Food Services

Food services is provided by TJ's Restaurant of Old Saybrook.  Meals are available for all grades (Pre-K-8) on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. 

Monday offerings include:

  • 1 Chicken Tender with Fries ($7.00) (Never frozen. Breaded and cooked at TJ's)
  • 2 Chicken Tenders with Fries ($9.00) (Never frozen. Breaded and cooked at TJ's)

Tuesday offerings include:

  • 4 inch, Fresh Turkey, American Cheese & Lettuce grinder  ($ 6.00)
  • 6 inch, Fresh Turkey, AMerican Cheese & Lettuce grinder  ($ 8.00)
  • 4 inch, Bacon, Lettuce and Cheese  ($ 6.00)
  • 6 inch, Bacon, Lettuce and Cheese  ($ 8.00) 
  • 4 inch, Ham, American Cheese & Lettuce grinder ($6.00)
  • 6 inch, Ham, American Cheese & Lettuce grinder ($8.00) 

Thursday offerings include:

  • Buttered Pasta   ($ 6.00)
  • Pasta, Sauce and one Meatball   ($ 8.00)

Friday offerings include:

  • 2 pieces of cheese pizza   ($ 6.00)
  • 3 pieces of cheeze pizza   ($ 8.00)

Sandwiches and Pizza meals include a bottle of water and a bag of chips.  Chicken Tenders and Pasta includes a bottle of water.


Meals must be ordered for the month using the order menu provided.


Payments are due at the time orders are submitted.  Payments can be made with Cash, check or money orders.   Credit Card payment is available  in the school office during school hours.

Lunch Menu

Orders for April 2025 must be submitted no later than Tuesday, March 25, 2025.

April 2025 Lunch Menu

If you need a printed copy of the menu, contact the office and one can be sent home with your child.