  Thank you for making a difference.


Please continue to save your pop tabs and bring them in at the start of the new school year.


·  Yearbook orders – Friday, April 19 is thelast day to order your child’s yearbook. See the separate email sent out on Tuesday with the order information.


·   Progress Reports for the last trimester are being sent home with students on Friday, April 25.


·   Uniform Shorts & Gym Shorts – Students may wear their uniform Shorts (Grades 1-8) and gym shorts (grades PreK 3 – Kindergarten).  See Parent/Student Handbook, Section IV Dress Code, Uniforms (pg 15 under Notes) for specifics on the uniform details.


·   Saint John School Open House – Tuesday, May 14  Encourage  your family and friends to visit our Open House and consider registering their child(ren) to attend Saint John School.



    Just a reminder when you refer someone and they enroll at SJS you are both eligible to receive $250 off your tuition.


·   Spring Concert – Wednesday, May 15 at 6:30 PM.  Mark your calendars for our Spring Concert.  Students in all grades are going to perform songs from Mary Poppins.  The concert is being held in Saint John School’s gymnasium.


·    Looking to volunteer with end of year activities such as our Walk-a-thon and Field Day?  There is time to complete the Safe Environment program required by the Diocese of Norwich.  Watch for more details on these two events.


·    Last Day of School is Monday, June 10, 2024  (No After Care program available)  Reminder last 3 days of school are early release days (June 6, 7 & 10)


·   FACTS Grant & Aid for 2024-25 is open for applying.  Take time to apply with this link. You’ll need to supply all the necessary documentation.  Closing date for Grant & Aid applications is June 1, 2024.  


·    Financial Aid is also available from the Connecticut Center for Educational Excellence in grades K-8 with an annual up to CTCEE scholarship for approved applications.


All applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis. Electronic applications will become available on March 1, 2024, and remain online until all available scholarships have been distributed to applicants.


However, to be eligible, a parent or guardian applying for a scholarship may reside in any city/town in Connecticut. Students must live in the home of the applicant parent or guardian claiming the child on their 2023 Federal 1040 tax form.


Additionally, a household’s gross adjusted income must be at or within 250% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines


·     SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We are using SMS for emergency notifications, weather delays, early release or cancellation of school.       Click here for early opt-in instructions 


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink).     


Pray With Mother  

Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

April 25 – Progress Reports

May 14 – Open House

May 15 – Spring Concert


 Parent Teacher Organization


From the Principal          April 3, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)    


·    Pop Tabs Collection – The Final Count is in and the Grand Totals Calculated  Thank you for sending in the Pop Tabs with our children.  Your generosity benefits the Ronald McDonald House in both Connecticut and Western Massachusetts.  

Results from March 28:  2,452.0 grams of tabs were collected.

PK 3








Gr 1



Gr 2



Gr 3


Gr 4



Gr 5



Gr 6


Gr 7




























Grade 2 once again came in first with the heaviest weigh-in this past week.


GRAND TOTALS: 10,274.40.0 grams of tabs were collected. (22.7 lbs)

(The weight of the containers has been backed out of the posted weekly class totals.)

PK 3








Gr 1



Gr 2



Gr 3


Gr 4



Gr 5



Gr 6


Gr 7









The collection of Pop Tabs doesn’t stop here.  Continue to collect throughout the summer. Ask family and friends to help in our efforts. and send in your tabs when school begins.



 · Tuition Deposits for 2024-25 – April 1 was the due date for the $200 family tuition deposit for 2024-25.  If you haven’t sent in your deposit, please send it in by Friday.  Checks are made payable to Saint John School. Please do not include any other fees in with your deposit payment.


·  First Friday, April 5 is a full day of school.  Dismissal is at 3 PM.  Aftercare is available. Please send in your Home to Office Communication requesting your child’s participation.


·  Spring Vacation: No School April 8 – 12, 2024


·  Year book orders – last day to order your child’s yearbook is April 18. See the separate email sent with the order information.


·  Uniform Shorts & Gym Shorts – beginning Monday, April 15, 2024, students may wear their uniform Shorts (Grades 1-8) and gym shorts (grades PreK3 – K).  See Parent/Student Handbook, Section IV Dress Code, Uniforms (pg 15 under Notes) for specifics on the uniform details.


·  Looking to volunteer with End of Year activities?  Take this time to complete the Safe Environment program with the Diocese of Norwich.  Contact St. John School Office for details and necessary links for training.


·  Last Day of School is Monday, June 10, 2024  (No After Care program available)  Reminder last 3 days of school are early release days (June 6, 7 & 10)


·   FACTS Grant & Aid for 2024-25 is open for applying.  Take time to apply with this link. You’ll need to supply all the necessary documentation.  Closing date for Grant & Aid applications is June 1, 2024.  


·    Financial Aid is also available from the Connecticut Center for Educational Excellence in grades K-8 with an annual up to CTCEE scholarship for approved applications.


All applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis. Electronic applications will become available on March 1, 2024, and remain online until all available scholarships have been distributed to applicants.


However, to be eligible, a parent or guardian applying for a scholarship may reside in any city/town in Connecticut. Students must live in the home of the applicant parent or guardian claiming the child on their 2023 Federal 1040 tax form.


Additionally, a household’s gross adjusted income must be at or within 250% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines



·     SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We are using SMS for emergency notifications, weather delays, early release or cancellation of school.       Click here for early opt-in instructions 


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink).     


Pray With Mother  


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

April 5 – Full Day of School

April 8-12 – Spring Vacation


 Parent Teacher Organization


From the Principal          March 27, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)    


·    Thank you to All those who helped make the following events successful.

·        Living Stations of the Cross – Thank you to our 4th & 5th Grade students and teachers who prepared and shared their presentation of the Living Stations of the Cross that was very prayerful and heart felt with SJS students and staff and the parishioners of St. Pio Parish. Thank you to Mrs. DiRocco for providing the music.

·        The Wizard of Oz – Youth Edition - Thank you to all our students who used their God-given gifts and talents as actors/actresses/back stage hands and other preparation for the school drama show. We heard so many wonderful comments from people who enjoyed the show. A special thank you to our director, Mrs. Sarah Kelly, and assistant director, Mrs. Cara de Dios, along with the untold number of parents and grandparents who assisted in so many ways with the success of the play.

·     Easter Egg Hunt – Thank you to the families who sent in plastic eggs and candy in support of the Easter Egg Hunt.  A special thanks to the parents and grandparent who helped stuff over 1,200 eggs and those who spread the eggs in our soccer field.  Our students wasted no time in clearing the field of the Easter eggs.


·     Welcome Back to Mr. Parkosewich, our Computer Lab/Technology teacher.  Our students were happy to see you today.  We also thank Mrs. Back who covered your classes while you were away.


·    2024 HOLY WEEK AND EASTER SCHEDULE at St. Pio Parish


Holy Thursday, March 28 - ST. MARK – Mass of the Last Supper – 7:00 PM


Good Friday, March 29 - ST. MARK: Passion of the Lord – 3:00 PM.  ST. JOHN: Stations of the Cross – 6:00 PM

Holy Saturday, March 30 - ST. MARK: Blessing of the Food Baskets – 12 Noon.  ST. MARK: Easter Vigil – 8:00 PM


EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH 31 - Regular Mass Schedule at both churches EXCEPT no 7 PM Mass at St. Mark


                 Check out the Holy Week Schedule at your local church 



·    Pop Tabs Collection – Final Count tomorrow, Thursday, March 28 - All our tabs collected benefit the Ronald McDonald House in both Connecticut and Western Massachusetts.  



Results from March 22:  2,342.0 grams of tabs were collected. 











Gr 1



Gr 2



Gr 3



Gr 4



Gr 5



Gr 6



Gr 7























Grade 2 came in first with the heaviest weigh-in this past week.  Look for our final count along with the grand totals.  


 · Tuition Deposits for 2024-25 – April 1 is the due date for the $200 Deposit on your tuition for 2024-25.  Since we don’t have school on the 1st, please send in payment by Tuesday, April 2.


This is a family fee and not a per student fee.  Checks are made payable to Saint John School. Please do not include any other fees in with your deposit payment.


·  No School:  Good Friday, March 29 and Easter Monday, April 1


·  First Friday, April 5 is a full day of school.  Dismissal is at 3 PM.


·  Spring Vacation: No School April 8 – 12, 2024


·  Last Day of School is Monday, June 10, 2024  (No After Care program available)  Reminder last 3 days of school are early release days (June 6, 7 & 10)


·   FACTS Grant & Aid for 2024-25 is open for applying.  Take time to apply with this link. You’ll need to supply all the necessary documentation.  Closing date for Grant & Aid applications is June 1, 2024.  


·    Financial Aid is also available from the Connecticut Center for Educational Excellence.  Online applications will be available on – “Scholarship Login” on 3/1/23.  Login into “Scholarship Login” to create your personal CTCEE account and begin your application process. 


·     SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We are using SMS for emergency notifications, weather delays, early release or cancellation of school.       Click here for early opt-in instructions 


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink).     


Pray With Mother  


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

March 29 – Good Friday (No School)

April 1 – Easter Monday (No School)

April 5 – Full Day of School

April 8-12 – Spring Vacation


 Parent Teacher Organization


From the Principal          March 20, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)    


·    Living Stations of the Cross - Friday, March 22 at 9:15 AM and at 6:00 PM in Saint John Church

Parents, families and friends are encouraged to join the students and staff of Saint John School as we reflect on the final moments of Jesus’ life. 

·    The Wizard of Oz - Youth Edition (a Concord Theatricals Production) 

This weekend is our presentation of The Wizard of Oz. 

Show Times:  Saturday 6 PM and Sunday 1 PM

Doors Open:  Saturday 5:15 PM and Sunday 12:15 PM.

  Ticket ordering is still available.  Pay in advance or pay at the door.



·    Easter Egg Hunt – March 25   3:15 PM

Prek 3 – Grade 5  Outdoor Hunt on soccer field

Grades 6 – 8  Indoor Hunt

   Over 1,200 eggs were donated and have been filled.  The Egg Hunt is open to those students who are registered for it.  There is still time to sign up your child if you missed the deadline.  Parents are asked to send their child to school with something in which to collect their eggs.  Please check the candy collected by your child as some of the donated candy has nuts.


·    PTO Meeting – Wednesday, March 27 - 6:30 PM  (rescheduled from Holy Thursday, March 28)  A successful PTO is one with parent involvement.  We look forward to seeing as many parents/guardians at this meeting for the planning of upcoming events for our school.


·    2024 HOLY WEEK AND EASTER SCHEDULE at St. Pio Parish


Palm Sunday, March 24

Regular Weekend Mass Schedule at both churches

Monday – Wednesday of Holy Week

Monday: ST. JOHN - 7:15 AM

Tuesday: NO MASS (Diocesan Chrism Mass)

Wednesday: ST. JOHN - 7:15 AM

Holy Thursday, March 28

ST. MARK – Mass of the Last Supper – 7:00 PM


Good Friday, March 29

ST. MARK: Passion of the Lord – 3:00 PM

ST. JOHN: Stations of the Cross – 6:00 PM

Holy Saturday, March 30

ST. MARK: Blessing of the Food Baskets – 12 Noon

ST. MARK: Easter Vigil – 8:00 PM



Regular Mass Schedule at both churches EXCEPT no 7 PM Mass at St. Mark


     Check out the Holy Week Schedule at your local church 



·    Pop Tabs Collection benefitting Ronald McDonald House  

We are coming into the final two weeks of our Pop tabs contest.  The final count is March 28. All our tabs benefit the Ronald McDonald House in both Connecticut and Western Massachusetts.  


Results from March 15:  2,445.80 grams of tabs were collected. 











Gr 1



Gr 2



Gr 3



Gr 4



Gr 5



Gr 6



Gr 7





















PreK 4 had the heaviest weigh-in this past week.  With only 2 more weigh-ins, this is the time to seek the help of family and friends to add to your child’s class totals.  The Ronald McDonald House is the one who is benefiting from all of our efforts.


 · Tuition Deposits for 2024-25 – April 1 is the due date for the $200 Deposit on your tuition for 2024-25.  This is a family fee and not a per student fee.  Checks are made payable to Saint John School.


·    Art Projects

Help us to collect these items to help with art projects

v Newspapers (black & white print – no color advertisement) 

v Round plastic lids (from containers such as oatmeal, Crisco, butter, etc.)

v  Continue saving redeemable cans and bottles 


·  No School:  Good Friday, March 29 and Easter Monday, April 1


·  First Friday, April 5 is a full day of school.  Dismissal is at 3 PM.


·  The Last Day of School is Monday, June 10.  (no After Care program available)


·   FACTS Grant & Aid for 2024-25 is open for applying.  Take time to apply with this link. You’ll need to supply all the necessary documentation.  Closing date for Grant & Aid applications is June 1, 2024.  


·    Financial Aid is also available from the Connecticut Center for Educational Excellence.  Online applications will be available on – “Scholarship Login” on 3/1/23.  Login into “Scholarship Login” to create your personal CTCEE account and begin your application process. 


·     SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We are using SMS for emergency notifications, weather delays, early release or cancellation of school.       Click here for early opt-in instructions 


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink).     


Pray With Mother


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

March 22, 2024 - Living Stations of the Cross

March 23 & 24 – Wizard of Oz (Drama Club Play)

March 25 – Easter Egg Hunt

March 27 – PTO Meeting

March 29 – Good Friday (No School)

April 1 – Easter Monday (No School)


 Parent Teacher Organization


 From the Principal          March 13, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)    


·    No School – Monday, March 18 (Teacher’s Professional Development Day) 


·    Live Stations of the Cross - Friday, March 22 at 9:15 AM and at 6:00 PM in Saint John Church 

Our 4th and 5th grade students are participating in the Live Stations of the Cross.  Parents, families and friends are encouraged to join the students and staff of Saint John School as we reflect on the final moments of Jesus’ life. 


·    The Wizard of Oz - Youth Edition (a Concord Theatricals Production)  Ticket ordering is now available.  Pay in advance or pay at the door.



·    Easter Egg Hunt – March 25   3:15 PM

Prek 3 – Grade 5  Outdoor Hunt on soccer field

Grades 6 – 8  Indoor Hunt

   We are in need of donations of empty plastic Easter eggs and candy for our Easter Egg Hunt.  Donations are being collected through Friday, March 15.  Volunteers are needed to help stuff the eggs and to help scatter them on the 25th of March.  Please contact the office if you are interested in volunteering.


·    Holiday Decorating

Help us to collect these items to help with art projects for our Holiday Decorating.

v Easter Grass (for projects other than the Easter Egg Hunt)

v Newspapers (black & white print – no color advertisement) 

v Round plastic lids (from containers such as oatmeal, Crisco, butter, etc.)

v  Continue saving redeemable cans and bottles   


·    Pop Tabs Collection to benefit Ronald McDonald House  

Pop tabs are being collected through March 28 to benefit the Ronald McDonald House in both Connecticut and Western Massachusetts.  


Results from March 8:  1,974.4 grams of tabs were collected. 











Gr 1



Gr 2



Gr 3



Gr 4



Gr 5



Gr 6



Gr 7






















This past week our Kindergarten class collected the most tabs.  There are only 3 more weigh-ins. Help your student(s) add to their class totals.  The Ronald McDonald House is the one who is benefiting from all of our efforts.


 ·   FACTS Grant & Aid for 2024-25 is open for applying.  Take time to apply with this link. You’ll need to supply all the necessary documentation.  Closing date for Grant & Aid applications is June 1, 2024.  


·    Financial Aid is also available from the Connecticut Center for Educational Excellence.  Online applications will be available on – “Scholarship Login” on 3/1/23.  Login into “Scholarship Login” to create your personal CTCEE account and begin your application process. 


·     SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We are using SMS for emergency notifications, weather delays, early release or cancellation of school.       Click here for early opt-in instructions 


· Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink).     


Pray With Mother


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

March 18, 2024 – No School

March 22, 2024 - Shadow Stations of the Cross

March 23 & 24 – Wizard of Oz (Drama Club Play)

March 25 – Easter Egg Hunt


 Parent Teacher Organization



 From the Principal          March 5, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)  


·    Open House – Wednesday, March 13




·    Chili Fest – Saturday, March 2, 2024  - Third Place Finish



 Thank you to Rick at Mindy K Deli & Catering in Old Saybrook for supplying our chili which took our 3rd place finish,

Shoreline Lawn Greetings for providing our lawn sign and

our students, parents and staff for working our booth at the Greater Old Saybrook 27th Chili Fest.

Thank you to Saint Pio parishioners for your continued support of Saint John School.


·    The Wizard of Oz - Youth Edition (Concord Theatres)

   Saturday, March 23 at 6 PM and Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 1 PM in Saint John School gymnasium.  Ticket sales begin the end of next week.  Adult tickets are $10 and Children 14 & under are $5. 


·    Pop Tabs Collection to benefit Ronald McDonald House  

Pop tabs are being collected through March 28 to benefit the Ronald McDonald House in both Connecticut and Western Massachusetts.  


Results from March 1:  2,268.2 grams of tabs were collected.











Gr 1



Gr 2



Gr 3



Gr 4



Gr 5



Gr 6



Gr 7











This past week Grade 2 collected the most tabs.  There are just 4 more weigh-ins. Help your student(s) add to their class totals.  The Ronald McDonald House is the one who is benefiting from all of our efforts.


·    Easter Egg Hunt – March 25   3:15 PM

              Prek 3 – Grade 5  Outdoor Hunt on soccer field

              Grades 6 – 8  Indoor Hunt


   We are in need of donations of empty plastic Easter eggs and candy to stuff in them for our Easter Egg Hunt.  Donations are being collected through Friday, March 15.


    Look for a separate email with sign-ups for volunteers to stuff eggs and to help scatter the eggs for the hunts.


·    Holiday Decorating

Help us to collect these items to help with art projects for our Holiday Decorating.

v Easter Grass (for projects other than the Easter Egg Hunt)

v Newspapers (black & white print – no color advertisement)

v Round plastic lids (from containers such as oatmeal, Crisco, butter, etc.)

v  Continue saving redeemable cans and bottles


 ·   FACTS Grant & Aid for 2024-25 is open for applying.  Take time to apply with this link. You’ll need to supply all the necessary documentation.  There are families that have qualified for assistance over the past years but missed out because they didn’t send in the required documents.  Please contact the office if you would like the information emailed to you individually.  Closing date for Grant & Aid applications is June 1, 2024. 


·    Financial Aid is also available from the Connecticut Center for Educational Excellence.  Online applications will be available on – “Scholarship Login” on 3/1/23.  Login into “Scholarship Login” to create your personal CTCEE account and begin your application process. 


·     SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We are using SMS for emergency notifications, weather delays, early release or cancellation of school.  

    Click here for early opt-in instructions


When you receive your text “You’ve registered 4 SchoolMessenger notification” you’ll need to open the link, read the section on “Did you receive an opt-in invitation text message”.  There is a final step that needs to take place so you are activated for future communication.  


  · Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years so long as you are involved with Saint John School. An occasional refresher course and Mandated Reporter recertification needs to be completed every few years.   


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink).


Pray With Mother     



Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

March 8 – Report Cards Issued 

March 23 & 24 – Wizard of Oz (School Play)

March 25 – Easter Egg Hunt


Parent Teacher Organization


 From the Principal          February 28, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)  


 ·   Open House – Wednesday, March 13  Saint John School is opening its doors for an Open House 9 AM – Noon, 1 – 2:30 PM and 5 – 7 PM.  Share this information with your friends and family, invite them to see what Saint John School has to offer their children.


·     Refer a Friend - Current families that refer someone who registers and attends Saint John School in 2024-25 are eligible to receive a $250 credit towards their family tuition.  The newly registered family can also receive a $250 credit towards their tuition fees. 


·    First Friday Mass followed by Stations of the Cross Saint John School students are attending for the First Friday Mass at 9:15 AM on Friday, March 1, followed by the Stations of the Cross. Families are welcome to attend. 


·    Early Dismissal Day - Friday, March 1  School dismissal this Friday, March 1 is at 1 PM.  Reminder to send in your Home to Office Communication for students who are attending After Care.


·    Read Across America Week – February 26 – March 1, 2024


·    Chili Fest – Saturday, March 2, 2024  Saint John School has entered the Greater Old Saybrook Chamber of Commerce Chili Fest and is competing for the title of “Best Chili. 


Our chili is being prepared by Mindy K’s Deli & Catering in Old Saybrook.  


   The Chili Fest runs this Saturday from Noon – 3 PM (rain or shine).  We need volunteers to help monitor our tasting table on the porch of the convent on Main Street.  Use this Sign-Up Genius link to volunteer. You can use this time to apply to your PTO assessment. Families can volunteer for any portion of the Chili Fest.  


Top 3 chili entries win a donation to a Charity of their choice. 


·  The Wizard of Oz - Youth Edition (Concord Theatres)

  Saturday, March 23 at 6 PM and Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 1 PM in Saint John School gymnasium.  Ticket sales begin the end of next week.  Adult tickets are $10 and Children 14 & under are $5.  Our students have been putting a lot of work at their rehearsals and are excited to share this play with everyone. 


·     Pop Tabs Collection to benefit Ronald McDonald House  

Pop tabs are being collected through March 28 to benefit the Ronald McDonald House in both Connecticut and Western Massachusetts.  


Results from February 23:  1,591.50 grams of tabs were collected.











Gr 1



Gr 2



Gr 3



Gr 4



Gr 5



Gr 6



Gr 7





















This past week our Pk4 Class collected the most tabs.  Help your student(s) add to their class totals.  The Ronald McDonald House is the one who is benefiting from all of our efforts.


·    Easter Egg Hunt – March 25   3:15 PM

              Prek 3 – Grade 5  Outdoor Hunt on soccer field

              Grades 6 – 8  Indoor Hunt


    We are in need of donations of empty plastic Easter eggs and candy to stuff in them for our Easter Egg Hunt.  Donations are being collected through Friday, March 15.


    Look for a separate email with sign-ups for volunteers to stuff eggs and to help scatter the eggs for the hunts.


·    Holiday Decorating

Help us to collect these items to help with art projects for our Holiday Decorating.

vEaster Grass (for projects other than the Easter Egg Hunt)

vNewspapers (black & white print – no color advertisement)

vRound plastic lids (from oatmeal containers, crisco, butter containers, etc.)

v  Continue saving redeemable cans and bottles


 ·   FACTS Grant & Aid for 2024-25 is open for applying.  Take time to apply with this link. You’ll need to supply all the necessary documentation.  There are families that have qualified for assistance over the past years but missed out because they didn’t send in the required documents.  Please contact the office if you would like the information emailed to you individually.  Closing date for Grant & Aid applications is June 1, 2024. 


·    Financial Aid is also available from the Connecticut Center for Educational Excellence.  Online applications will be available on – “Scholarship Login” on 3/1/23.  Login into “Scholarship Login” to create your personal CTCEE account and begin your application process. 


·     SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We are using SMS for emergency notifications, weather delays, early release or cancellation of school.  

    Click here for early opt-in instructions


When you receive your text “You’ve registered 4 SchoolMessenger notification” you’ll need to open the link, read the section on “Did you receive an opt-in invitation text message”.  There is a final step that needs to take place so you are activated for future communication.  


  · Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years so long as you are involved with Saint John School. An occasional refresher course and Mandated Reporter recertification needs to be completed every few years.   


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)     

Pray With Mother     


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

March 2 – Chili Fest

March 8 – Report Cards Issued 

March 23 & 24 – Wizard of Oz (School Play)

March 25 – Easter Egg Hunt


Parent Teacher Organization


 From the Principal          February 21, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)



 ·   Re-Registration for 2024-25– Enrollment at Saint John School for next year is open.  Don’t miss the opportunity to take advantage of the reduced re-registration fee.

v  $75 through this Friday, February 23 (only 2 days away)

v   $100 starting Saturday, February 24 


·     Refer a Friend - Current families that refer someone who registers and attends Saint John School in 2024-25 are eligible to receive a $250 credit towards their family tuition.  The newly registered family can also receive a $250 credit towards their tuition fees. 


 ·   FACTS Grant & Aid for 2024-25 is open for applying.  Take time to apply with this link. You’ll need to supply all the necessary documentation.  There are families that have qualified for assistance over the past years but missed out because they didn’t send in the required documents.  Please contact the office if you would like the information emailed to you individually.  Closing date for Grant & Aid applications is June 1, 2024. 


·    Financial Aid is also available from the Connecticut Center for Educational Excellence.  Online applications will be available on – “Scholarship Login” on 3/1/23.  Login into “Scholarship Login” to create your personal CTCEE account and begin your application process. 


·    Stations of the Cross – Fridays of Lent  Saint John School students are participating in the Stations of the Cross at 9 AM on February 23, March 1, 8, 15.  On Friday, March 22 the Live Stations of the Cross is being portrayed at 9:15 AM and 6 PM. 

Families are welcome to attend. 


·    Read Across America Week – February 26 – March 1, 2024



·    Chili Fest – Saturday, March 2, 2024  Saint John School has entered the Greater Old Saybrook Chamber of Commerce Chili Fest and is competing for the title of “Best Chili. 


Our chili is being prepared by Mindy K’s Deli & Catering in Old Saybrook.  


   The Chili Fest runs from Noon – 3 PM.  We need volunteers to help monitor our tasting table on the porch of the convent on Main Street.  You can use this time to apply to your PTO assessment. Families can volunteer for any portion of the Chili Fest.  


Top 3 chili entries win a donation to a Charity of their choice. 


·  The Wizard of Oz - Youth Edition (Concord Theatres)

  Save the date - Saturday, March 23 at 6 PM and Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 1 PM 


·     Pop Tabs Collection to benefit Ronald McDonald House  

Pop tabs are being collected through March 28 to benefit the Ronald McDonald House in both Connecticut and Western Massachusetts.  


Results from February 16:  1,287.30 grams of tabs were collected.










Gr 1



Gr 2



Gr 3


Gr 4



Gr 5



Gr 6


Gr 7










Ask your family and friends to also help your child’s class gather pop tabs from beverages, soups, cat and dog food, even tennis ball canisters. 


·     SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We are using SMS for emergency notifications, weather delays, early release or cancellation of school.  

    Click here for early opt-in instructions


When you receive your text “You’ve registered 4 SchoolMessenger notification” you’ll need to open the link, read the section on “Did you receive an opt-in invitation text message”.  There is a final step that needs to take place so you are activated for future communication.  


  · Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years so long as you are involved with Saint John School. An occasional refresher course and Mandated Reporter recertification needs to be completed every few years.   


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)     

Pray With Mother      


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

March 2 – Chili Fest

March 23 & 24 – Wizard of Oz (School Play)

March 8 – Report Cards Issued 


Parent Teacher Organization


From the Principal          February 14, 2024  

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·    We Welcome Mrs. Joyce Back to Saint John School who is assisting us with our computer lab classes on Wednesdays for a few weeks while Mr. Parkosewich is away. 


·     Pop Tabs Collection to benefit Ronald McDonald House  

Last week's results are in:  Together 1943.8 grams of tabs were collected.

PK3 - 183.4        PK4 - 136.2         K -      235.8

Gr1 -  322.5        Gr2 -  526.3         Gr3 -      0.0

Gr4 -  177.4        Gr5 -  204.6         Gr.6 - 157.6

Gr.7 -     0.0


The tabs are being weighed in grams instead of ounces.  Class containers are weighted and emptied each Thursday afternoon and a new count begun. Help your child’s class gather pop tabs from beverages, soups, cat and dog food, even tennis ball canisters.  Weekly totals are being posted in the Eagle Eye Newsletter.


Pop tabs are being collected through March 28 to benefit the Ronald McDonald House in both Connecticut and Western Massachusetts.  


·    Stations of the Cross – Fridays of Lent  Our students are participating in the Stations of the Cross at 9 AM on Feb. 16, 23, March 1, 8, 15.  On Friday, March 22 the Live Stations of the Cross is being portrayed at 9:15 AM and 6 PM.  Families are welcome to join us. 


·    No School – February 19 & 20, 2024  School is closed in observance of President’s Day on Monday, February 19 and our Winter Break on Tuesday, February 20, 2024. 


·    Read Across America Week – February 26 – March 1, 2024

   Saint John School celebrates Read Across America Week with a different theme each day.

   Monday – Hat Day

   Tuesday – Crazy or Mis-matched Socks Day

   Wednesday – Buddy Reading

   Thursday – Celebrate the Leap Year Dress Down Day

   Friday – Reading is Fun Day 


·    Chili Fest – Saturday, March 2, 2024  Saint John School is entering the Greater Old Saybrook Chamber of Commerce Chili Fest.  Our chili is being prepared by Mindy K’s Deli & Catering in Old Saybrook.  


   The Chili Fest is held from Noon – 3 PM.  We are in need of volunteers to monitor our tasting table on the porch of the convent on Main Street. Families can volunteer for any portion of the Chili Fest.  SJS is competing for the title of “Best Chili”. Top 3 chili entries win a donation to a Charity of their choice. 


·  The Wizard of Oz - Youth Edition (Concord Theatres)

   Save the date - Saturday, March 23 at 6 PM and Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 1 PM 


·   March Lunch Menu – last date to order lunch for the month of March is Wednesday, February 21 (as we are off on the 20th)  


 ·   Last Week for $75 Re-Registration Fee – It is time to re-register for enrollment at Saint John School for the 2024-25 school year.  Re-registration fee per student: $75 through February 23 and $100 starting February 24. 


 ·   FACTS Grant & Aid for 2024-25 is open for applying.  Take time to apply with this link. You’ll need to supply all the necessary documentation.  There are families that have qualified for assistance over the past years but missed out because they didn’t send in the required documents.  Please contact the office if you would like the information emailed to you individually.  Closing date for Grant & Aid applications is June 1, 2024. 


·    Financial Aid is also available from the Connecticut Center for Educational Excellence.  Online applications will be available on – “Scholarship Login” on 3/1/23.  Login into “Scholarship Login” to create your personal CTCEE account and begin your application process. 


·     Refer a Friend - Current families that refer someone who registers and attends Saint John School in 2024-25 are eligible to receive a $250 credit towards their family tuition.  The newly registered family also receives a $250 credit towards their tuition fees. 


·     SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We are using SMS for emergency notifications, weather delays, early release or cancellation of school.  

    Click here for early opt-in instructions


 When you receive your text “You’ve registered 4 SchoolMessenger notification” you’ll need to open the link, read the section on “Did you receive an opt-in invitation text message”.  There is a final step that needs to take place so you are activated for future communication.  


  · Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years so long as you are involved with Saint John School. An occasional refresher course and Mandated Reporter recertification needs to be completed every few years.   


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)     

Pray With Mother     


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

February 19 & 20 - President's Day & Winter Break

March 2 – Chili Fest

March 23 & 24 – Wizard of Oz (School Play) 


Parent Teacher Organization


From the Principal          February 7, 2024 

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·     Pop Tabs Collection to benefit Ronald McDonald House 


Students have started bringing in the pop tabs from beverage cans. On Friday we totaled the first week of collecting which ended Catholic Schools Week. 


The results are in:  Together 10.115 lbs of tabs were collected


PK3 - 0.77        PK4 - 1.145         K -     0.62

Gr1 -  0.7          Gr2 -  3.15          Gr3 -  0.79

Gr4 -  0.77        Gr5 -  0.5            Gr.6 - 1.17

Gr.7 - 0.5


The Grade 2 project has become our school-wide project.  In just a few weeks prior to the school joining in, Grade 2 was able to collect over 3 lbs of tabs.  Containers have been emptied and a new count begun. Help your child’s class gather pop tabs.  A new count to be posted next week.


We’ll collect pop tabs through March 28 to benefit the Ronald McDonald House in both Connecticut and Western Massachusetts. 


·    First Friday Mass Rescheduled - Thursday, February 8, 2024, is our rescheduled First Friday Mass at 9:15 AM.  Parents are welcome to join our students and staff.  


·    Uniform Swap - Friday, February 9, 3 – 5:30 PM

Parents are welcome to stop by to drop off uniforms your child has out grown that still have life to them or to pick up additional uniform pieces you may need.  Friday’s swap has been extended to end at 5:30 PM. 

Saturday’s Uniform Swap has been cancelled.


A successful Uniform Swap depends on parent volunteers to set up tables and organize uniform pieces by size.  To sign up to volunteer on either or both days, please use Sign Up Genius.


·    Ash Wednesday – February 14, 2024

All students and staff are attending the 9:15 AM Ash Wednesday Mass on the 14th. 

The office will be closed between 9:05 – 10:15 AM. 

Students arriving late to school should be brought to the church.


·    Chili Fest – Saturday, March 2, 2024  Saint John School is entering the Greater Old Saybrook Chamber of Commerce Chili Fest.  Please consider volunteering your time to monitor our tasting table on the porch of the convent on Main Street.


SJS is competing for the title of “Best Chili”.  Tasting ballots are sold by the Chamber.  A total of 10 different chili samples must be tasted for the ballot to be counted in the vote.  Top 3 chili entries win a donation to a Charity of their choice.


·      The Wizard of Oz - Youth Edition (Concord Theatres)

Save the date - Saturday, March 23 at 6 PM and Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 1 PM

Students have been rehearsing since November.  Look for upcoming details on how you can offer support and purchase tickets.


 ·   Re-Registration – It is time to re-register for enrollment at Saint John School for the 2024-25 school year.  Re-registration fee per student: $75 through February 23 and $100 starting February 24.


 ·   FACTS Grant & Aid for 2024-25 is open for applying.  Take time to apply with this link. You’ll need to supply all the necessary documentation.  There are families that have qualified for assistance over the past years but missed out because they didn’t send in the required documents.  Please contact the office if you would like the information emailed to you individually.  Closing date for Grant & Aid applications is June 1, 2024.


·  Financial Aid is also available from the Connecticut Center for

Educational Excellence.  Online applications will be available on – “Scholarship Login” on 3/1/23.  Login into “Scholarship Login” to create your personal CTCEE account and begin your application process.


·     Refer a Friend - Current families that refer someone who registers and attends Saint John School in 2024-25 are eligible to receive a $250 credit towards their family tuition.  The newly registered family also receives a $250 credit towards their tuition fees.


·      SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We are using SMS for emergency notifications, weather delays, early release or cancellation of school. 

Click here for early opt-in instructions


When you receive your text “You’ve registered 4 SchoolMessenger notification” you’ll need to open the link, read the section on “Did you receive an opt-in invitation text message”.  There is a final step that needs to take place so you are activated for future communication. 


  · Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years so long as you are involved with Saint John School. An occasional refresher course and Mandated Reporter recertification needs to be completed every few years.  


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)   


 Pray With Mother  


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

February 9 – Uniform Swap

February 19 & 20 - President's Day & Winter Break


Parent Teacher Organization


From the Principal          January 31, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·     Congratulations to Abigail B., Henry B., Gavin C., Julia D. and Keegan S. who received their First Penance on Saturday, January 27.  Please pray for these students as they are preparing for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion.



·     Catholic Schools Week - Sunday, January 28 - Friday, February 2, 2024

We’ve been celebrating Catholics Schools Week, our remaining events are:

Thursday, our Community – 100 Reasons Why I Love Saint John School

Friday, our Vocations – Dedicated to our school Vocations



Students have started saving the pop tabs on your beverage cans and bringing them into class. This Friday we’ll total the weight of the tabs collected to see which class has collected the most during Catholic Schools Week. 


SJS students continue collecting pop tabs through March 28 as our Winter School-wide Service Project to benefit the Ronald McDonald House in both Connecticut and Western Massachusetts. 


We’ll be sharing weekly the results of the weigh-in of the pop tabs. 


·    First Friday Mass & Early Release Day - Friday, February 2, 2024, we’ve had to reschedule First Friday Mass for the funeral of Fr. James Caldarella.  When a date is confirmed for our rescheduled school Mass, notification will be sent.


Our school day ends at 12:55 PM.  Remember to send in your Home to Office Communication if your child is attending After Care.


·    Uniform Swap - Friday, February 9 (3 PM) and Saturday, February 10, 2024 (9 AM)

Parents are welcome to stop by to drop off uniforms your child has out grown that still have life to them or to pick up additional uniform pieces you may need.


A successful Uniform Swap depends on parent volunteers to set up tables and organize uniform pieces by size.  To sign up to volunteer on either or both days, please use Sign Up Genius.


·   Save the Date – The Wizard of Oz - Youth Edition (Concord Theatres)

Saturday, March 23 at 6 PM and Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 1 PM

Students have been rehearsing since November.  Look for upcoming details on how you can offer support and purchase tickets.


 ·   Re-Registration – It is time to re-register for enrollment at Saint John School for the 2024-25 school year.  Forms are being sent home over the next few days. Re-registration fee per student: $75 through February 23 and $100 starting February 24.


 ·   FACTS Grant & Aid for 2024-25 is open for applying.  Take time to apply with this link. You’ll need to supply all the necessary documentation.  There are families that have qualified for assistance over the past years but missed out because they didn’t send in the required documents.  Please contact the office if you would like the information emailed to you individually.  Closing date for Grant & Aid applications is June 1, 2024.


·  Financial Aid is also available from the Connecticut Center for Educational Excellence.  Online applications will be available on – “Scholarship Login” on 3/1/23.  Login into “Scholarship Login” to create your personal CTCEE account and begin your application process.


·     Refer a Friend - Current families that refer someone who registers and attends Saint John School in 2024-25 are eligible to receive a $250 credit towards their family tuition.  The newly registered family also receives a $250 credit towards their tuition fees.


·     Chili Fest – Saturday, March 2, 2024  Saint John School is entering the Greater Old Saybrook Chamber of Commerce Chili Fest.  Please consider volunteering to monitor our tasting table on the porch of the convent.


SJS is competing for the title of “Best Chili”.  Tasting ballots are sold by the Chamber.  A total of 10 chilis must be tasted for the ballot to be counted in the vote.  Top 3 chilis win a donation to a Charity of their choice.


·      SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We are using SMS for emergency notifications, weather delays, early release or cancellation of school. 

Click here for early opt-in instructions


When you receive your text “You’ve registered 4 SchoolMessenger notification” you’ll need to open the link, read the section on “Did you receive an opt-in invitation text message”.  There is a final step that needs to take place so you are activated for future communication. 


  · Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years so long as you are involved with Saint John School. An occasional refresher course and Mandated Reporter recertification needs to be completed every few years.  


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)   


 Pray With Mother  



 Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

January 28 – February 2 – Catholic Schools Week

February 9 & 10 – Uniform Swap

February 19 & 20 - President's Day & Winter Break


Parent Teacher Organization



From the Principal          January 24, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


·     PTO Meeting – Thursday, January 25, 2024  6:30 – 7:30 PM 

Calling all parents of Saint John School students.  Our PTO needs parent involvement to help plan sponsored events, share your ideas and get to meet other parents. The class with the most parents in attendance win an ice cream party. 


·   Open House - Sunday, January 28, 2024 from 10 AM - Noon

Our first Open House for the 2024-25 school year. Following the 9 AM Mass, we welcome parishioners of Saint John Church who help support our school to join us for refreshments and tours of the school.  This is also a time for new and inquiring families to meet our teachers and see what Saint John School has to offer.


We are in need of student guides and parents to help with refreshments.  Remember these are volunteer hours that can be applied to your PTO Assessment.


Food, beverage and paper good donations are needed.  Please use Sign Up Genius to indicate which of the requested items you can supply towards the reception.


·   Catholic Schools Week - Sunday, January 28  - Friday, February 2, 2024

We have a week full of special celebrations:

Sunday, our Parish – Open House

Monday, our SJS Family – Dress in Workout Gear or SJS Spirit Wear

Tuesday, our Students – A Fun Buddy Activity

Wednesday, our Faculty & Staff – Class Color Wars

Thursday, our Community – 100 Reasons Why I Love Saint John School

Friday, our Vocations – Mass Intention dedicated to our school Vocations


Start saving the pop tabs on your beverage cans.  Ask family and friends to help also. SJS students are collecting pop tabs through March 28 as our Winter School-wide Service Project to benefit the Ronald McDonald House in both Connecticut and Western Massachusetts.  Next week each class begins collecting the pop tabs.  Friday we’ll total the weight of the tabs collected to see which class has collected the most during Catholic Schools Week. 


·     First Friday Mass & Early Release Day  - Friday, February 2, 2024

Parents are welcome to join our students and parishioners for Mass at 9:15 AM.  Our school day ends at 12:55 PM.  Remember to send in your Home to Office Communication if your child is attending After Care.


·    Uniform Swap  - Friday, February 9 and Saturday, February 10, 2024

Parents are welcome to stop by to drop off uniforms your child has grown that still have life to them or to pick up additional uniform pieces you may need.


A successful Uniform Swap depends on parent volunteers to set up tables and organize uniform pieces by size.  To sign up to volunteer on either or both days, please use Sign Up Genius.


·   Save the Date – The Wizard of Oz - Youth Edition (Concord Theatres)

Friday, March 23 and Saturday, March 24, 2024

Students have been rehearsing since November.  Look for upcoming details on how you can offer support and purchase tickets.


 ·   Re-Registration – It is time to re-register for enrollment at Saint John School for the 2024-25 school year.  Return your form and non-refundable re-registration fee to the office.  Re-registration is $75 for each student through February 23.  Beginning February 24 the fee is $100.


 ·   FACTS Grant & Aid for 2024-25 is open for applying.  Take time to apply with this link. You’ll need to supply all the necessary documentation.  There are families that have qualified for assistance over the past years but missed out because they didn’t send in the required documents.  Please contact the office if you would like the information emailed to you individually.  Closing date for Grant & Aid applications is June 1, 2024.


·  Financial Aid is also available from the Connecticut Center for Educational Excellence.  Online applications will be available on – “Scholarship Login” on 3/1/23.  Login into “Scholarship Login” to create your personal CTCEE account and begin your application process.


·     Refer a Friend - Current families that refer someone who registers and attends Saint John School in 2024-25 are eligible to receive a $250 credit towards their family tuition.  The newly registered family also receives a $250 credit towards their tuition fees.


·      SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We are using SMS for emergency notifications, weather delays, early release or cancellation of school. 

Click here for early opt-in instructions

When you receive your text “You’ve registered 4 SchoolMessenger notification” you’ll need to open the link, read the section on “Did you receive an opt-in invitation text message”.  There is a final step that needs to take place so you are activated for future communication. 


  · Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years so long as you are involved with Saint John School. An occasional refresher course and Mandated Reporter recertification needs to be completed every few years.  


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)   


 Pray With Mother  



 Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

Thursday, January 25 - PTO Meeting

Sunday, January 28 – Open House

January 28 – February 2 – Catholic Schools Week

February 9 & 10 – Uniform Swap


Parent Teacher Organization



From the Principal          January 17, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”) 


·    Delayed Openings, Early Release & Weather Cancellations        Winter has arrived.  


Did you receive a text notifying you of our cancellation due to the snow yesterday or for our delayed opening today? We used our SMS Messaging to inform parents of these events. 


If you didn’t receive a text and wish to, then use the link below to enter your contact information to be informed when Saint John School has a delayed opening, unscheduled early release or is cancelled due to the weather. 


SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  We use this for emergency notifications, weather delays or cancellation of school.


 Click here for early opt-in instructions 


When you receive your text “You’ve registered 4 SchoolMessenger notification” You’ll need to open the link, read the section on “Did you receive an opt-in invitation text message”.  There is a final step that needs to take place so you are activated for future communication. 


 ·   Re-Registration – It is time to re-register for enrollment at Saint John School for the 2024-25 school year.  Return your form and non-refundable re-registration fee to the office.  Re-registration is $75 for each student through February 23.  Beginning February 24 the fee is $100.


 ·   FACTS Grant & Aid for 2024-25 is open for applying.  Take time to apply with this link. You’ll need to supply all the necessary documentation.  There are families that have qualified for assistance over the past years but missed out because they didn’t send in the required documents.  Please contact the office if you would like the information emailed to you individually.  Closing date for Grant & Aid applications is June 1, 2024.


 ·  Financial Aid is also available from the Connecticut Center for Educational Excellence.  Online applications will be available on – “Scholarship Login” on 3/1/23.  Login into “Scholarship Login” to create your personal CTCEE account and begin your application process.


·     Open House - Sunday, January 28, 2024 from 10am – Noon is the first of our Open House events for the 2024-25 school year. We continue to show Saint John School to interested families with our Walk-Around Wednesday program.


·     Refer a Friend - Current families that refer someone who registers and attends Saint John School in 2024-25 are able eligible to receive a $250 credit towards their family tuition.  The newly registered family also receives a $250 credit towards their tuition fees.


·     PTO Meeting – Thursday, January 25, 2024  6:30 – 7:30 PM  The PTO is open to all parents of Saint John School students.  Come learn about PTO sponsored events, share your ideas and meet other parents. The class with the most parents in attendance win an ice cream party. 


 ·  Dress for the Weather - Recess and After Care outdoor play time still occurs in the winter months as the weather allows. Regardless of their grade, please have your child dress for the weather and bring their coats, hats and gloves to school. 


· Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years so long as you are involved with St. John School. An occasional refresher course and Mandated Reporter recertification needs to be completed every few years.  


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink).    


 Pray With Mother  


 Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

Friday, January 19 – Progress Reports Issued

Thursday, January 25 - PTO Meeting

Sunday, January 28 – Open House

January 29 – February 4 – Catholic Schools Week


Parent Teacher Organization


 From the Principal          January 10, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”) 


 ·    Delayed Openings, Early Release & Weather Cancellations

    Winter has arrived.  Be informed when Saint John School has a delayed opening, unscheduled early release or is cancelled due to the weather.  We use SMS Messaging to inform parents in the event of changes in the school day.  Be sure to use the link below to ensure we have your most accurate information.  Our website is also updated should these changes occur to the school day.

SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications, weather delays or cancellation of school.

 Click here for early opt-in instructions 

 ·    Dress for the Weather - Recess and After Care outdoor play time still occurs in the winter months as the weather allows. Regardless of their grade, please have your child dress for the weather and bring their coats, hats and gloves to school. 


 ·     Re-Registration – It is time to Re-register for enrollment at St. John School for the 2024-25 school year.  Forms are being emailed to families tomorrow.  Return your form and re-registration fee to secure your child’s spot.


·     FACTS Grant & Aid for 2024-25 is open for applying.  Take time to apply, supply all the necessary documentation.  There are families that have qualified for assistance over the past years but missed out because they didn’t send in the required documents.  Information is attached to the email for this issue of the Eagle Eye.  Please contact the office if you would like the information emailed to you individually.


·     Open House - Sunday, January 28, 2024 from 10am – Noon is the first of our Open House events for the 2024-25 school year. We’ve been showing Saint John School to interested families with our Walk-Around Wednesday program.  Current families that refer someone who register with Saint John School is able to receive a credit towards their own registration fees.


 ·     Dress Code – Our Parent and Student Handbook contains information on the proper dress code for students.  Please review pages 14–16 to ensure students are dressing accordingly.  A copy of the Handbook is posted on the school website.


·     PTO Meeting – Thursday, January 25, 2024  6:30 – 7:30 PM  The PTO is open to all parents of Saint John School students.  Come learn about PTO sponsored events, share your ideas and meet other parents. The class with the most parents in attendance win an ice cream party.


  · Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years so long as you are involved with St. John School. An occasional refresher course and Mandated Reporter recertification needs to be completed every few years. 


 ·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)   

 Pray With Mother 


   Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

Monday, January 15 – NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Friday, January 19 – Progress Reports Issued

Thursday, January 25 - PTO Meeting

Sunday, January 28 – Open House

January 29 – February 4 – Catholic Schools Week


   Parent Teacher Organization

Supportive Link:  PTO



From the Principal          January 3, 2024

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”) 


 ·    Delayed Openings, Early Release & Weather Cancellations

    Winter has arrived.  Be informed in the event school has a delayed opening, unscheduled early release or is cancelled due to the weather.  We use SMS Messaging to inform parents in the event of changes in the school day.  Be sure to use the link below to ensure we have your most accurate information.  Our website is also updated should these changes occur to the school day.


   SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications, weather delays or cancellation of school.

Click here for early opt-in instructions   


·     Dress for the Weather  Recess and After Care outdoor play time still occurs in the winter months as the weather allows.

    Please have your child dress for the weather and bring their coats, hats and gloves to school. 

·       Healthy Food and Good Nutrition - We tend to forget about the importance of a healthy breakfast and good nutrition during  this busy winter season.  Healthy foods can also boost children’s immune systems through the cold and flu season.  Nurse Kerry and Nurse Elaine would like to share the following website with parents that offers ideas to achieve healthy eating        habits and noting nutrition options for breakfast and snacks for children.  

Here is a link from the American Academy of Pediatrics with some helpful tips.


·    Families are required to fulfill the following number of Service Hours and Assessment Requirements (see page 31 of  the Student Handbook for details):

   Kindergarten through Grade 8: 30 service hrs & $400 assessment

   Pre-Kindergarten:                     15 service hrs & $250 assessment 


There is still time in the school year to complete your volunteer hours.  Please sign up for Safe Environments training if you haven’t already done so.  Assessment fees can be completed by claiming raffle tickets sold on behalf of your child, on supplies you may have purchased for classroom items, parties, etc.


 ·      Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years so long as you are involved with St. John School. An occasional refresher course and Mandated Reporter recertification needs to be completed every few years. 


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)  

 Pray With Mother 

  Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

Friday, January 19 – Progress Reports Issued

Sunday, January 28 – Open House

January 29 – February 4 – Catholic Schools Week


  Parent Teacher Organization

Supportive Link:  PTO


From the Principal          December 31, 2023 

   (Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”) 

 New Year’s Day Observed – No School:  January 1, 2024

 Back to School:  Tuesday, January 2, 2024

 We look forward to the return of our students and staff.  A reminder for our preschool students.

The State of Connecticut Department of Public Health requires all students who are enrolled in daycare or Pre-K (between 24 – 59 months of age) to receive at least one dose of the influenza vaccine between August 1st and December 31st of this year. We are therefore requesting that you take your child to receive his/her annual flu shot and obtain written documentation from your physician.


If we do not have proof of the vaccine in our office by January 2, 2024 when school commences after winter break, your child will be excluded from school for the rest of the flu season (through March 31st ) or until they receive at least one dose of the influenza vaccine.


We appreciate your cooperation. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call the School Nurse at 860-388-0849. 


·     After School Enrichment Programs – our Enrichment programs resume this week.

Intramural Basketball – Tuesday and Thursday, 3-4 PM

Drama – Wizard of Oz – Wednesday and Friday, 3-4:30 PM

Challenge Island – Wednesday, 3-3:45 PM

Snapology – Thursday, 3-3:45 PM


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years so long as you are involved with St. John School. An occasional refresher course and Mandated Reporter recertification needs to be completed every few years. 


·    SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications, weather delays or cancellation of school. Click here for early opt-in instructions  


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)  

Pray With Mother 

 Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

Monday – January 1 – New Year’s Day

Tuesday, January 2 – Back to School

Friday, January 19 – Progress Reports Issued

Sunday, January 28 – Open House

January 29 – February 4 – Catholic Schools Week


  Parent Teacher Organization

Supportive Link:  PTO



From the Principal          December 20, 2023 

   (Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”) 



·     Lessons and Carols – Thursday, December 21 – 6:30 pm

    Saint Mark Church, 222 McVeigh Rd, Westbrook, CT

 Lessons and Carols is Saint John School's annual Advent performance. It is a unique and special way to remember the true meaning of the Advent and Christmas season.

This year Lessons and Carols takes place at St. Mark Church in Westbrook.  Students are to arrive no later than 6:15 pm and will sit with their class. Please reach out to your child's teacher with any questions you may have.

 Dress Code

 Girls: White top/black appropriate length skirt or pants.

Boys: White shirt, red tie, black pants.  


·     Christmas Break Begins with an Early Release Day on Friday, December 22.  School ends at 12:55 PM.  

   There is NO After Care on the 22nd.  Please make arrangements for your child’s pick-up from school.   

   The office closes at 1:15 PM.


      Christmas Break – No School:  December 25 – 31, 2023

     New Year’s Day Observed – No School:  January 1, 2024

      Back to School:  Tuesday, January 2, 2024


 ·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years so long as you are involved with St. John School. An occasional refresher course and Mandated Reporter recertification needs to be completed every few years. 


·    SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications, weather delays or cancellation of school. Click here for early opt-in instructions 


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)


Pray With Mother 


 Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

Thursday, December 21 – Lessons and Carols at St. Mark Church

Monday – Friday, December 25 – 31, 2023 – Christmas Break

Monday – January 1, 2023 – New Year’s Day

Tuesday, January 2, 2023 – Back to School 


 Parent Teacher Organization

Supportive Link:  PTO


From the Principal          December 13, 2023


  (Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”) 


   ·     Before & After Care Help Needed – We are in need of temporary help to assist with our Before Care program (7 – 8:45 am) and our After Care program (2:45 – 5:30 pm).  This paid position requires completing the Safe Environments training.  If you are interested in either or both of these openings and earning some extra money, please contact the front office.


 ·     Art Class – We are looking for the donation of additional oatmeal boxes with lids.  These oatmeal boxes are being used for making drums to be used at our Lessons and Carols next Thursday.


 ·     Lessons and Carols – Thursday, December 21 – 6:30 pm  Saint Mark Church, 222 McVeigh Rd, Westbrook, CT

Lessons and Carols is Saint John School's annual Advent performance. It is a unique and special way to remember the true meaning of the Advent and Christmas season.

 This year Lessons and Carols takes place at St. Mark Church in Westbrook.  Students are to arrive no later than 6:15 pm and will sit with their class. Please reach out to your child's teacher with any questions you may have.

 Dress Code

Girls: White top/black appropriate length skirt or pants.

Boys: White shirt, red tie, black pants. 


·    Small World Gift Shop - December 18 – 21.  Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to help with the Gift Shop. We are still in need of additional parents to assist us.  Please check your email with a link to Signup Genius to register to help.


Envelopes are being sent home with students on Friday.  Parents please return the envelope noting who the children are to buy gifts for (Mom, Dad, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Siblings, Friends, etc) and include spending money in the envelope. 


Students will visit the Gift Shop as a class beginning Monday and make their purchases according to their spending limit.  We have 166 different items to choose from which range in price from $1.25 - $20.00.  Many items are priced under $10 each.


·     Outside Recess – There are many benefits to having time outside in the fresh air during the school day.  Please ensure your child has a jacket, hat and gloves with them every day.  


 ·     Ugly Sweater Day – Thursday, December 21  Dress Down Day donation is $3.  Wear your best Ugly Sweater while making a difference to help others.  Our December Service project supports the Holy Family Home and Shelter.


·     Casual Christmas Wear – Friday, December 22  Enjoy this Casual Christmas Wear Day on the last day of school before our Christmas Break begins.


·     Christmas Break Begins with an Early Release Day on Friday, December 22.  School ends at 12:55 PM.  There is NO After Care on the 22nd.  Please make arrangements for your child’s pick-up from school.  The office closes at 1:15 PM.

      Christmas Break – No School:  December 25 – 31, 2023

     New Year’s Day Observed – No School:  January 1, 2024

      Back to School:  Tuesday, January 2, 2024

·     Flu Shots – Just a reminder our PreK3 & PreK4 students need to have their Flu Shot record submitted to the nurse prior to returning to school on January 2, 2023. 

The State of Connecticut Department of Health, Immunization program mandates Pre K students to have an Influenza vaccination annually between August 1st and December 31st . Please submit a note to the school nurse from your child’s pediatrician that your child has had his/her flu vaccination.

 ·     Outside Recess – There are many benefits to having time outside in the fresh air during the school day.  Please ensure your child has a jacket, hat and gloves with them every day. 


·        Torch Light Parade – Thank you to all our students and parents who marched in the Torch Light Parade this past Saturday.  Your joy, singing and smiles were a gift to all those in attendance at the parade as you shared the true meaning of Christmas with our Knights of Columbus.


·        Luxury Raffle – Each family is required to complete their PTO Assessment of $400 per family in Grades K – 8 and $250 per family in Pre-Kindergarten. To claim credit towards your Assessment from Luxury Raffle Tickets purchased on behalf of your student, please complete the SJS Luxury Raffle Volunteer Form and submit it to the PTO for verification.


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years so long as you are involved with St. John School. An occasional refresher course and Mandated Reporter recertification needs to be completed every few years.


·    SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications, weather delays or cancellation of school. Click here for early opt-in instructions


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)


Pray With Mother

 Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

Monday – Thursday, December 18-22 – Small World Gift Shop

Thursday, December 21 – Lessons and Carols at St. Mark Church

Monday – Friday, December 25 – 31, 2023 – Christmas Break

Monday – January 1, 2023 – New Year’s Day

Tuesday, January 2, 2023 – Back to School


 Parent Teacher Organization 

Supportive Link:  PTO






From the Principal          December 6, 2023

Feast Day of Saint Nicholas

 (Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”) 


·     A Special Thank You to Michael & Angela Arnold for all the work they did coordinating the Luxury Raffle.  Aided with their team of volunteers, the 2023 raffle was a success in raising $155,000.00 for Saint John School.  Thank you.


Thank you also to the Knights of Columbus and volunteers for the Spaghetti Dinner prior to the drawing.


·     Before & After Care Help Needed – We are in need of temporary help to assist with our Before Care program (7 – 8:45 am) and our After Care program (2:45 – 5:30 pm).  This paid position would require completing the Safe Environments training.  If you are interested in either or both of these openings and earning some extra money, please contact the front office.


·     Report Cards were issued Friday, December 1.  Report cards need to be signed by parents and returned to your child’s homeroom teacher by Friday, December 8.


·    THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY HOLY DAY MASS SCHEDULE - Friday, December 8, 2023 at 9:15 am at Saint John Church, 161 Main Street, Old Saybrook.

Families are welcome to join Saint John School students at this 9:15 am Mass.  Our second graders are sponsoring the Mass.


·     Torch Light Parade – Saturday, December 9 – 6 pm  Saint John School is walking in the Torch Light Parade this Saturday.


    Saint John School's presence in the parade serves as a reminder to all attending what the true meaning of the season is. We ask that you please consider marching with your child with St. John School.  Saturday's predicted weather is clear skies. 


    We muster no later than 5:45 pm by Liberty Bank, 90 Main Street, Old Saybrook, CT.  Please look for the Knights of Columbus Float with a manger scene on the trailer.


    Once we reach St. John Church we'll leave the parade and gather on the steps of the church.  Our students and Schola members will sing Christmas Carols from the steps of St. John Church.  Hot cocoa and cookies are being served to our students and parents.  Please email the church if you are interested in participating so we can prepare for our refresments.


·     Lessons and Carols – Thursday, December 21 – 6:30 pm at Saint Mark Church, 222 McVeigh Rd, Westbrook, CT.

Lessons and Carols is Saint John School's annual Advent performance. It is a unique and special way to remember the true meaning of the Advent and Christmas season.


This year Lessons and Carols takes place at St. Mark's Church in Westbrook.  Students are to arrive no later than 6:15 pm and will sit with their class. Please reach out to your child's teacher with any questions you may have.


Dress Code

Girls: White top/black appropriate length skirt or pants.

Boys: White shirt, red tie, black pants. 


·     Art Class – Sister Gabriel is looking for the donation of empty oatmeal boxes with lids.  Oatmeal boxes are being used for making drums.


·     Small World Gift Shop is coming December 14 – 22.  This is an opportunity for students to purchase gifts for family                       members for Christmas.  More details to come.


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years so long as you are involved with St. John School. An occasional refresher course and Mandated Reporter recertification needs to be completed every few years.


·    SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications, weather delays or cancellation of school. Click here for early opt-in instructions


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)


Pray With Mother  



Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

Friday, December 8 – Immaculate Conception Mass

Saturday, December 9 – Torch Light Parade

Thursday – Friday, December 14-22 – Small World Gift Shop

Thursday, December 21 – Lessons and Carols at St. Mark Church


Parent Teacher Organization 

Supportive Link:

  PTO E-mail:

 From the Principal          November 29, 2023

 (Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”) 


·    School Photo Retakes – TOMORROW, November 30 is our school photo retake day.  Whether your child missed our first take or you’d like to return your current packet for a new one, please have your child dress accordingly.


Grades Pre-K 3 – Kindergarten, please have your student wear dress clothes (not their sweatpants, t-shirts and sweatshirts).


Grades 1 – 8 should wear their formal uniform


·    PTO Meeting – TOMORROW, November 30. 

We look forward to working together!  The PTO is for all parents of Saint John School students.  The class with most parents at the “in-person” meetings receive an ice cream party (4 parties per school year).  Babysitting is available at these meetings.  Our Pre-K 4 & 6th Grade parents are asked to bring the refreshments for this meeting.


·     Report Cards are being issued this Friday, December 1. 

Parents are asked to review, sign and return the report card to their student’s homeroom teacher.


·     Early Dismissal – Friday, December 1 

School is dismissed at 12:55 PM on the First Friday of each month.  This Friday please make the necessary arrangements for your child’s pick-up.  After Care is available through 5:30 PM.  Please use the Home to Office Communication form on the school’s website to sign up your child for After Care.


·        After Care Pick-up

Children attending After Care are picked up using either the PreK3 door or gymnasium side door both of which are located behind the school off Lynde St.  Please remind those picking-up your child to bring their driver’s license with them to the door.


A neon-yellow sign is being posted on the window of the PreK3 door indicating the children are either in the classroom or the gymnasium.


 ·    Luxury Raffle – The final countdown is here, 3 days till Saint John School’s big drawing on December 2nd. 


         First Prize:       2023 Corvette Stingray Coupe

    Second Prize:  $10,000 Visa Gift Card

    Third Prize:      $2,500 Grocery Gift Card

Fourth Prize:    $2,000 Gas Card


Following the 4 PM Mass at St. John Church on Sat., Dec. 2, everyone is invited to a FREE Spaghetti Dinner hosted by Saint John School Middle Schoolers and the Knights of Columbus. Come join the fun and excitement in the school gymnasium with dinner and the big raffle drawing.


We are looking for volunteers to help with the set-up and clean-up of the Spaghetti Dinner.  Just a reminder families need to perform volunteer hours to meet their PTO Assessment.  PreK families need 15 hours and Grades K-8th need to complete 30 hours.  Register here to volunteer to help.



Parents:  Remember to complete the SJS Luxury Raffle Volunteer Form located on the SJS Website and email it to the PTO Representative for verification to receive credit for tickets sold on behalf of your student(s).


·     Intramural Basketball – Tuesdays & Thursday, 3-4 PM

Ends Feb. 29, 2024    Registration Fee:  $35

Basketball has begun and students in grades 4-8 are asking if they can still sign up.  Yes, registration is still open for basketball.  Complete the registration form, verify the nurse has your child’s physical dated within the last 13 months is on file, and send in the form and fee to the office.


·     Art Class – Sister Gabriel is looking for the donation of empty oatmeal boxes with lids.  Oatmeal boxes are being used for making drums.


·     Middle School News




·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years so long as you are involved with St. John School. An occasional refresher course and Mandated Reporter needs to be completed every few years.


·    SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications, weather delays or cancellation of school. Click here for early opt-in instructions


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)


Pray With Mother  


Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

Thursday, November 30 - School Photo Retakes

Thursday, November 30 - PTO Meeting

Saturday, December 2 – Luxury Raffle Drawing

Saturday, December 9 – Torch Light Parade

Thursday – Friday, December 14-22 – Small World Gift Shop

Thursday, December 21 – Lessons and Carols at St. Mark Church


Parent Teacher Organization 

Supportive Link:

  PTO E-mail:



From the Principal          November 22, 2023

 (Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”) 


Happy Thanksgiving


 ·    Luxury Raffle – in just 10 days Saint John School is holding the big drawing on December 2nd.  You are invited to a spaghetti dinner prior to the drawing.


         First Prize:       2023 Corvette Stingray Coupe

    Second Prize:  $10,000 Visa Gift Card

    Third Prize:      $2,500 Grocery Gift Card

Fourth Prize:    $2,000 Gas Card


Following the 4 PM Mass at St. John Church on Saturday, December 2, 2023, everyone is invited to a FREE Spaghetti Dinner hosted by Saint John School Middle Schoolers and the Knights of Columbus. Come join the fun and excitement in the school gymnasium with dinner and the big raffle drawing.


Parents:  Remember to complete the SJS Luxury Raffle Volunteer Form located on the SJS Website and email it to the PTO Representative for verification to receive credit for tickets sold on behalf of your student(s).


·     Intramural Basketball – Tuesdays & Thursday 3-4 PM 

Begins in just 2 weeks - November 28, 2023 – February 29, 2024    Fee:  $35

Basketball is for all students in grades 4-8. Learn or improve the skills needed to play the game all while having fun. 


·     Art Class – Sister Gabriel is looking for the donation of empty oatmeal boxes with lids.  Oatmeal boxes are being used for making drums.


·     November Service Project – Together Saint John students and staff once again made a difference!  All donated food collected to aid the Sisters of Charity: Holy Family Food Pantry in Baltic collected filled a van and was delivered in time for Thanksgiving pick-up.  Students and staff also donated $250 with their donations for “Dress in Blue for Mother Mary” as a monetary fund-raiser for the Food Pantry.


·    School Photo Retakes – Thursday, November 30 is our school photo retake day.  Whether your child missed our first take or you’d like to return your current packet for a new one, please have your child dress accordingly.


Grades Pre-K 3 – Kindergarten, please have your student wear dress clothes (not their sweatpants, t-shirts and sweatshirts).


Grades 1 – 8 should wear their formal uniform


·   December Lunch Menu – Sandwiches, Pasta & Pizza prepared and delivered by TJ’s Restaurant & Pizzeria.  Please note with the volume of orders served, we can only fill orders as noted. Orders are accepted through Wednesday, November 29. All lunch orders need to be accompanied with payment in order to be processed.


·    PTO Meeting - Our next in-person PTO meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 30, 2023.  Please plan to join our Parent Teacher Organization. Please attend the meetings.  We look forward to working together!   Students from the class with most parents at the “in-person” meetings will receive an ice cream party (4 parties per school year).  Babysitting will be available at these meetings.  Our Pre-K 4 & 6th Grade parents are asked to bring the refreshments for this meeting.


·    Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years so long as you are involved with St. John School. An occasional refresher course and Mandated Reporter needs to be completed every few years.


·    SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications, weather delays or cancellation of school. Click here for early opt-in instructions


·    Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)


Pray With Mother  



Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

Tuesday, November 28 – Intramural Basketball

Thursday, November 30 - PTO Meeting

Friday, December 1 – Uniform Swap

Saturday, December 2 – Uniform Swap

Saturday, December 2 – Luxury Raffle Drawing

Saturday, December 9 – Torch Light Parade

Thursday – Friday, December 14-22 – Small World Gift Shop

Thursday, December 21 – Lessons and Carols


Parent Teacher Organization 

Supportive Link:


 PTO E-mail:


 From the Principal          November 15, 2023

 (Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”) 


 ·    Luxury Raffle – Saint John School is in the final weeks of selling tickets before the big drawing on December 2nd.



 Place your orders before we run out!


    First Prize:       2023 Corvette Stingray Coupe

    Second Prize:  $10,000 Visa Gift Card

    Third Prize:      $2,500 Grocery Gift Card

Fourth Prize:    $2,000 Gas Card


Following the 4 PM Mass at St. John Church on Saturday, December 2, 2023, everyone is invited to a FREE Spaghetti Dinner hosted by Saint John School Middle Schoolers and the Knights of Columbus. Come join the fun and excitement in the school gymnasium with dinner and the big raffle drawing.


 To receive credit for tickets sold on behalf of your student(s), complete the SJS Luxury Raffle Volunteer Form located on the SJS Website and email it to the PTO Representative for verification.


·     Catholic Schools Week November 13-17, 2023

Students are to wear their uniforms on Thursday for Catholic Schools Week.  These are the last two events of the week

v  Thursday, Nov. 16 – Crazy Sock Day

v  Friday, Nov. 17 – Mother House Soup Kitchen Food Drive and $3 Dress in Blue for Mary & Freeze Dance Party

    You can make a difference by supporting our Food Drive.  All food is being delivered to the Mother House on Saturday.


·        Thanksgiving Break – Wednesday, November 22 – Friday, November 24

AfterCare is available on Tuesday, November 21.


·     Intramural Basketball Tuesdays & Thursday 3-4 PM 

Begins in just 2 weeks - November 28, 2023 – February 29, 2024    Fee:  $35

Basketball is for all students in grades 4-8. Learn or improve the skills needed to play the game all while having fun. 


·     Art ClassSister Gabriel is looking for the donation of empty oatmeal boxes with lids.  Oatmeal boxes are being used for making drums.


·        Winter After-School Programs – Registration closes Nov. 20

Programs are held from 3 – 3:45 PM unless otherwise noted. 

v Holiday Magic with Sister Gabriel – Grades K-5    Free

     Mondays,   Dec. 4 & 11 and Feb. 5 & 12

v Challenge Island – Grades K-5   $175

Wednesdays, Dec 6, 13, 20, Jan. 3, 10, 24, 31

v Cookie Decorating – Grades K-8   $25.50   3:00 – 4:00 PM

Tuesdays, Dec. 19 and Feb. 13

v Snapology – Grades PreK4 – Grade 2    $175

Thursdays, Dec 7 & 14, Jan. 4, 11, 18 & 25, Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

v Snapology – Grades 3 – 8    $175.00

Fridays, Dec. 8 & 15, Jan. 12, 19 & 26, Feb. 9, 16 & 23, Mar. 8, 15 & 22


Please have your license with you at the time of signing out your child.  Students not picked up 10 minutes after the end time of class are brought to After Care


·     October Service Project – Together we made a difference!




·    December Lunch Menu – Sandwiches, Pasta & Pizza prepared and delivered by TJ’s Restaurant & Pizzeria.  Please note with the volume of orders served, we can only fill orders as noted. Orders are accepted through November 29. All lunch orders need to be accompanied with payment in order to be processed.


·    PTO Meeting - Our next in-person PTO meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 30, 2023.  Please plan to join our Parent Teacher Organization. Please attend the meetings.  We look forward to working together!   Students from the class with most parents at the “in-person” meetings will receive an ice cream party (4 parties per school year).  Baby sitting will be available at these meetings.  Our Pre-K 4 & 6th Grade parents are asked to bring the refreshments for this meeting. 

·       Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years so long as you are involved with St. John School. An occasional refresher course and Mandated Reporter needs to be completed every few years.


·         SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications. Click here for early opt-in instructions


·         Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)


Pray With Mother  




  Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

Tuesday, November 28 – Intramural Basketball

Thursday, November 30 - PTO Meeting

Friday, December 1 – Uniform Swap

Saturday, December 2 – Uniform Swap

Saturday, December 2 – Luxury Raffle Drawing

Saturday, December 9 – Torch Light Parade

Thursday – Friday, December 14-22 – Small World Gift Shop

Parent Teacher Organization 

Supportive Link:

 PTO E-mail:


From the Principal          November 8, 2023

 (Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”) 


·      Catholic Schools Week – November 13-17, 2023

Students are to wear their uniforms on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday for Catholic Schools Week.

v  Monday, Nov. 13 – No School for Students

v  Tuesday, Nov. 14 – Hat Day

v  Wednesday, Nov. 15 – Sports Team t-Shirt or Jersey Day

v  Thursday, Nov. 16 – Crazy Sock Day

v  Friday, Nov. 17 – Mother House Soup Kitchen Food Drive & $3 Dress in Blue for Mary & Freeze Dance Party

·        Winter After-School Programs – Registration currently is open for our after-school programs for the winter.  Please note some programs have a maximum number of students allowed.  All programs are held from 3 – 3:45 PM unless otherwise noted. 

vHoliday Magic with Sister Gabriel – Grades K-5    Free

     Mondays,   Dec. 4 & 11 and Feb. 5 & 12

vChallenge Island – Grades K-5   $175

Wednesdays, Dec 6, 13, 20, Jan. 3, 10, 24, 31

vCookie Decorating – Grades K-8   $25.50   3:00 – 4:00 PM

Tuesdays, Dec. 19 and Feb. 13

vSnapology – Grades PreK4 – Grade 2    $175

Thursdays, Dec 7 & 14, Jan. 4, 11, 18 & 25, Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

vSnapology – Grades 3 – 8    $175.00

Fridays, Dec. 8 & 15, Jan. 12, 19 & 26, Feb. 9, 16 & 23, Mar. 8, 15 & 22


·        Intramural Basketball – November 28, 2023 – February 29, 2024

Tuesdays & Thursday 3:00 – 4:00 PM       Fee:  $35

Co-ed Students in Grades 4-8 are welcome to join our Intramural Basketball program.  All players need to have had a physical within the last 13 months and have it on record with the nurse. Registration forms available in the office.


·      School Start Time – 8:45 AM   Our doors for regular drop off open at 8:20 AM (Early Drop Off at 7:00 AM). Please arrive on time for school with your child.  Late arrivals prevent your child the ability to organize themselves before class begins and also creates a disruption for the teacher and class.  Give your child the best start to their day as possible.


 ·      Flu Shots – All Pre-Kindergarten students must submit proof of having received their flu shot.  Students have until the end of December to receive this shot, otherwise they cannot return to school in January until they do.   Please contact our school nurse with any questions.


·     December Lunch MenuWe are excited to announce the addition of Pasta Thursdays.  In addition to Sandwiches on Tuesday and Pizza on Fridays, TJ’s Restaurant & Pizzeria has added Pasta to our menu.  Buttered Pasta is $6 and Pasta with sauce and one meatball is $8.  Each of these come with a bottle of water.  Please note with the volume of orders served, we can only fill orders as noted. Look for the email with the December lunch menu.  Orders are accepted through November 29.


·       Luxury Raffle – We are in the final weeks of selling tickets before the big drawing of the Luxury Raffle. 

      First Prize:       2023 Corvette Stingray Coupe

Second Prize:  $10,000 Visa Gift Card

Third Prize:      $2,500 Grocery Gift Card

Fourth Prize:    $2,000 Gas Card


Visit Saint John School Quick Links/2023 Luxury Raffle Updates for information on how to purchase your tickets using a credit card.  Tickets are also available in the school office payable with cash or check.  All tickets sold benefit Saint John School.


Families who purchase or sell 5 or more Luxury Raffle Tickets receive full credit against their assessment commitment.  To receive your credit, complete the SJS Luxury Raffle Volunteer Form located on the SJS Website and email it to the PTO Representative for verification.


·       Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years so long as you are involved with St. John School. An occasional refresher course and Mandated Reporter needs to be completed every few years.


·         SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications. Click here for early opt-in instructions


·         Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)


Pray With Mother  


  Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

Friday, November 10 – Veteran’s Day Assembly

Tuesday, November 28 – Intramural Basketball

Friday, December 1 – Uniform Swap

Saturday, December 2 – Uniform Swap

Sunday, December 10 – Torch Light Parade

Thursday – Friday, December 14-22 – Small World Gift Shop


 Parent Teacher Organization 

Supportive Link:


 PTO E-mail:


From the Principal          November 1, 2023

 (Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”) 


·         Winter After-School Programs – Registration currently is open for our after-school programs for the winter.  Please note some programs do have a maximum number of students allowed.  All programs are held from 3 – 3:45 PM unless otherwise noted.  Please check your child’s backpack for the registration form.


Holiday Magic with Sister Gabriel – Grades K-5    Free

Mondays, Dec. 4 & 11 and Feb. 5 & 12

Challenge Island – Grades K-5   $175

            Wednesdays, Dec 6, 13, 20, Jan. 3, 10, 24, 31

Cookie Decorating – Grades K-8   $25.50   3:00 – 4:00 PM

            Tuesdays, Dec. 19 and Feb. 13

Snapology – Grades PreK4 – Grade 2    $175

            Thursdays, Dec 7 & 14, Jan. 4, 11, 18 & 25, Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

Snapology – Grades 3 – 8    $175.00

            Fridays, Dec. 8 & 15, Jan. 12, 19 & 26, Feb. 9, 16 & 23, Mar. 8, 15 & 22


·         Wizard of Oz – Youth Edition

If your child would like to participate in the school drama production of the Wizard of Oz – Youth Edition, it’s not too late.  Students in grades 3 – 8 are still welcome to join.  Please reach out to our Drama Director, Mrs. Kelly at and she’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.


·         Grandparents’ Day – Friday, November 3, 9 AM - Noon  

Grandparents are an important part of your children’s lives.  Grandparents’ Day is a special time for them to spend with your child(ren) here at St. John School.  This is a memorable day for students and Grandparents alike.  Please contact the office by Noon on Thursday, November 2, 2023 to make a final registration.


·         Veteran’s Day Assembly – Friday, November 10, 2:15 - 3 PM   

Family members of our students who are serving or have served in our military are welcome to attend Saint John School for a special Veteran’s Day Assembly.  Please send in the registration form so we can register and recognize them.


·        Intramural Basketball – November 28, 2023 – February 29, 2024

Tuesdays & Thursday 3:00 – 4:00 PM       Fee:  $35

Co-ed Students in Grades 4-8 are welcome to join our Intramural Basketball program.  Miss Bridget Rosikiewicz, our physical education teacher, is heading up this intramural program.  All players need to have had a physical within the last 13 months and have it on record with the nurse.


·      To communicate absences, early pick-up, Aftercare or change in who picks up your child, please use the “Home to Office Communication” form found on our website.  This can be found under Quick Links.  When using a mobile device, scroll to the bottom of the website to find this link.  Please submit your requests by noon on full days of school and by 10:30 AM on early release days.



·      AfterCare – Students attending AfterCare should be dressed for the cooler weather (jackets and hats) as there is outdoor play time.


·       Luxury Raffle – We are in the final weeks of selling tickets before the big drawing of the Luxury Raffle. 


First Prize:       2023 Corette Stingray Coupe

Second Prize:  $10,000 Visa Gift Card

Third Prize:      $2,500 Grocery Gift Card

Fourth Prize:    $2,000 Gas Card

Visit Saint John Quick Links/2023 Luxury Raffle Updates for information on how to purchase your tickets using a credit card.  Tickets are also available in the school office payable with cash or check.  All tickets sold benefit Saint John School.


Families who purchase or sell 5 or more Luxury Raffle Tickets receive full credit against their assessment commitment.  To receive your credit, complete the SJS Luxury Raffle Volunteer Form located on the SJS Website and email it to the PTO Representative for verification.


·       Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years so long as you are involved with St. John School. An occasional refresher course and Mandated Reporter needs to be completed every few years.


·         SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications. Click here for early opt-in instructions


·         Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)


Pray With Mother  




  Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

Friday, November 3 - Grandparent's Day

Friday, November 10 – Veteran’s Day Assembly

Tuesday, November 28 – Intramural Basketball


 Parent Teacher Organization 

Supportive Link:

 PTO E-mail:




From the Principal          October 25, 2023

 (Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”) 

  •  Trunk or Treat – Friday, October 27  

 This Friday, come out with your family to Saint John School at 6 PM for a fun filled evening of games, trunk or treating at 7 PM, and Halloween treats.  Park in the main school lot off Lynde St. behind the school and enter through the gym doors.  We look forward to seeing everyone.



  •  Wizard of Oz – Youth Edition

 If your child missed the auditions for the school drama production of the Wizard of Oz – Youth Edition, it’s not too late.  Students in grades 3 – 8 are still welcome to audition.  Please reach out to our Drama Director, Mrs. Kelly at and she’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.



  • Dress Down Day – Tuesday, October 31

 A fundraiser for St. John School’s Service Project. With a $3 donation, students can wear Orange and Black on the 31st.



  • Grandparents’ Day – Friday, November 3, 9 AM - Noon  

Grandparents are an important part of your children’s lives.  Grandparents’ Day is a special time for them to spend with your child(ren) here at St. John School.  This is a memorable day for students and Grandparents alike.  Please complete the registration form to submit the names of the grandparents attending.



  • Veteran’s Day Assembly – Friday, November 10, 2:15 - 3 PM   

Family members of our students who are serving or have served in our military are welcome to attend Saint John School for a special Veteran’s Day Assembly.  Please send in the registration form so we can register and recognize them.


  • Intramural Basketball – November 28, 2023 – February 29, 2024

Tuesdays & Thursday 3:00 – 4:00 PM       Fee:  $35


Co-ed Students in Grades 4-8 are welcome to join our Intramural Basketball program.  Miss Bridget Rosikiewicz, our physical education teacher, is heading up this intramural program.  All players need to have had a physical within the last 13 months and is on record with the nurse.




  •  Car Raffle – Families who purchase or sell 5 or more Luxury Raffle Tickets receive full credit against their assessment commitment.  To receive your credit, complete the SJS Luxury Raffle Volunteer Form located on the SJS Website and email it to the PTO Representative for verification.
  • Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years so long as you are involved with St. John School. An occasional refresher course and Mandated Reporter needs to be completed every few years.
  • SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications. Click here for early opt-in instructions
  • Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)

   Pray With Mother  




 Upcoming Events - Save the Date 


Friday, October 27 - Trunk or Treat

Tuesday, October 31 – Dress Down Day

Friday, November 3 - Grandparent's Day

Friday, November 10 – Veteran’s Day Assembly

Tuesday, November 28 – Intramural Basketball


 Parent Teacher Organization 


 Supportive Link:


 PTO E-mail:





From the Principal          October 18, 2023

 (Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”) 


  • NO GO TELL is an Abuse Prevention and Awareness Curriculum for children and teens. The NO GO TELL curriculum has been developed to teach children and young people how to identify and understand the following concepts:
    • Appropriate behavior based on personal dignity and respect for others
    • Personal safety and critical skills to remain safe
    • Appropriate boundaries
    • Assertive response in potentially dangerous situations
    • Identify trusted persons
    • What harassment and abusive situations look like

Saint John School is presenting the NO GO TELL curriculum to our students the week of October 23.

  • Credit Card Payments – Our office is now able to accept in-house credit card and debit card payments. Payments can be made for tuition payments, outstanding book & lab fess, lunch and afterschool activities.  Processing fees are added to the amount of the purchase.
  • PTO Fundraiser - Pearls and Plaid, Old Saybrook on Saturday, October 21

  • Wizard of Oz – Youth Edition Auditions – Monday, October 23 - 3:15 PM  Saint John School Drama Production is looking for students to audition for roles in this year’s play.  Monday after school students in grades 3-8 are welcome to audition with specific speaking lines and singing.  Please register for auditions.
  • Scarecrow Fest – Saint John School has entered the Scarecrow Fest in Old Saybrook.  Please take time to vote for Saint John School’s display either on Facebook or using the links below.  You may vote once this week through Oct. 20 and again Oct. 21 – 28.

10/13-10/20 Google Form
10/21-10/28 Google Form:                                 

  • Holiday Magic with Sister Gabriel - Grades: K-8 Mondays, October 23 & 30, November 6 & 20, 3:00-3:45 pm Come “Deck Our Halls” with Sister Gabriel! Together you will create and decorate our school for all the fall holidays. Help make Saint John School festive for Fall & Thanksgiving!  Free of Charge – registration is necessary.
  • Trunk or Treat – Friday, October 27  Adult Volunteers who have completed Safe Environment training are needed to assist with games at 6 PM in the gymnasium prior to Trunk or Treating at 7 PM.  Use this link to Sign-Up Genius for the Trunk or Treat. Register also to provide decorated vehicles.  Donations of candy are needed to assist these vehicles with candy to hand out.
  • Grandparents Day – Friday, November 3, 9 AM - Noon    We are seeing an increase of grandparents being signed up for Grandparents Day on Friday, November 3. Please continue to send in your registration forms.  This is a very special day for students and Grandparents alike.
  • Veteran’s Day Assembly – Friday, November 10, 2:15 – 3:00 PM   Family members of our students who are serving or have served in our military as welcome to attend Saint John School for a special Veteran’s Day Assembly.  Complete a registration form
  • Mystic Aquarium Afterschool Enrichment Program – November 14 for Kindergarten – 5th Grade has reached its max enrollment.
  • Intramural Basketball – Co-ed Students in Grades 4-8 are welcome to join our Intramural Basketball program being held Tuesdays & Thursday 3:00 – 4:00 PM, November 28, 2023 – February 29, 2024.  The fee to play is $35.00. Our physical education teacher, Miss Bridget Rosikiewicz in heading up this intramural program.  All players need to have a physical on record with the nurse that is dated within the last 13 months.
  • Car RaffleFamilies who purchase or sell 5 or more Luxury Raffle Tickets receive full credit against their assessment commitment.  To receive your credit, complete the SJS Luxury Raffle Volunteer Form located on the SJS Website and email it to the PTO Representative for verification.
  • Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years as you are involved with St. John School. An occasional refresher course needs to be completed every few years.
  • SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications. Click here for early opt-in instructions
  • Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)

  Pray With Mother  




 Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

Monday, October 23 - Wizard of Oz Youth Production Auditions

Friday, October 27 - Trunk or Treat
Friday, November 3 - Grandparent's Day 

Friday, November 10 – Veteran’s Day Assembly

Tuesday, November 28 – Intramural Basketball


From the Principal          October 11, 2023

 (Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”) 



  • America Needs Fatima – October 14, Noon   Join the Rosary Rally for the conversion of the United States with special intention for peace in our days.  Meet at the Prayer Labyrinth behind St. Marks Church, 222 McVeagh Rd., Westbrook.  In the event of rain, the Rosary will be prayed indoors. Saint John School families are invited.
  •  Formal Uniforms – Effective October 15, we resume our formal uniform requirements for students in Grades 1- 7.  See your school Handbook for the details on what constitutes a formal uniform. 
  • Parent Teacher Conferences – October 17 & 18   Reminder these are early release days from school.
  • Wizard of Oz – Youth Edition Auditions – October 23 at 3:15

  • Scarecrow Fest – Saint John School has prepared and entered the Scarecrow Fest in Old Saybrook.  A special thank you to Andrew, Chris, Jack, Sophia, Dakota, Makenzie, Lauren, Nicholas, Devon, Preston, Ellie, Violet, Sophia's mom for all their hard work on creating our scarecrows and the display.  Please take time to vote for Saint John School’s display either on Facebook or using the links below.


Voting will occur via Google Form once from 10/13-10/20 and once from 10/21-10/28.

10/13-10/20 Google Form
10/21-10/28 Google Form:                                 


  • Trunk or Treat – October 27 at 6PM.  Use this link to Sign-Up Genius for the Trunk or Treat. Volunteers are needed to assist with games in the gymnasium prior to Trick or Treating.  Register to provide a decorated vehicles.
  •  Grandparents Day – November 3


  • Intramural Basketball – We need 2 volunteers to assist our Phys-Ed Teacher, Bridget Rosikiewicz, with our Intramural Basketball program for students in grades 4-7.  Please contact the office to arrange for Safe Environment training.
  •  Car Raffle – Families who purchase or sell 5 or more Luxury Raffle Tickets will receive full credit against their assessment commitment.  To receive your credit, complete the SJS Luxury Raffle Volunteer Form located on the SJS Website and email it to the PTO Representative for verification.
  •  Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years as you are involved with St. John School. An occasional refresher course needs to be completed every few years.
  •  SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications. Click here for early opt-in instructions
  • Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)


 Pray With Mother  




 Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

Wednesday, October 17 – Parent/Teacher Conference


Thursday, October 18 – Parent/Teacher Conference
Friday, October 27 - Trunk or Treat
Friday, November 3 - Grandparent's Day 


Parent Teacher Organization 


Supportive Links:


PTO E-mail:

From the Principal          October 4, 2023

 (Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”) 



  • Friday, October 6 - Early Release Day, school is dismissed at 12:55 PM.   After Care is available from 12:55 – 5:30 PM.  Please use the “Home to Office Communication” on our website under Quick Links to notify the office if your child(ren) are joining us for After Care.
  • Scarecrow Fest – Old Saybrook Chamber of Commerce is holding a Scarecrow Fest. Saint John School is going to enter the contest.  With the help of students and parents, Sr. Gabriel is coordinating the stuffing and display of the scarecrow to be placed in front to the rectory along Main St. 

Students and parents are welcome to join Sr. Gabriel after school beginning at 1 PM this Friday, October 6. 

We are looking for donation of the following items. Please drop donations at the Admin office by Noon on Fri., Oct. 6.
     1 fake skeleton                                2 pumpkins for carving
     3 wigs (any kind)                             1 sheet plywood (4’x8’)
     3 lengths of garland w/ leaves      2 bales of hay
     2-3 cornstalks                                  2-3 chrysanthemums (any color)

    •  No School – Monday, October 9 Just a reminder school is closed in observance of Columbus Day.
    • America Needs Fatima – October 14, Noon   On Saturday, October 14 all over the United States, more than 22,000 Rallies for America Needs Fatima join in saying the Rosary. One of those rallies is being held at the Prayer Labyrinth behind St. Marks Church, 222 McVeagh Rd., Westbrook.  The organizers of the St. Marks Rally are inviting the members and families of St. John School to join them.  The Rosary intention is for the conversion of the United States with special intention for peace in our days.  The Rosary starts at Noon sharp.
    •  Formal Uniforms – Effective October 15, we resume our formal uniform requirements for students in Grades 1- 7.  See your school Handbook for the details on what constitutes a formal uniform.  
    • Parent Teacher Conferences – October 17 & 18   Check with your child(ren)’s teacher(s) to schedule a time for your meeting.
    • Trunk or Treat – Friday, October 27 - Mark your calendars for this fun school event.  We are looking for decorated vehicles to distribute treats, volunteers and individuals to contribute to our Trunk or Treat, please use this link to Sign-Up Genius for the Trunk or Treat. This event has been successful over the years because of the many volunteers behind the it.  Let’s make this year just as memorable.
    • Grandparents DayNovember 3 - It is not too early to register your child’s grandparents to participate for this special event and Mass. 
    • Intramural Basketball – Volunteers are needed to assist our Phys-Ed Teacher, Bridget Rosikiewicz, with our Intramural Basketball program for students in grades 4-7.  Please contact the office regarding Safe Environment training.
    • Morning Care – Parents are asked to bring their child(ren) to the Admin Doors for Morning Care beginning at 7 AM.  Please ring the buzzer and our staff will unlock the doors for your child(ren) to enter.  Parents no longer accompany children into the school for Morning Care. Signing in students is no longer necessary.
    • Regular Drop Off – The cones are no longer in the parking lot for drop off.  Parents of Pre-K students no longer back up into arriving vehicles after drop off.  Please pull straight forward into the flow of exiting vehicles. Everyone is asked to please be careful of all pedestrians.
    • Dismissal End of Day Dismissal - parents are to come to the doors of the school as noted below to sign out children in Grades PreK3 – 5. Licenses MUST be presented by anyone signing out students. Middle school students continue to meet parents outside with their teachers except on days of inclement weather.
        • 2nd and 3rd via grade 2’s door
        • 1st and 4th via grade 1’s door
        • 5th and Pre-K 4 via pre-K 4’s door
        • Pre-K 3 via pre-K 3’s door
        • Kindergarten via the rear door adjacent to the side gym door 
        • MS students via the side gym door (on inclement weather days)
    •  Car Raffle – Families who purchase or sell 5 or more Luxury Raffle Tickets will receive full credit against their assessment commitment.  To receive your credit, complete the SJS Luxury Raffle Volunteer Form located on the SJS Website and email it to the PTO Representative for verification.
    •  Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years as you are involved with St. John School. An occasional refresher course needs to be completed every few years.
    •  SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications. Click here for early opt-in instructions
    • Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)


 Pray With Mother  




 Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

Wednesday, October 17 – Parent/Teacher Conference


Thursday, October 18 – Parent/Teacher Conference
Friday, October 27 - Trunk or Treat
Friday, November 3 - Grandparent's Day 


Parent Teacher Organization 


Supportive Links:


PTO E-mail:



 From the Principal          September 27, 2023

 (Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”) 



  • PTO Meeting – Tomorrow, Thursday, October 28 at 6:30 PM.  Saint John School parents are invited to attend tomorrow’s PTO meeting.  We look forward to meeting as many parents as possible who are willing to show support of our students.  For this first meeting, the class with the most parents in attendance receives an ice cream party.  Help your child's class enjoy the first of our four ice cream parties.  Babysitting is available here at the school during the meeting.
  • October Lunch Orders – Thursday, October 28, tomorrow is the last day to order lunches for October. 
  • Trunk or Treat – Mark your calendars for this fun school event.  We are looking for volunteers or individuals to contribute to our Trunk or Treat, please use this link to Sign-Up Genius for the Trunk or Treat. 
  • Grandparents Day – November 3 - It is not too early to register your child’s grandparents to participate for this special event and Mass.  The attached flyer has the necessary details.
  • Intramural Basketball – Volunteers needed to assist our Phys-Ed Teacher, Bridget Rosikiewicz, with our Intramural Basketball program for students in grades 4-7.  Please contact the office regarding Safe Environment training.
  • Formal Uniforms – Effective October 15, we resume our formal uniform requirements for students in Grades 1- 7.  See your school Handbook for the details on what constitutes a formal uniform.  
  • Parent Teacher Conferences – October 17 & 18 Check with your child(ren)’s teacher(s) to schedule a time for your meeting.
  • Car Raffle – We are in the home stretch for selling tickets for the “Luxury Raffle” in support of Saint John School.  Flyers went home this past week with details on how to record the raffle tickets purchased on behalf of your family’s assessment commitment. Families who purchase or sell 5 or more Luxury Raffle Tickets will receive full credit against their assessment commitment.  To receive your credit, complete the SJS Luxury Raffle Volunteer Form located on the SJS Website and email it to the PTO Representative for verification.
  • Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years as you are involved with St. John School. An occasional refresher course needs to be completed every few years.
  • SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications. Click here for early opt-in instructions
  • Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)



  Pray With Mother   




 Upcoming Events - Save the Date 

Thursday, September 28 – PTO Meeting

Wednesday, October 17 – Parent/Teacher Conference


Thursday, October 18 – Parent/Teacher Conference
Friday, October 27 - Trunk or Treat
Friday, November 3 - Grandparent's Day 


 From the Principal          September 20, 2023

  (Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”) 


Dear Parents,


I am very pleased with how this school year has begun.  I look forward to seeing you at our Back to School night on Thursday, September 21, and our first PTO meeting on September 28. I want you to know that I will always make time in my schedule to meet with you to discuss any concerns that you have.  I strongly encourage all parents to make an appointment with me first, rather than listen to someone who may not have the entire story.  To demonstrate my point, I encourage you to read the following story:

It is a story of a most unusual penance St. Philip Neri assigned to a woman for her sin of spreading gossip.

The 16th century saint instructed her to take a feather pillow to the top of the church bell-tower, rip it open, and scatter the feathers to the four winds.  This probably was not the kind of penance this woman, or any of us, would have been used to.  But the penance didn’t end there.  Philip Neri gave her a second, and more, difficult task.  He told her to come down from the bell-tower and collect all the feathers that had been dispersed throughout the town.  The poor woman, of course, couldn’t do it – and that was the point Philip Neri was trying to make in order to underscore the destructive nature of gossip.  Our words have power.

 It has been said that it takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.  Saint John School will be celebrating its 30th year anniversary this year.  We are proud of our accomplishments and the students who have walked our halls, and we want to be here for future generations.  So I pray that you will be mindful of the power of your words, and I encourage you to please bring any issues or questions you may have to me or your child’s teacher.

Mother Elaine Moorcroft S.C.M.C


  •  Back to School Night – Thursday, September 21 – 6 PM (Parents only). Parents and staff gather in the gymnasium for prayer followed by parents meeting teachers in their respective classrooms.  
  • School Photos – Friday, September 22 during the school day – please pre-register for your picture package on-line or send your child in your order envelope and payment the day of pictures. Students in PreK 3, PreK 4 and Kindergarten should wear dress clothes for their pictures.  Students in Grades 1 – 7 should wear their formal uniforms.
  • Photo/video Release Forms – please return the Photo/Video Release forms (even if you prefer not to have your child’s picture taken) and your Parent/Student handbook forms.  Please note your child(ren)’s name(s) in the provided space on the forms.
  • October Lunch Orders – lunch orders for October are being accepted through Thursday, September 28. 
  • Trunk or Treat – Mark your calendars for this fun school event.  If you have given thought to volunteering or contributing to our Trunk or Treat, please use the link on the Trunk or Treat flyer to sign-up.
  • Grandparents Day – November 3  It is not too early to register your child’s grandparents to participate for this special event and Mass.  The Grandparent's Day flyer has the necessary details.
  • Before & After Care is in need to volunteers to be on a back-up list to help cover when a staff member isn’t able to be there.  Before Care is 7-8:45 am / After Care is 3-5:30 pm.  Should you like to assist, please contact the main office.
  • Redeemable bottles and cans – Sister Gabriel is collecting redeemable bottles and cans to help with art programs.
  • Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years as you are involved with St. John School. An occasional refresher course needs to be completed every few years.
  • SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications. Click here for early opt-in instructions
  • Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)

  Pray With Mother   




Upcoming Events - Save the Date 


 Thursday, September 21 – Back to School Night (parents only)

Friday, September 22 - School Picture Day
Friday, October 27 - Trunk or Treat
Friday, November 3 - Grandparent's Day 


From the Principal          September 14, 2023

 (Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”) 


  • Back to School Night – Thursday, September 21 – 6 PM (Parents only). Parents and staff gather in the gymnasium for prayer followed by parents meeting teachers in their respective classrooms.  
  • School Photos – Friday, September 22 during the school day – please pre-register for your picture package on-line or send your child in your order envelope and payment the day of pictures. Students in PreK 3, PreK 4 and Kindergarten should wear dress clothes for their pictures.  Students in Grades 1 – 7 should wear their formal uniforms.
  • 2023 Luxury Raffle – The remaining number of tickets available for the Luxury Raffle are limited. Families who purchase or sell 5 or more Luxury Raffle Tickets will receive full credit against their assessment commitment. To receive credit for the tickets sold in your student’s name, please use the link in “Fundraiser / Luxury Raffle” to complete the information on who purchased the tickets and email the list to the address noted.
  • After Care – has been moved to the PreK 3 classroom.  There may be an occasion when the room used needs to be changed for the day.  Use the classroom door for PreK 3 as the pick-up location of your child(ren).
  • Thank you – to the parents who volunteered for our uniform swap. The effort put into organizing donated uniform pieces into sizes and assisting the day of is greatly appreciated.
  • Reminder – to return your photo/video release forms and your Parent/Student handbook forms.  Please note your child(ren)’s name(s) in the provided space on the forms.
  • October Lunch Orders – lunch orders for October are being accepted through Thursday, September 28. 
  • Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years as you are involved with St. John School. An occasional refresher course needs to be completed every few years.
  • SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications. Click here for early opt-in instructions
  • Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)

 Pray With Mother   



 Upcoming Events - Save the Date 


Thursday, September 21 – Back to School Night (parents only)
Friday, September 22 - School Picture Day
Friday, October 27 - Trunk or Treat
Friday, November 3 - Grandparent's Day 

From the Principal          September 6, 2023 

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


  • Uniform Swap – Friday, September 8, 3-4 PM and Saturday, September 9, 9-11 AM in the Sheraton Center (building between the school and church rectory).  Bring in gently used uniforms your child has outgrown and swap for a larger size. Don’t have uniforms to swap? Come anyway and pick up uniforms for your child.  Volunteers still needed. To volunteer please sign up using this link.
  • Back to School Night – Thursday, September 14 – 6 PM (Parents only)
  • The After-School Enrichment Program is looking for at least 2 parent volunteers who are Safe Environment Trained or willing to become trained that love board, table top and card games!  If you are interested please contact Mrs. Sykes at
  • School Photos – Friday, September 22 during the school day
  • Our Hot Lunch Program was successful this past Tuesday.  We are looking forward to pizza this Friday.  Each order is labeled with the student’s name and grade to avoid any confusion.  The October order form will be available next week.  Order forms need to be submitted for the entire month no later than Thursday, September 28.  Payment is due with your order form.  TJ’s Restaurant & Pizzeria is given our monthly count to ensure ordering enough product.  Please note the sandwiches and pizza are egg-free.
  • Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer it is effective through the years as you are involved with St. John School. An occasional refresher course needs to be completed every few years.
  • SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications.  Click here for early opt-in instructions
  • Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)

  Pray With Mother   


 Upcoming Events - Save the Date

Friday, September 8 – Uniform Swap
Saturday, September 9 – Uniform Swap
Thursday, September 14 – Back to School Night (parents only)
Friday, September 22 - School Picture Day
Friday, October 27 - Trunk or Treat

Friday, November 3 - Grandparent's Day 




From the Principal          September 3, 2023

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)



  • Free Uniform Swap – Friday, September 8, 3-4 PM and Saturday, September 9, 9-11 AM in the Sheraton Center (building between the school and church rectory).  Bring in gently used uniforms your child has outgrown and swap for a larger size. Don’t have uniforms to swap? Come anyway and pick up uniforms for your child.
  • Back to School Night – Thursday, September 14 – 6 PM
  • School Photos – Friday, September 22 during the school day
  • Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer this continues through the years as you are involved with St. John School.
  • SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications. 
  • Click here for early opt-in instructions
  • Walk Around Wednesdays! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)
  • Saint John School Office is back to normal business hours on scheduled school days, Monday-Friday, 8 AM – 3:15 PM (full days) / 8 AM – 1:15 PM (early release days)

 Pray With Mother   

 Upcoming Events - Save the Date

Wednesday, September 6 – Band Demonstration & Parent Meeting
Friday, September 8 – Uniform Swap
Saturday, September 9 – Uniform Swap
Thursday, September 14 – Back to School Night (parents only)
Friday, September 22 - School Picture Day
Friday, October 27 - Trunk or Treat
Friday, November 3 - Grandparent's Day 



From the Principal          August 23, 2023

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)





·         Back to School – Ice Cream Social – Wed., August 23 –  6 PM    Families are welcome to chill with new friends and have some fun.  Bring nonperishable food items to donate to the food pantry.

·         PreK 3 & 4 and Kindergarten – Meet the teachers – Thurs., August 24 – 10-11 AM  Students and parents are welcome to meet our staff and introduce your child to their teacher and new classroom.

·          PreK 3 – 5th Grade Parent Meeting – Thurs., August 24, 6:00PM  Parents and students are welcome to meet our teachers both returning and new, ask questions. Light refreshments are being served.

·         NEW PARENT ORIENTATION - Mon., August 28 - 6 PM  All new parents are asked to attend this orientation night specifically for your first time parents.  Important information is being shared and we welcome your questions.


·         Free Uniform Swap – Fri., Sept. 8 & Sat., Sept. 9 bring in gently used uniforms your child has outgrown and swap for a larger size. Don’t have uniforms to swap? Come pick up uniforms for your child.

·         School Calendar – The 2023-24 School Calendar is posted on our website.  The first day of school is Wednesday, August 30, 2023.

·         First Day of School - New students and those entering 7th grade need to have updated physical and immunizations records submitted to the nurse prior to attending the first day of school.

·         School Health Requirements and Yearly Health Forms are needed each year for every student. Emergency contact forms need to be returned the first week of school.

·         Hot Lunch – Lunch is being provided by TJ’s two days a week at our school.  All lunches are served with a bottle of water and a bag of chips.


Tuesday – Sandwiches – Choice of either:

Fresh Turkey Grinder with American Cheese and Lettuce OR Bacon Lettuce and Cheese on a Grinder Roll

4” - $6.00 / 6” - $8.00

Friday – Pizza 

2 Pieces - $6.00 / 3 Pieces - $8.00


·         Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer this continues through the years as you are involved with St. John School.

·          SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications. 

Click here for early opt-in instructions


·         Walk Around Wednesdays are back! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)

·         Saint John School Front Office – Our office has a new look thanks to the donation of a used desk set-up. Let us help you with all your school questions.



 Pray With Mother   

 Upcoming Events - Save the Date

·         Wednesday, August 23 - Back to School Ice Cream Social

·         Thursday, August 24 – PreK 3 & 4 and Kindergarten - Meet the Teacher (students & parents)

·         Thursday, August 24 – PreK3-5th Grade Parent Meeting

·         Monday, August 28 – New Parent Orientation

·         Wednesday, August 30 – First Day of School/Morning Prayer & Backpack Blessing

·         Friday, September 8 – Uniform Swap

·         Saturday, September 9 – Uniform Swap

·         Friday, September 22 - School Picture Day

·         Friday, October 27 - Trunk or Treat

·         Friday, November 3 - Grandparent's Day



Home School Association 

 Supportive Links:

           HSA General Information <HSA>

HSA Class Liaisons: < Liaisons

HSA E-mail: 


From the Principal          August 9, 2023

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)





  • Our teaching staff is complete and we are looking forward to beginning the new school year.
  • Back to School – Ice Cream Social – Wed., August 23 – 6 PM Families are welcome to chill with new friends and have some fun.  Bring nonperishable food items to donate to the food pantry.
  •  PreK 3, PreK 4 & Kindergarten – Meet the teachers – Thurs., August 24 – 10-11 AM  Students and parents are welcome to meet our staff and introduce your child to their teacher and new classroom.
  •  PreK 3 – 5th Grade Parent Meeting – Thurs., August 24, 6:00PM  Parents and students are welcome to meet our teachers both returning and new, ask questions. Light refreshments are being served.
  • School Health Requirements and Yearly Health Forms is needed each year for every student. 
  •  School Calendar – The 2023-24 School Calendar is posted on our website.  The first day of school is Wednesday, August 30, 2023.
  • Hot Lunch – Lunch is being provided by TJ’s two days a week at our school.  All lunches are served with a bottle of water and a bag of chips.


Tuesday – Sandwiches – Choice of either:

Fresh Turkey Grinder with American Cheese and Lettuce OR Bacon Lettuce and Cheese on a Grinder Roll

4” - $6.00 / 6” - $8.00

Friday – Pizza 

2 Pieces - $6.00 / 3 Pieces - $8.00


Details on the ordering and payment for lunch is being worked out at this time.


  • Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer this continues through the years as you are involved with St. John School.
  •  SMS (Text) Messaging is here!  Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications. 

Click here for early opt-in instructions


  • Walk Around Wednesdays are back! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink) . 



 Upcoming Events - Save the Date

·         Wednesday, August 23 - Back to School Ice Cream Social

·         Thursday, August 24 – PreK 3, Prek 5 & Kindergarten -Meet the Teacher (students & parents)

·         Thursday, August 24 – PreK3-5th Grade Parent Meeting

·         Monday, August 28 – New Parent Orientation

·         Wednesday, August 30 – First Day of School/Morning Prayer & Backpack Blessing

·         Friday, September 8 – Uniform Swap

·         Saturday, September 9 – Uniform Swap

·         Friday, September 22 - School Picture Day

·         Friday, October 27 - Trunk or Treat

·         Friday, November 3 - Grandparent's Day



Home School Association 

 Supportive Links:

           HSA General Information <HSA>

HSA Class Liaisons: < Liaisons

HSA E-mail:





 John SchoolMessage from the Principal          August 2, 2023

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)



·        REMINDER:  AUGUST 1, 2023 ALL BOOK & LAB FEES ALONG WITH THE PRE-K SUPPLY FEES WERE DUE.  If you haven’t sent your fees into the office, please do so this week.


·        School Health Requirements and Yearly Health Forms – An Annual Health Update Form is needed each year for every student.  Please download a form is you need one.


·        School Calendar – The 2023-24 School Calendar is posted on our website.  The first day of school is Wednesday, August 30, 2023.


·        Hot Lunch – Lunch is being provided by TJ’s two days a week at our school.  All lunches are served with a bottle of water and a bag of chips.

Tuesday – Sandwiches – Choice of either:

Fresh Turkey Grinder with American Cheese and Lettuce OR Bacon Lettuce and Cheese on a Grinder Roll

4” - $6.00 / 6” - $8.00

Friday – Pizza 

          2 Pieces - $6.00 / 3 Pieces - $8.00


Details on the ordering and payment for lunch is being worked out at this time.


·        Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer this continues through the years as you are involved with St. John School.


·        SMS (Text) Messaging is here!

Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications. 

Click here for early opt-in instructions


 ·        Walk Around Wednesdays are back! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink) . 




 Pray With Mother   

 Upcoming Events - Save the Date

  • Friday, September 22 - School Picture Day
  • Friday, October 27 - Trunk or Treat
  • Friday, November 3 - Grandparent's Day

Home School Association 

 Supportive Links:

           HSA General Information <HSA>

HSA Class Liaisons: < Liaisons> 

HSA E-mail:




Saint John School EAGLE EYE

 Message from the Principal          July 26, 2023

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)

·         Meet the Middle School Teachers – Thursday, July 27, 2023 at 6 PM 

Our teachers are making presentations to our middle school parents and students. This is a time to meet and ask your questions of our Middle School staff.  Light refreshments are being served and babysitting is available for younger siblings.


·         School Calendar – The 2023-24 School Calendar is posted on St. John School website.  The first day of school is Wednesday, August 30, 2023.


·         Hot Lunch – We are excited to announce lunch is being offered two days a week at the school.  Tuesday – Sandwiches and Friday – Pizza 

Please look for upcoming details for pricing and to sign-up for lunch.


·         Safe Environments – Just a reminder volunteers working with children need to be Safe Environment approved by the Diocese of Norwich. Please contact to the office to begin the process of training.  Once you are approved to volunteer this continues through the years as you are involved with St. John School.


·         SMS (Text) Messaging is here!

Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications. 

Click here for early opt-in instructions



·         Walk Around Wednesdays are back! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink) . 





Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
June 14- August 24, 2023

Closed: June 27- July 6th, 2023



Saint John School EAGLE EYE 

Message From the Principal         May 17th, 2023

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


  •  The $200 family tuition deposit is due now. (The $200 deposit is per family, not per student, and will be deducted from the total tuition owed for the 2023/24 School Year.) Thank you for your attention.
  • FACTS information can be found here
  • Thank you for your support of this year's Gala.  We are grateful to the comittee for their tireless efforts!

Soaring with the Eagles Gala was such a success! We brought in $28,400 dollars profit for our school! We had a wonderful night honoring Father Greg and everything he does for the school!! Thank you to Westbrook Elks for a wonderful night! 



We are so appreciative of our gala sponsors 

Soaring Eagle
Old Colony Construction 
Angela and Mike Arnold 
La Foresta 

Maroon and Grey: 
Brown Jacobson 

Eagle Feather sponsor 
Bertran and Carpenter Families 
Pasta Vita 
Pennywise Oil
Ameriprise Financial 
Pearls and Plaid
Thermodynamic mechanical services 


  • Congratulations to our SJS Band for a wonderful concert!
  • This year's spring concert was such a success. A special thanks goes out to Mrs. DiRocco for sharing the joy of music with our children!
  • Yearbooks are still available for $28.  All students are included in the yearbook. It is a wonderful keepsake! 



The 8th grade continues to sell snacks and ice cream at lunch to raise funds for 

        their end-of-year activities.


        Cash only, please.


        WHEN: Wednesdays and Fridays in April and May

         COST:$1 for assorted chips, Cheezits, Rice Krispies Treats, Welch’s fruit gummies. $2 for                      ice cream bars and cones

  •   We are in need of more Primo refill water jugs. Please contact the office for more information.

 Pray With Mother  



Saint John School EAGLE EYE 

Message From the Principal         May 10th, 2023

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


  •  The $200 family tuition deposit is due now. (The $200 deposit is per family, not per student, and will be deducted from the total tuition owed for the 2023/24 School Year.) Thank you for your attention.
  • FACTS information can be found here
  • Thank you for your support of this year's Gala.  We are grateful to the comittee for their tireless efforts!
  • Save the dates: band concert- Tuesday, May 16 at 1:30 PM, spring concert- Wednesday, May 17 at 6:30 PM, field day- Friday, May 26.
  • Yearbooks are still available for $28.  All students are included in the yearbook. It is a wonderful keepsake!


The 8th grade continues to sell snacks and ice cream at lunch to raise funds for 

        their end-of-year activities.


        Cash only, please.


        WHEN: Wednesdays and Fridays in April and May

         COST:$1 for assorted chips, Cheezits, Rice Krispies Treats, Welch’s fruit gummies

                   $2 for ice cream bars and cones


  •   We are in need of more Primo refill water jugs. Please contact the office for more information.



 Pray With Mother   




Saint John School EAGLE EYE 


Message From the Principal         May 3rd, 2023

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


  • A link was sent last week to join our school's SMS (text) messaging.  A text was sent today to anyone who has not signed up yet.  If you still would like to opt-in, please follow the instructions sent to your phone. Thank you.
  • 2023/2024 Re-registration and Tuition Schedule are now available online (seelink). Re-Registrations forms for the 2023/24 school year are due now. Please send your re-registration form and $100 fee per student in to the office a.s.a.p.
  • Parish Affiliation forms went home last month with students who are currently receiving a parish subsidy.  Additional forms can also be found on the website under the Quick Link for "Register for the 2023/24 School Year."  These forms were due to the office by April 3.  If you have not yet sent in yours, or given to your Pastor, please do so as soon as possible in order to receive the parish subsidy towards next year’s tuition.  Also, the $200 family tuition deposit is due this month.  Please send in payment by the end of April. (The $200 deposit is per family, not per student, and will be deducted from the total tuition owed for the 2023/24 School Year.) Thank you for your attention.
  • Scholarship opportunity for Students Registered for the 2023-2024 School Year (seelink)
  • Thank you for your support of this year's Gala.  We are grateful to the comittee for their tireless efforts!
  • We are still waiting for Chief Spera from the Old Saybrook Police Department to inform us of which day, next week he is available to come to our HSA meeting to talk about school safety. An email will be forthcoming once we receive this information. Thank you for your patience.
  • Save the dates: band concert- Tuesday, May 16 at 1:30 PM, spring concert- Wednesday, May 17 at 6:30 PM, field day- Friday, May 26.
  • Yearbooks are still available for $28.  All students are included in the yearbook. It is a wonderful keepsake!
  • Early dismissal at 1pm and Holy Mass at 9:15 AM this Friday, May 5th. Mass readings will be presented by grade 2.  All are invited.


The 8th grade continues to sell snacks and ice cream at lunch to raise funds for 

        their end-of-year activities.


        Cash only, please.


        WHEN: Wednesdays and Fridays in April and May

         COST:$1 for assorted chips, Cheezits, Rice Krispies Treats, Welch’s fruit gummies

                   $2 for ice cream bars and cones


  •   We are in need of more Primo refill water jugs. Please contact the office for more information.


 Pray With Mother   






Saint John School EAGLE EYE 

Message From the Principal          April 26, 2023

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


  • SMS (Text) Messaging is here! Our goal is to use this for emergency notifications. Click here for early opt-in instructions
  • 2023/2024 Re-registration and Tuition Schedule are now available online (seelink). Re-Registrations forms for the 2023/24 school year are due now. Please send your re-registration form and $100 fee per student in to the office a.s.a.p.
  • Parish Affiliation forms went home last month with students who are currently receiving a parish subsidy.  Additional forms can also be found on the website under the Quick Link for "Register for the 2023/24 School Year."  These forms were due to the office by April 3.  If you have not yet sent in yours, or given to your Pastor, please do so as soon as possible in order to receive the parish subsidy towards next year’s tuition.  Also, the $200 family tuition deposit is due this month.  Please send in payment by the end of April. (The $200 deposit is per family, not per student, and will be deducted from the total tuition owed for the 2023/24 School Year.) Thank you for your attention.
  • Scholarship opportunity for Students Registered for the 2023-2024 School Year (seelink)
  • Bring a friend to Open House!   (register here).

  • Walk Around Wednesdays are back! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink) . 
  • Yearbooks are still available for $28.  All students are included in the yearbook. It is a wonderful keepsake!
  • Progress reports will be sent home Friday, April 28th.
  • Early dismissal next week, May 5th.  First Friday Mass at 9:15 AM. Reading will be presented by grade 2.  All are invited.

    (Starting Wednesday, April 19)

The 8th grade will be selling snacks and ice cream at lunch to raise funds for 

        their end-of-year activities.


        Cash only, please.


        WHEN: Wednesdays and Fridays in April and May

         COST:$1 for assorted chips, Cheezits, Rice Krispies Treats, Welch’s fruit gummies

                   $2 for ice cream bars and cones


  •   We are in need of more Primo refill water jugs. Please contact the office for more information.

 Pray With Mother   


Home School Association 


Supportive Links:


HSA General Information <HSA>

HSA Class Liaisons: < Liaisons>


HSA E-mail:






Saint John School EAGLE EYE 

Message From the Principal          April 19, 2023

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


  • 2023/2024 Re-registration and Tuition Schedule are now available online (seelink). Re-Registrations forms for the 2023/24 school year are due now. Please send your re-registration form and $100 fee per student in to the office a.s.a.p.
  • Parish Affiliation forms went home last month with students who are currently receiving a parish subsidy.  Additional forms can also be found on the website under the Quick Link for "Register for the 2023/24 School Year."  These forms were due to the office by April 3.  If you have not yet sent in yours, or given to your Pastor, please do so as soon as possible in order to receive the parish subsidy towards next year’s tuition.  Also, the $200 family tuition deposit is due this month.  Please send in payment by the end of April. (The $200 deposit is per family, not per student, and will be deducted from the total tuition owed for the 2023/24 School Year.) Thank you for your attention.
  • Scholarship opportunity for Students Registered for the 2023-2024 School Year (seelink)
  • Walk Around Wednesdays are back! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink) . Open House will take place on May 3 from 5:30-7:30 PM (register here).

  • Situation:  Here is a Great way to show your love for Fr. Greg Brozonowicz!

    Background: Our annual gala has been an event that the school has had for many years. This year we are honoring Father Greg! It’s a wonderful night with silent auction, sit down dinner and coming together as a community. All proceeds go towards our children in the school.
  • Next Steps: We want to fill the room for Father Greg! Tickets still remain for this wonderful evening!  Tickets are available in the main office!! OR send money in an envelope with your child indicating your name and how many tickets you would like

Soaring with the Eagles GALA to Honor FR. Greg


Date: Saturday, April 29th at 6pm


Location: Westbrook Elks


Price $65.00 a ticket **(Counts towards assessment) 

Sneak Peek at the Items you can bid on for you or your child!


Classroom ice cream party

Mets tickets

Principal for the day

YMCA membership

Spa day

Fire pit

Discovery center tickets

Mystic seaport tickets

Autographed sports memorabilia


THANK YOU, The Gala Committee

  • We are still accepting donations for the 2023 Soaring with the Eagles Gala! Examples of this would be: gift cards, sports outing tickets, donations of items or services (photography, art classes, spa treatments, attorney services etc). Donations can be brought into the office (attention: Sarah Kelly 2023 gala). 
    • St. John Drama Club presents: Disney Beauty And The Beast Jr. This Friday, April 21 and Saturday April 22. Please call the school office to purchase tickets! (seelink) 

    • Yearbooks are still available for $28.  All students are included in the yearbook. It is a wonderful keepsake!
    • Next in-person HSA meeting- May 11 at 6 pm, in the gym 

      Guest speaker from police department regarding safety overview.


      (Starting Wednesday, April 19)

The 8th grade will be selling snacks and ice cream at lunch to raise funds for 

        their end-of-year activities.


        Cash only, please.


        WHEN: Wednesdays and Fridays in April and May

         COST:$1 for assorted chips, Cheezits, Rice Krispies Treats, Welch’s fruit gummies

                   $2 for ice cream bars and cones


  •   We are in need of more Primo refill water jugs. Please contact the office for more information.

 Pray With Mother   


Home School Association 


Supportive Links:


HSA General Information <HSA>

HSA Class Liaisons: < Liaisons>


HSA E-mail:






Saint John School EAGLE EYE 





Message From the Principal          April 5, 2023

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


  • Parish Affiliation forms went home last month with students who are currently receiving a parish subsidy.  Additional forms can also be found on the website under the Quick Link for "Register for the 2023/24 School Year."  These forms were due to the office by April 3.  If you have not yet sent in yours, or given to your Pastor, please do so as soon as possible in order to receive the parish subsidy towards next year’s tuition.  Also, the $200 family tuition deposit is due this month.  Please send in payment by the end of April. (The $200 deposit is per family, not per student, and will be deducted from the total tuition owed for the 2023/24 School Year.) Thank you for your attention.
  • Scholarship opportunity for Students Registered for the 2023-2024 School Year (seelink)
  • Walk Around Wednesdays are back! If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink) . Open House will take place on May 3 from 5:30-7:30 PM (register here).

  •  We are still accepting donations for the 2023 Soaring with the Eagles Gala! Examples of this would be: gift cards, sports outing tickets, donations of items or services (photography, art classes, spa treatments, attorney services etc). Donations can be brought into the office (attention: Sarah Kelly 2023 gala). 
    • St. John Drama Club presents: Disney Beauty And The Beast Jr. (seelink)
    • Next in-person HSA meeting- May 11 at 6 pm, in the gym 

      Guest speaker from police department regarding safety overview.

    • Spring Break- April 7-14  The school office will close at 3:15 tomorrow afternoon and will re-open 8AM on Monday, April 17.

      (STARTING Wednesday, April 19)

The 8th grade will be selling snacks and ice cream at lunch to raise funds for 

        their end-of-year activities.


        Cash only, please.


        WHEN: Wednesdays and Fridays in April and May

         COST:$1 for assorted chips, Cheezits, Rice Krispies Treats, Welch’s fruit gummies

                   $2 for ice cream bars and cones


  •   We are in need of more Primo refill water jugs. Please contact the office for more information.

 Pray With Mother   


Home School Association 


Supportive Links:


HSA General Information <HSA>

HSA Class Liaisons: < Liaisons>

HSA E-mail:




Saint John School EAGLE EYE 

Message From the Principal            March 29, 2023

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


  •     2023/2024 Re-registration and Tuition Schedule are now available online (seelink). Re-Registrations forms for the 2023/24 school year are due now. Please send your re-registration form and $100 fee per student in to the office a.s.a.p.
  •  Parish Affiliation forms went home last Tuesday with students who are currently receiving a parish subsidy.  Additional forms can also be found on the website under the Quick Link for "Register for the 2023/24 School Year."  These forms are due to the office by April 3.
  •     Scholarship Opportunity for Students Registered for the 2023-2024 School Year (seelink)
  •  Walk Around Wednesdays are back starting Wednesday March 29th with tours starting from 9:30-11am and 1:00-2:30pm. If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register here (seelink)
  •       We are excited to announce that Mr. Peter Capezzone, a Special Education Teacher, will be working with us starting Monday, April 3rd.  He will support teachers and families with students who have Individual Education Plans (IEP).   Mr. Capezzone will be available Mondays through Thursdays from 9:30 am – 12 noon.  Please join us in welcoming Mr. Capezzone. 
  •   After the latest school incident in Tennessee, some parents have asked about St. John School’s Lock Down policy.  We do have a CODE RED policy describing the lockdown process. The Old Saybrook Police Department has and continues to be directly involved in the planning and implementation of the safety emergency codes for St. John School. These processes are posted in each classroom and 3 drills are conducted during the year.  Today, we have also posted a notice at the school entry requiring any person requesting access to the school to provide their name and the name of their child.  Lastly, we will schedule a Home School Meeting in April to share the Lockdown process with parents and provide an opportunity to discuss other actions we might consider to enhance our safe environment.  We will continue to pray for the families in Tennessee.

  •  We are now accepting donations for the 2023 soaring with the Eagles gala! Examples of this would be: gift cards, sports outing tickets, donations of items or services (photography, art classes, spa treatments, attorney services etc). Donations can be brought into the office (attention: Sarah Kelly 2023 gala). 
  •    The classes have been busy coming up with some great themes for class  baskets so thank you to the teachers and liaisons for all that work!!
  • SAVE THE DATE! St. John School Drama Club will present Disney’s Beauty & the Beast Jr. on April 21-22.  More information will be available next week!
  •   We are in need of more Primo refill water jugs. Please contact the office for more information.

 Pray With Mother   


Home School Association 


Supportive Links:


HSA General Information <HSA>

HSA Class Liaisons: < Liaisons>

HSA E-mail:




Saint John School EAGLE EYE 

Message From the Principal            March 22, 2023

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


  • 2023/2024 Re-registration and Tuition Schedule are now available online (seelink).  Re-Registrations forms  for the 2023/24 school year are due now. Please send your re-registration form and $100 fee per student in to the office a.s.a.p.
  • Parish Affiliation forms went home last Tuesday with students who are currently receiving a parish subsidy.  Additional forms can also be found on the website under the Quick Link for "Register for the 2023/24 School Year."  These forms are due to the office by April 3.
  • Scholarship Opportunity for Students Registered for the 2023-2024 School Year (seelink)
  • Our School will host another open house on  Wednesday, May 3rd from 5:30-7:30pm
  • Walk Around Wednesdays are back starting Wednesday March 29th with tours starting from 9:30-11am and 1:00-2:30pm. If you know anyone who is interested in visiting our school please have them register by calling the office. 
  • Saint John students and teachers pray the Stations of the Cross in Lent at Saint John Church.  Join us each Friday, at 9:00AM for this beautiful Lenten Catholic tradition!

  • Did you know that St. John students visit Jesus in the Holy Eucharist each week? Join us on Thursday mornings at St. John Church for Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Adoration begins right after the 7:15 Mass until 9AM.

  • There will be no school on Monday, March 27th due to a Diocesan teacher professional development day.

  • We are now accepting donations for the 2023 soaring with the Eagles gala! Examples of this would be: gift cards, sports outing tickets, donations of items or services (photography, art classes, spa treatments, attorney services etc). Donations can be brought into the office attention sarah Kelly 2023 gala.
  • The classes have been busy coming up with some great themes for class  baskets so thank you to the teachers and liaisons for all that work!!
  • We are in need of more Primo refill water jugs. Please contact the office for more information.

 Pray With Mother   



Home School Association 


Supportive Links:


HSA General Information <HSA>

HSA Class Liaisons: < Liaisons>

HSA E-mail:







Message From the Principal            March 15th, 2023

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


  • 2023/2024 Re-registration and Tuition Schedule are now available online (seelink).  Re-Registrations forms  for the 2023/24 school year are due now. Please send your re-registration form and $100 fee per student in to the office a.s.a.p.
  • Parish Affiliation forms went home last Tuesday with students who are currently receiving a parish subsidy.  Additional forms can also be found on the website under the Quick Link for "Register for the 2023/24 School Year."  These forms are due to the office by April 3.
  • Scholarship Opportunity for Students Registered for the 2023-2024 School Year (seelink)
  • OPEN HOUSE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22! Bring a friend for a tour. If you refer one new student from Kindergarten to 8th Grade to St. John School and they enroll for the year, you will receive a $250 tuition reduction AND the new student will receive a $250 tuition reduction. The tuition reductions are per student (not per family) and there is no limit to the number of students referred! See the link for more information (seelink)  Referral forms can be found here (seelink)
  • Open House Flyers are available to download here (seelink)Feel free to share with your friends, neighbors and businesses.

  • Saint John students and teachers pray the Stations of the Cross in Lent at Saint John Church.  Join us each Friday, at 9:00AM for this beautiful Lenten Catholic tradition.

  • St Patrick's Day dress down day to benefit Luigis' restaurant! Friday March 17th to $5 per student. 

  • There will be no school on Monday, March 27th.


  • We are in need of more Primo refill water jugs. Please contact the office for more information.
  • The Essex Winter Series will perform for our students tomorrow at 1:45pm. We are grateful for the opportunity of our students being exposed to classical music through live performances by young professional musicians!

 Pray With Mother   



Home School Association 


Supportive Links:


HSA General Information <HSA>

HSA Class Liaisons: < Liaisons>

HSA E-mail:








Message From the Principal            March 8th, 2023

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


  • 2023/2024 Re-registration and Tuition Schedule are now available online (seelink).  Re-Registrations forms  for the 2023/24 school year are due now. Please send your re-registration form and $100 fee per student in to the office a.s.a.p.
  • Parish Affiliation forms went home Tuesday with students who are currently receiving a Parish Subsidy.  Additional forms can also be found on the website under the Quick Link for "Register for the 2023/24 School Year."  These forms are due to the office by April 3.
  • Scholarship Opportunity for Students Registered for the 2023-2024 School Year (seelink)
  • The New Student Referral Program for the upcoming year is now available (seelink)
  • Report cards issued this Friday, March 10.
  • Our Art teacher has resigned. We are actively looking for a new teacher. Art classes continue with staff members.

  • St Patrick's Day dress down day to benefit Luigis' restaurant! Friday March 17th to $5 per student. 

  • There will be no school on Monday, March 27th.
  • Save the Date: Soaring with the Eagles Gala (April  29th, 2023) 

The soaring with the eagles Gala is one of our largest fundraisers of the year. Previous years we have brought in $22,000 dollars for our school which goes toward classroom upgrades, tuition assistance, and more.

      This adult-only event is held at the Westbrook Elks and includes silent and live auctions, games, dinner, a cash bar, and more! Mark your calendars now- tickets will be on sale soon!

     We need your help!! It's sponsorship season! Please help us secure sponsorships for the gala by spreading the word to your frequented businesses, local businesses or if you own your own business! Thanks to the Hessert family, Arnold family, Pasta Vita, and Lulaj family for their generous sponsorships.  Who will secure our next big sponsorship?  We need your help! Please use the sponsorship form (seelink) and spread the word. Securing sponsorships will count toward volunteer hours.  Use the attached form (see attached) and contact sponsorship coordinator Carissa Hessert or Lynn Calderoni gala co-chair at    Contact Sarah Kelly, Gala co-chair, with any other questions.

  • Drama Club is in need of artists to help with painting their sets for Beauty & the Beast. They are also in need of extra help with set construction.   Helping us will count towards your volunteer hours! If you are interested please contact Sister Gabriela   
  • Congratulations to our basketball team! (seelink)
  • Middle school students are now certified in CPR. (seelink)

 Pray With Mother   



Home School Association 


Supportive Links:


HSA General Information <HSA>

HSA Class Liaisons: < Liaisons>

HSA E-mail:




Message From the Principal            March 1st , 2023

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


2023/2024 Re-registration and Tuition Schedule are now available online (seelink).  Early Re-Registrations Forms and fees ($75 per student) are due to the office by this Friday, February 24.  After this date, the fee for re-registration for the 2023-24 school year will be $100 per student.  Please call the office if you have any questions. 

  • Scholarship Opportunity for Students Registered for the 2023-2024 School Year (seelink)
  • The New Student Referral Program for the upcoming year is now available (seelink)
  • FACTS application process (seelink)
  • Two of our Diocesan seminarians, will be visiting Saint John School! The children have been praying for them and they want to thank our students and teachers for their spiritual support. They will join us on Tuesday, March 7th for morning prayer and then will visit individual classes to answer questions and share their vocation stories.
  • First Friday Mass 9:15 AM.  Readings will be presented by Grade 3. All are invited. Stations of the Cross to follow.
  • Save the Date: Soaring with the Eagles Gala (April  29th, 2023) 

The soaring with the eagles Gala is one of our largest fundraisers of the year. Previous years we have brought in $22,000 dollars for our school which goes toward classroom upgrades, tuition assistance, and more.

      This adult-only event is held at the Westbrook Elks and includes silent and live auctions, games, dinner, a cash bar, and more! Mark your calendars now- tickets will be on sale soon!

     We need your help!! It's sponsorship season! Please help us secure sponsorships for the gala by spreading the word to your frequented businesses, local businesses or if you own your own business! Thanks to the Hessert family, Arnold family, Pasta Vita, and Lulaj family for their generous sponsorships.  Who will secure our next big sponsorship?  We need your help! Please use the sponsorship form (seelink) and spread the word. Securing sponsorships will count toward volunteer hours.  Use the attached form (see attached) and contact sponsorship coordinator Carissa Hessert or Lynn Calderoni gala co-chair at    Contact Sarah Kelly, Gala co-chair, with any other questions.

  • Grades Close Friday, March 3rd.  Report cards issued, Friday March 10th.
  • Drama Club is in need of artists to help with painting their sets for Beauty & the Beast. They are also in need of extra help with set construction.   Helping us will count towards your volunteer hours. If you are interested please contact Sister Gabriela   

 Pray With Mother   



Home School Association 


Supportive Links:


HSA General Information <HSA>

HSA Class Liaisons: < Liaisons>

HSA E-mail:






Message From the Principal            February 22, 2023

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


  • 2023/2024 Re-registration and Tuition Schedule are now available online (seelink).  Early Re-Registrations Forms and fees ($75 per student) are due to the office by this Friday, February 24.  After this date, the fee for re-registration for the 2023-24 school year will be $100 per student.  Please call the office if you have any questions. 
  • The New Student Referral Program for the upcoming year is now available (seelink)
  • Scholarship Opportunity for Students Registered for the 2023-2024 School Year (seelink)
  • FACTS application process (seelink)
  • New After School Activities February 27-April 3rd (seelink)
  • Save the Date: Soaring with the Eagles Gala (April  29th, 2023) 

The soaring with the eagles Gala is one of our largest fundraisers of the year. Previous years we have brought in $22,000 dollars for our school which goes toward classroom upgrades, tuition assistance, and more.

      This adult-only event is held at the Westbrook Elks and includes silent and live auctions, games, dinner, a cash bar, and more! Mark your calendars now- tickets will be on sale soon!

     We need your help!! It's sponsorship season! Please help us secure sponsorships for the gala by spreading the word to your frequented businesses, local businesses or if you own your own business! Thanks to the Hessert family, Arnold family, Pasta Vita, and Lulaj family for their generous sponsorships.  Who will secure our next big sponsorship?  We need your help! Please use the sponsorship form (seelink) and spread the word. Securing sponsorships will count toward volunteer hours.  Use the attached form (see attached) and contact sponsorship coordinator Carissa Hessert or Lynn Calderoni gala co-chair at    Contact Sarah Kelly, Gala co-chair, with any other questions.

  • Message From Nurse Kerry (seelink)              

 Pray With Mother   



Message From the Principal            February 15, 2023

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


  •   Mother Elaine, faculty, staff and students welcome  Mr Pearson back to Saint John school.  We all missed you! (seelink)
  •   Vice Principal Roles (seelink)
  • Save the Date: Soaring with the Eagles- Gala will be on April 29th, 2023 honoring Father Greg Brozonowicz!    

The soaring with the eagles Gala is one of our largest fundraisers of the year. Previous years we have brought in $22,000 dollars for our school which goes toward classroom upgrades, tuition assistance, and more.

      This adult-only event is held at the Westbrook Elks and includes silent and live auctions, games, dinner, a cash bar, and more! Mark your calendars now- tickets will be on sale soon!

     We need your help!! It's sponsorship season! Please help us secure sponsorships for the gala by spreading the word to your frequented businesses, local businesses or if you own your own business! Thanks to the Hessert family, Arnold family, Pasta Vita, and Lulaj family for their generous sponsorships.  Who will secure our next big sponsorship?  We need your help! Please use the sponsorship form (seelink) and spread the word. Securing sponsorships will count toward volunteer hours.  Use the attached form (see attached) and contact sponsorship coordinator Carissa Hessert or Lynn Calderoni gala co-chair at 

Contact Sarah Kelly, Gala co-chair, with any other questions.

  • 2023/2024 Re-registration and Tuition Schedule are now available online (seelink)                                                                                               
  • The New Student Referral Program for the upcoming year is now available (seelink)
  • FACTS application process (seelink)

                                            Pray With Mother   


Home School Association 


Supportive Links:


HSA General Information <HSA>

HSA Class Liaisons: < Liaisons>

HSA E-mail:




Message From the Principal            February 8, 2023

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)


  • 2023/2024 Re-registration and Tuition Schedule are now available online (seelink)
  • FACTS application process (seelink)                                                                                               
  • The New Student Referral Program for the upcoming year is now available (seelink)
  • Middle school parent meeting- Thursday, February 9th, 6pm


Home School Association News


Supportive Links:


HSA General Information <HSA>

HSA Class Liaisons: < Liaisons>

HSA E-mail:





Message From the Principal            February 1st, 2023

(Past newsletters are posted on the website under “quick links”)

  • 2023/2024 Re-registration and Tuition Schedule are now available online (seelink)
  • FACTS application process (seelink)                                                                                                  
  • The New Student Referral Program for the upcoming year is now available (seelink)
  • Morning Care Position Available- Hours are from 7:00-8:45AM. If you are interested please contact the school office.

Summary of HSA Meeting

1. Board Introduction
    a. Board assembled 4 months ago
    b. Objective of Board is to help promote and sustain the school
2. First meeting was discussion on strategic plan.The focus of strategic plan is to increase enrollment and deliver education within a Catholic Christian environment.
3. Strategic plan has 4 components of focus which are:
    a. School operations,
    b. Leadership and administration,
    c. Marketing d. Stakeholder Management
4. A Middle School Taskforce was created to address concerns within Middle School. Several accomplishments have been made with Taskforce:
    a. Changes made in Administration Suite - added resources to support workload
    b. Updated/created new policies and Procedures in faculty goal setting and           
    performance evaluations
    c. Considering establishment of math and reading enrichment classes
    d. Homework club
    e. MAPP tests being finalized with expected reporting by mid-February
5.Financial Updates
    a. Financially stable
    b. No tuition increase
6. Fundraising Updates
    a. Raffle made $147,000 for the school thank you!
    b. Gala – SAVE THE DATE April 29th 6pm- co-chairs Lynn Calderoni/Sarah Kelly
    i. We need your help soliciting SPONSORSHIPS!! EAGLE EYE Contact Carissa 
    Hessert for more information on sponsorships/donations
    b. 8th grade with “Small world Gift Shop” was a hit, coming next year same time
    c. Very successful open house- thank you to all the volunteers!
    d. Thank you for feedback on communication-
     i. Eagle Eye newsletter is now the main repository of the weekly information so that
    communication comes to you regularly and is located on website
    f. Stay tuned through EAGLE EYE regarding next in person HSA meeting beginning
    of April
7.Wellness Speaker Presentation
   a. Thank you to Stephanie Belanger, APRN who gave a wonderful wellness overview
   for parents and guardians!
8. Upon completion of Meeting, several parents remained to talk with Mother and Board members.
   a. Several families were not aware of Taskforce changes and were not receiving the
   weekly issue of Eagle Eye Newsletter.
   b. A follow-up meeting with Middle School parents, board members and     
   administration. Meeting date is February 9th at 6 PM in school library 


Past Weekly Letters