Events: 02/29/2024

  • Early Dismissal

    Friday March 1st — 1:00 PM
  • First Friday Mass

    Friday March 1st
  • Grades Close

    Friday March 1st
  • Open House

    Wednesday March 13th, 9 am — 12 p

    Welcome to Saint John School's Open House for the 2024-25 school year.  This morning time slot is an ideal time for visiting our Pre-K classes as nap time is in the afternoon.  All grades are available to visit at this time.  We look forward to meeting you and your family.

    GPS Directions:  Use 161 Main Street, Old Saybrook as the address for parking by the "School Entrance" for your visit.

  • Open House

    Wednesday March 13th, 1 PM — 2:30 PM

    Welcome to Saint John School's Open House for the 2024-25 school year.  Our Pre-K classes have nap time in the afternoon, please consider visiting during the morning or evening open house times.  All grades are available to visit at this time.  We look forward to meeting you and your family.

    GPS Directions:  Use 161 Main Street, Old Saybrook as the address for parking by the "School Entrance" for your visit.

  • Open House

    Wednesday March 13th, 5 PM — 7 PM

    Welcome to the Open House for Saint John School.  Come visit our school, meet our staff and ask the questions you have regarding your child attending Saint John School.  We look forward to meeting you and your family.

    GPS Directions:  Use 161 Main Street, Old Saybrook as the address for parking by the "School Entrance" for your visit.

  • No School - Professional Development Day

    Monday March 18th
  • The Wizard of Oz - Drama Production

    Saturday March 23rd, 6:00 PM

    Tickets for the performance of The Wizard of Oz - Youth Edition are available at Saint John School.  Please contact the office at 860-388-0849 to purchase tickets. 

    Tickets are also available at the door on the day of the performance.

    Adults - Ages 15 & older     $10.00

    Youth - Ages 14 & younder  $ 5.00

  • The Wizard of Oz - Drama Production

    Sunday March 24th, 1:00 PM

    Tickets Orders for the performance of The Wizard of Oz - Youth Edition are made through Saint John School. 

    Please contact the office at 860-388-0849 to order your tickets.  Your ticket order is placed on the check-in list at the door.

    Tickets are also available for purchase at the door on the day of the performance.  Payments accepted:  Cash or check (made payable to St. John School).

    Adults - Ages 15 & older     $10.00

    Youth - Ages 14 & younder  $ 5.00

  • PTO Meeting

    Wednesday March 27th, 6:30 PM — 7:30 PM

    Location: St. John School

    This meeting date was moved from Thursday, March 28 as it is Holy Thursday.

    The PTO is open to all parents of Saint John School students.  Come learn about PTO sponsored events, share your ideas and meet other parents.  The class with the most parents in attendance win a ice cream party.

  • No School - Good Friday

    Friday March 29th