Events: 10/25/2019
8th Grade Fundraiser - Pie/Cookie Dough Orders Due * EXTENDED
Friday October 25th, 2019
Support the 8th Grade Graduation - Lyman Orchards pies and cookie dough. Orders are due by October 23rd (extended to October 25th) - November 4th delivery.
Thank you for your support!
Pumpkin Auction & Halloween Celebration
Friday October 25th, 2019, 6:30pm
The 8th Grade Class is hosting a Pumpkin Auction for all Saint John School students and their families. Wear your costume and join in the fun!
The live pumpkin auction will begin promptly at 7:30pm and benefit the 8th Grade class. (Also seeking donations of decorated pumpkins - please bring to school by 9am on Friday, 10/25. Please include your name and grade with your pumpkin).
A "Trunk or Treat" will follow the live auction. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Please fill in the necessary form available in the SJS office if you would like to have your car as part of the "Trunk or Treat" celebration.
Park in the office lot if you are offering trunk or treat from your vehicle. All other vehicles please park in the large school lot.
SCRIP gift cards, SJS Mugs, SJS Reusable bags will be on sale.