Events: 09/10/2019
SJS Band Lesson - 1st Lesson & Prospective Student Demo
Tuesday September 10th, 2019, 8am
Location: Music Room
Prospective students to the SJS Band can attend the first lesson of the year to try out the various instruments and see the current students play and ask questions. There will be an informational meeting for parents on Tuesday, September 10th @ 7pm.
Introduction to Band - Informational Meeting (parents)
Tuesday September 10th, 2019, 7pm * note time change
Location: Music Room
Might your student like to play in the SJS Band? You are welcome to attend an informational meeting given by SJS Music and Band Teacher, Mrs. Hurlburt. Topics will include instrument rental, band lessons, band concerts etc. See here for more on last year's Spring SJS Band Concert. For more information on the SJS Band Program, see here.